Uploaded: May 23, 2008 03:55:49
taken indoors in natural light from a window converted to b/w tip handle with care ouch!
Sheryl A. Hudson
May 23, 2008
Sheila D. Robertson May 23, 2008 0
Very nice work Amanda. #5966709Kathy L. Clark June 19, 2008 0
Congrats Amanda on your fabulous finalist. #6078763Jennifer L. Alder June 20, 2008 0
Congrats, Amanda, on this wonderful first place win! #6085771Michael Umbreit June 20, 2008 0
Amanda - Congratulations on your win!! - Mike #6086266
Mary Beth Aiello
June 20, 2008
Eugenio Diaz June 21, 2008 0
CONGRATULATIONS on your First Place WINNER!!!!! #6087624Amanda Cass June 21, 2008 0
woah can't beleive it !!shocked ! and amazed ! don't know how many times this thistle pricked me so was worth the pain in the end lol
Elida Gutierrez
June 21, 2008
Lisa J. Boulden
June 21, 2008
Tarun Bose June 21, 2008 0
Big congrats Amanda for your first prize winner. #6088443Colette M. Metcalf June 21, 2008 0
Congratulations!!! #6088643
Jeff Robinson
June 21, 2008
Colleen Farrell June 21, 2008 0
Great image, Amanda! Big congrats on your first place win! #6090480
Stephanie Frey
June 21, 2008
Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 22, 2008 0
Congratulations! Great details, design and tones Amanda! #6092999Michael G. Marshall June 23, 2008 0
Congratulations on your wonderful winner Amanda! Michael #6094486Dr. Harmeet Singh June 23, 2008 0
Heartiest congratulations #6095088
Jacqualyn A. Volker
June 24, 2008
Mitzie Loland June 25, 2008 0
Congratulations on your winner Amanda!! #6103907RC Fritz June 29, 2008 0
Big Congratulations on your WIN!! #6120465
Dominick M. Dimacale
July 06, 2008
Dominick #6146929
Milan Banik July 11, 2008 0
excellent shot AmandaSign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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