Squirrel hug
Uploaded: May 20, 2008 13:09:30
Exif: F Number: 6.3, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/2000 seconds, Flash: fired, compulsory flash mode, return light detected, ISO: 640, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 300.00 mm, Model: NIKON D300
Anne M. Young
May 20, 2008
Lisa R. Buffington
May 20, 2008
Christina N. Seuser May 20, 2008 0
Great Capture! Love the expression, it is like he/she knew they were doing a photo shoot :) #5951861Sandy Hawkins May 20, 2008 0
Thank you all so much, Anne, Lisa and Christina!Sandy :-) #5952245
Amber J. Skene May 20, 2008 0
Awesome capture! Gorgeous colors, details, and clarity! #5952323Sandy Hawkins May 21, 2008 0
Thank you very much, Amber! #5956960Sandy Hawkins May 22, 2008 0
Thank you, Cheryl!Sandy :-) #5959383
Debbie Price May 23, 2008 0
Beautiful colors! Love this photo. dp #5964144Sandy Hawkins May 23, 2008 0
Thank you, Debbie!Cheers,
Sandy :-) #5964201
Stephanie Frey
May 29, 2008
Sandy Hawkins May 30, 2008 0
Thank you very much, Stephanie!Blessings,
Sandy 0:-) #5996423
Jessica Jenney June 19, 2008 0
CONGRATULATIONS, Sandy on your beautiful finalist!!! I told you your animal images are amazing! ;-D #6078194Tammy Espino June 19, 2008 0
Congrats on the finalist! You are right, he is pretty cute! :) #6078249Sandy Hawkins June 19, 2008 0
Thank you so much, Jessica and Tammy!!Jessica...thank you for your encouragement!
Congrats to all!!
Sandy :-) #6078712
Melissa G. Meiselman June 19, 2008 0
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Sandy!!! This is a fantastic shot!!! #6079484Susan M. Campbell June 19, 2008 0
Way to go Sandy....congrats!! #6080112Derek D. Dafoe June 19, 2008 0
WTG!! Congrats on your great Finalist!! #6080702Sandy Hawkins June 19, 2008 0
Thank you so much, Melissa, Susan, and Derek! I really appreciate all the nice comments.Sandy :-) #6081445
Vladan D. Djordjevic June 20, 2008 0
Congratulations on your fantastic finalist! Terrific photo! #6081942Sandy Hawkins June 20, 2008 0
Thank you very much, Vladan!Sandy :-) #6081991
Sam Britt June 20, 2008 0
Congratulations, Sandy! #6082090Debra R. Harder June 20, 2008 0
Oh, Sandy...this is ADORABLE!! BIG CONGRATULATIONS on this CUTE-AS-CAN-BE finalist!! Deb #6082258
Lisa J. Boulden
June 20, 2008
Jessica Jenney June 20, 2008 0
Big congrats on your gorgeous win, Sandy! #6086153Sandy Hawkins June 20, 2008 0
Thank you all so much, Debra, Lisa, Sam, and Jessica! I so much appreicate each and every comment!Jessica...thank you for ALL your kind words!
Sandy :-) #6086224
Sam Britt June 20, 2008 0
Congratulations on this winner, Sandy! #6087041Vladan D. Djordjevic June 21, 2008 0
Congratulations on your terrific winner! #6087230
Elida Gutierrez
June 21, 2008
Colette M. Metcalf June 21, 2008 0
This is SOOO adorable!!! Congratulations!!!! #6088667Sandy Hawkins June 21, 2008 0
So many thanks to all of you, Sam, Vladan, Elida, and Colette!Elida...thanks for the Golden Cup trophy! How very nice of you to create and send that to all the winners!
Sandy :-) #6088948
Vikram Jamwal June 21, 2008 0
Too good!!! Congratulations Sandy! #6089957
Jeff Robinson
June 21, 2008
Sandy Hawkins June 21, 2008 0
Thank you so much, Vikram and Jeff!Sandy :-) #6090962
Carol Teal June 22, 2008 0
So cute! Congrats on your win!! #6093432Christina N. Seuser June 22, 2008 0
Congratulations on your win, this is a fabulous image it is very well deserved! #6093445Sandy Hawkins June 23, 2008 0
Thank you so very much, Carol and Christina!Cheers,
Sandy :-) #6096095
Susan M. Campbell June 24, 2008 0
Woo hoo!! Nice job Sandy. Congrats on your win. #6101800Keith Butler June 24, 2008 0
Great capture Sandy,Congratulations on your win. well deserved. #6102435
Hosey M. Harrell III
June 25, 2008
Sandy Hawkins June 25, 2008 0
Thank you all so much, Susan, Keith and Achie!Sandy :-) #6106046
Sharon Sawyer July 01, 2008 0
Congratulations on your well deserved gold win, Sandy. WTGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #6129611Sandy Hawkins July 02, 2008 0
Thank you very much, Bev and Sharon! #6130132Alex T. Mizuno July 04, 2008 0
Clarity and the vivid colors are impressive! Your animal photos are all stunning Sandy! Congratulations on your win!! #6137801
Dominick M. Dimacale
July 06, 2008
Dominick #6146897
Sandy Hawkins July 07, 2008 0
Thank you so much, Alex and Dominick!Sandy :-) #6149002
Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 28, 2008 0
Congratulations Sandy, such a great winning image. Super cute! #6673508Dawn M. Schneider January 09, 2009 0
WOW!!! congrats on the win, can you tell me your settings and any filters, NONE of my squirrel shots look like this. #7002789
William C. Raco
February 08, 2009
Lisa J. Boulden
May 29, 2009
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