Getting the Last Word
Uploaded: May 06, 2008 20:20:03
POTD: Cocoa 5/8/08; Best Photo 5/14/08; Photo Showdonw 7/1/08
I caught this encounter, but with an impossible background, so I moved them out of nature and on to black.
Ronald Balthazor May 06, 2008 0
Very well done, Sharon. Striking image. #916173Dale Hardin May 06, 2008 0
A truly beautiful image Sharon. Your choice of background and lighting highly enhance the dramatic color of this fine composition. Wonderfully done. Dale #5891871
Mike D. Perez
May 07, 2008
Vladan D. Djordjevic May 07, 2008 0
Lovely birds. #5893432Joan Powell May 08, 2008 0
Love it , nice work ! #5897704eileen bedford May 18, 2008 0
LOVE THESE GUYS, they are so much fun to watch. Love your newly created bg. BG's can be a problem with flimangos, well done... #5936027Karen T. Moore May 19, 2008 0
This is truly a great piece of art. Stunning in every way. The details in the feathers, their expression, the black background with just a tad of light. You couldn't make this any more perfect. #5939327Jennifer L. Alder June 19, 2008 0
LOL!! What a fun image- big congrats on this terrific finalist, Sharon :) #6078966Christian Rosito June 19, 2008 0
Congratulations! Great finalist!! #6079059Dale Hardin June 19, 2008 0
If ever an image deserved a finalist award, this was it. Congratulations. Dale #6080492James Quantz Jr. June 20, 2008 0
Great image, Sharon! Fantastic post work in masking those flamingos. #6082457Jennifer L. Alder June 20, 2008 0
A fantastic winning image, Congrats! :) #6085849
Elida Gutierrez
June 21, 2008
Denise Denomy June 21, 2008 0
THIS IS FANTASTIC, SHARON!!!Colleen Farrell June 21, 2008 0
This is really, really wonderful--big congratulations on your win! #6090503
Claudia Kuhn
June 21, 2008
Jean-Pierre Ducondi July 04, 2008 0
Amazing colors and action. Congrats on your win.
Dominick M. Dimacale
July 06, 2008
Dominick #6146753
Dale Hardin July 07, 2008 0
Congratulations on the win. A great image and well deserved. Dale #6147280Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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