
Uploaded: May 15, 2008 14:52:32


Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/2500 seconds, Flash: Strobe return light not detected., ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 105.00 mm, Model: NIKON D200


Stephanie Laird level-classic May 15, 2008 0

Wow Karen! What a powerful, striking yet totally artistic image! Beautiful!!! #921821

Renata Gusciora May 15, 2008 0

Interesting image! #5926021

Sharon F. Morris level-classic May 15, 2008 0

Very striking image. Love your effects on this. :-) #5926134

Lynn M. Whitt May 15, 2008 0

Gorgous, love it!!!! #5926404

Karen Slagle May 15, 2008 0

Thanks so much Stephanie, Renata, Sharon and Lynn. #5926434

Scott A. McDaniel May 15, 2008 0

Excellent treatment. Fantastic work #5926735

Mike D. Perez level-deluxe May 16, 2008 0

Beautiful, Karen! #5928811

Karen Slagle May 16, 2008 0

Thank you Scott and Mike... #5930530

Lisa J. Boulden level-classic May 20, 2008 0

Beautiful, artistic, and dramatic!!!
Great work, Karen!
~Lisa #5952027

Karen Slagle May 20, 2008 0

Thank you, Lisa. I appreciate your thoughts on this. #5953384

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic May 23, 2008 0

Beautiful!! #5964631

Karen Slagle May 24, 2008 0

Thank you Shelly. #5970727

Kathy Cline May 24, 2008 0

Good Morning Karen...I truly enjoyed your gallery again. This horsey is a sign of a true artist! Its just too cool!! Congratualtions on all your wins! KATHY #5970734

Karen Slagle May 24, 2008 0

Thank you Kathy, for all your generous comments. I appreciate you taking the time to look and for sending your remarks...Have a wonderful Memorial Day and weekend. #5971759

Sherry Karr Adkins level-classic May 27, 2008 0

Karen, this is beautiful. Very nice effects! Glad to see you back on BP. I've missed you! #5981585

Karen Slagle May 27, 2008 0

Thanks Sherry. This is an old one that I messed with. Still haven't picked up my camera but maybe someday. I'm taking it one day at a time. #5982913

Susanne V. Schroeder May 28, 2008 0

Out of this world... your horse pictures are so powerful and fantastic!! #5989991

Karen Slagle May 29, 2008 0

Thank you Susanne for your very nice comments. #5990480

Linda L. Ruiz June 08, 2008 0

Wow Karen, I just love this shot. excellent. #6031771

Marilyn K. Lincecum level-classic June 08, 2008 0

Great to see you back !!! This is so beautiful..love the effects and PS work. Gorgeous lighting, textures and colors. #6031878

Karen Slagle June 08, 2008 0

Thank you Linda and Marilyn for your wonderful remarks. I'm slowly making my way back, Marilyn, it's been a long haul. #6033133

Judy Williams June 16, 2008 0

Holy Cow!!!! that is fantastic. Would make a killer print - I'm in awe. #6065757

Karen Slagle June 16, 2008 0

Thank you Judy, I'm pleased you like this one so much... #6065849

Jennifer L. Alder June 19, 2008 0

Fascinating treatment- big congrats on this unique finalist, Karen! :) #6078894

Jessica Jenney June 19, 2008 0

Congratulations, Karen on your gorgeous finalist! #6079187

Marilyn K. Lincecum level-classic June 19, 2008 0

CONGRATULATIONS Karen on your beautiful finalist and good luck in the next round!!! #6079630

Nadya Johnson June 19, 2008 0

Congrats on your stunning finalist, Karen! #6079722

Karen Slagle June 19, 2008 0

Thanks so much Jennifer, Jessica, Marilyn and Nadya. #6080339

Sam Britt June 19, 2008 0

Congratulations, Karen! #6081170

Deb Koskovich June 19, 2008 0

Congrats, Karen -- this is stunning! #6081184

Vladan D. Djordjevic June 19, 2008 0

Congratulations, Karen! This is an amazing photo with fantastic color, effects and comp. #6081594

Cyn Valentine June 20, 2008 0

Congratulations Karen..beautiful! #6081796

Sherry Karr Adkins level-classic June 20, 2008 0

Congrats on your finalist, Karen! #6081850

Colleen Farrell June 20, 2008 0

Fantastic DD work--congratulations on your finalist! #6082147

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe June 20, 2008 0

COngrats Karen on this Excellent Finalist!! Jeff #6084168

Karen Slagle June 20, 2008 0

Thank you Sam, Deb, Vladan, Cyn, Sherry, Colleen and Jeff. #6084259

Sharon F. Morris level-classic June 20, 2008 0

Congrats Karen on your finalist. Awesome DD work. #6084617

Kimi A. Phillips June 20, 2008 0

CONGRATS TO YOU!!:) #6085399

Linda M. Mishler June 20, 2008 0

Wow Karen...this is like looking at a gorgeous piece of prophetic art.Check out The Elijahlist.com and look in their prophetic art.This should be there.
It is like looking at heaven and earth at the same time with the Rider of the white horse making a brilliant entrance!
Love it! Love it! #6085422

Karen Slagle June 20, 2008 0

Thank you Sharon, Kimi and Linda. #6085430

Sharon F. Morris level-classic June 20, 2008 0

Congrats Karen !! #6085801

Samantha L. Dean June 20, 2008 0

Congratulations Karen! This is most excellent! Have to tell me how you did it someday. ;-) #6085961

Kimi A. Phillips June 20, 2008 0

CONGRATS!!!!:) #6086088

Nadya Johnson June 20, 2008 0

Congratulations on your winner, Karen! #6086123

Jennifer L. Alder June 20, 2008 0

Gorgeous winner, Karen, Congrats! :) #6086134

Jessica Jenney June 20, 2008 0

Congratulations, Karen on your beautiful win! #6086184

Karen Slagle June 20, 2008 0

Thanks so much Sharon, Samantha, Kimi, Nadya, Jennifer and Jessica... #6086849

Claudia Kuhn level-classic June 20, 2008 0

Wonderful work Karen, congratulations on your win! #6087074

Vladan D. Djordjevic June 21, 2008 0

I love horses, but you did an artistic image here.

Congratulations on your fantastic Win!!! Vladan #6087183

Cyn Valentine June 21, 2008 0

Fabulous...big congratulations Karen!!! #6087218

Mary Timman June 21, 2008 0

Congratulations Karen! #6087253

Deb Koskovich June 21, 2008 0

Congrats again, Karen -- way to go with this stunning winner! #6087340

Jill Flynn June 21, 2008 0

Congratulations on your win Karen! #6087421

Karen Slagle June 21, 2008 0

Thanks so much Claudia, Vladan, Cyn, Mary, Deb and Jill. #6087433

Cassie L. Woodlee June 21, 2008 0

Congratulations, Karen!!!!! #6087663

Elida Gutierrez level-classic June 21, 2008 0

The Golden Cup
A Special Trophy for
"The May Winners" #6087788

Renata Gusciora June 21, 2008 0

Big congratulations,Karen!!!:-) #6088242

Tarun Bose June 21, 2008 0

Congrats Karen for your excellent winner. #6088517

Colette M. Metcalf June 21, 2008 0


Karen Slagle June 21, 2008 0

Thanks alot Cassie, Elida, Renata, Tarun and Colette. #6089535

Colleen Farrell June 21, 2008 0

Congratulations on a well-deserved win, Karen! :) #6090507

eileen bedford June 21, 2008 0

Congratulations on this beautiful art piece, well done Karen...... #6090542

Karen Slagle June 21, 2008 0

Thanks alot Colleen and Eileen. #6090629

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe June 21, 2008 0

Congrats Karen on your Win!! Jeff #6090830

Karen Slagle June 21, 2008 0

Thank you Jeff. #6090945

Datha Y. Thompson June 23, 2008 0

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Gorgeous!! :0) #6095048

Karen Slagle June 23, 2008 0

Thank you Datha. #6095905

Kathy L. Clark June 25, 2008 0

Karen congratulations on your beautiful winner. #6103146

Karen Slagle June 29, 2008 0

Thank you Kathy. #6118351

July 05, 2008 0

Beautiful, Karen! Congratulations on another winner! #6142387

Karen Slagle July 05, 2008 0

Thank you Deborah. I looked at your gallery but with the new format there is no way to comment. Hope they fix it soon. #6142716

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict July 06, 2008 0

Congratulations karen on your Win.

Dominick #6146847

Karen Slagle July 07, 2008 0

Thank you Dominick. #6149204

Jean E. Hildebrant July 18, 2008 0

Wow! What a dramatic piece of art, Karen! Your gallery is fantastic! I can't wait to view all of it! #6194629

Karen Slagle July 18, 2008 0

Thanks alot Jean... #6194998

July 22, 2008 0

Yeah Karen!!! Congrats on your gorgeous finalist!!! #6209301

Karen Slagle July 22, 2008 0

Thank you Deborah. #6210256

Jennifer A. Lambert January 05, 2009 0

CONGRATULATIONS !!! I ALWAYS know when its a SLAGLE....you are a magnificant artist.. !
You should REALLY put a book together with your work !!
Blessings, Jenny #6985985

Karen Slagle January 05, 2009 0

Wow, Jennifer. You are so sweet. I truly appreciate your terrific remarks and you give me something to think about. Thank you so very much.....Karen #6986231

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