Footprints in the Snow

© Cheryl E. Davis

Footprints in the Snow

Uploaded: December 21, 2007 15:14:33



This was taken a couple of years ago. I was taking snow pictures while standing in the road and saw my footprints behind me. I thought it would make a nice shot. This is a rework, hope you like it!

Exif: F Number: 14, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/10 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 800, FocalLength: 45.00 mm, Model: NIKON D70


Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict December 21, 2007 0

I love this, Cheryl.

Dominick #812557

Joy Rector December 21, 2007 0

beautiful #5239339

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe December 21, 2007 0

I like this a lot! Very well done Cheryl!! Jeff #5239571

Linda D. Lester level-classic December 21, 2007 0 it! #5239718

Les Rhoades level-classic December 21, 2007 0

Love it! It's simple and effective. #5240041

John Caruso December 22, 2007 0

What a great comp and a great capture! Fantastic work! #5243273

Cheryl E. Davis December 22, 2007 0

Thank you, Dominick, Joy, Jeff, Linda, Les, and John! I appreciate you taking the time to view and comment! #5243550

Jill Odice level-classic December 23, 2007 0

Sometimes we forget to look behind us, and that's were the great shot is! Glad you did ....Happy holidays buddy! #5245758

December 30, 2007 0

Ha!! That's really creative! Love it!! #5267669

Datha Y. Thompson January 08, 2008 0

LOVE This Cheryl!! :0) #5307350

Michelle L. Frick January 25, 2008 0

Congratulations Cheryl!! #5392614

Dr Silly level-classic January 25, 2008 0

Congratulations Cheryl on your finalist. :O)

Pat Gamwell January 25, 2008 0

WTG, girl! Big congrats! #5392869

Elida Gutierrez level-classic January 25, 2008 0

Congrats in you finalist!!! #5392922

Sherry L. Davis January 25, 2008 0

Awesome! Congratulations on making finalist! Great work! #5393391

Nadya Johnson January 25, 2008 0

What a cool concept! Congratulations on your finalist! #5393488

Sylvia Rossler January 25, 2008 0

Big Big congrats on your win Cheryl :O) #5394180

Dr Silly level-classic January 25, 2008 0

Cheryl congrats on the gold. :O)

Chris Budny level-deluxe January 25, 2008 0

Congratulations on your first Win, Cheryl! A very eye-catching, graphic punch to this image! #5394587

Laurence Saliba level-classic January 25, 2008 0

Congratulations Cheryl!!!! #5394663

Susie Peek-Swint January 25, 2008 0

Many congrats Cheryl ~ WTG! #5394708

Cheryl E. Davis January 25, 2008 0

THANK YOU, EVERYONE! MY FIRST WIN! YIPPEE! I'm so excited! #5394799

Susan M. Campbell January 25, 2008 0 did it!!!! Well deserved. #5394868

Susan M. Hembree January 25, 2008 0

Congratulations on your first win, Cheryl! You did great! #5395065

Jessica Jenney January 26, 2008 0

Congratulations, Cheryl on your first win! I wish you many more! #5395563

Elida Gutierrez level-classic January 26, 2008 0

Especialy for the winners #5395616

Jill Odice level-classic January 26, 2008 0

YIPPEE!!!! Congrats Cheryl on your winner, though all your images are winners as far as I am concerned! #5395814

Cheryl E. Molennor January 26, 2008 0

Fabulous, Congratulations! #5395879

Susan Fox January 26, 2008 0

A big congrats on your wonderful win Cheryl!!!!!!! #5396306

Corinne M. Thompson January 26, 2008 0

Excellent image Cheryl, Congrats on your First Win! :) #5397382

Lee Canham level-classic January 26, 2008 0

Excellent..BIG CONGRATULATIONS Cheryl #5398003

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe January 26, 2008 0

Congrats Cheryl on your very well deserved Win!! Jeff #5398036

Les Rhoades level-classic January 26, 2008 0

A BiG Congratulations on your 2nd place Win! #5398270

Nikki McDonald level-classic January 26, 2008 0

Congratulations on the win on this eye-catching image. I love it and am thrilled for you. #5398692

RC Fritz January 26, 2008 0

Congratulations on your WIN!! #5398775

Sharon Day January 26, 2008 0

Fantastic shot, Cheryl!! Big congratulations on your win! #5399288

Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 27, 2008 0

Creative and cool Cheryl!!! A beautiful winning image!!! Congratulations!!! #5402282

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic January 27, 2008 0

Super work and congrats! #5402529

Joannie Bertucci level-classic January 28, 2008 0

Congratulations girlfriend!
I can't believe this is your first win, since I know your work that has to be impossible!
A very well deserved win indeed! #5407104

Katarina Mansson January 29, 2008 0

Cognratulations Cheryl on this stylish winner! #5411348

Tarun Bose January 29, 2008 0

Big congrats Cheryl, for your excellent winner. #5412672

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict February 01, 2008 0

Congratulations Cheryl on your Win!

Dominick #5426629

Ivan Chacon February 25, 2008 0

Big congrats! :) #5546870

Anonymous March 05, 2008 0

Congratulations Cheryl! Great capture!
C :) #5593618

Abeer 5aloti Al musawi March 05, 2008 0

WOW geat pic #5597364

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