
© Christian Drouin


Uploaded: December 20, 2007 23:51:26


D2x, 17-55mm f2.8 @28 mm, 1/250s,f5.6, iso 400.The Mount House on Gagetown Island, NB, is the first stone house built in the province. The sky had just starting to clear up as the sun now low on the horizon just turns all the clouds on fire. The luckiest thing was to get this ospray not only in the frame but also hit by a sunray.


Chris N. Sweet December 20, 2007 0

Magnificent! A truly great shot. #812082

Christian Drouin December 21, 2007 0

Thank you very much Chris for your comment. Chris #5236272

Leanne M.E. Boyd December 21, 2007 0

Well, this is feast for the eyes - Love it!!!!!!!!!!!! Excellent shot, Christian! #5236786

Christian Drouin December 21, 2007 0

Thank you Leanne, it is one of these shots that happened like that, for a quick instant, and if you're lucky enough to be there when it occurs, then it might become a real feast for your eyes, and memories...because this very moment will last in me forever. Best Regards, Chris #5236809

Tammy Espino December 21, 2007 0

Beautiful~ #5236922

Kerry W. Willis December 28, 2007 0

Inspiring... breath-taking colors... all joy, K.W. #5260709

Christian Drouin December 30, 2007 0

Thank you all and best wishes for the New Year. I'll be away to Asia for the next two weeks, shooting left and right, so that I can share some with you guys. Cheers, Christian. #5268154

Elida Gutierrez level-classic January 26, 2008 0

Especialy for the winners #5395730

Evy Johansen level-classic January 26, 2008 0

Congratulations on your beautiful win, Christian!! #5396828

Christian Drouin January 26, 2008 0

Thank you so much, this is very nice of you. Christian #5396944

Brian D. Watters January 28, 2008 0

Wow! Congratulations on your placement in the Better Photo monthly contest Christian. It is truly a mark of excellence to even make finalist here and placing as an end month winner is a confirmation that you love what you do and do what you love.
As you know, I've had the pleasure of seeing this image in large format print, and for those whom have not, I can assure you that it is even more grand when you can see it in person.
Congratulations also on your Best of show with this in the Canadian Forces 2007 annual photo contest, and feature in Digital Photographer Magazine. I know there are other things developing (no pun intended) with your work, and I'm very happy that you've finally decided to show your works on-line here with Betterphoto, and hopefully other sites soon.
Congratulations again my friend.
-Brian #5409520

Christian Drouin January 29, 2008 0

Thank you very much for your unconditional support Brian.
It is highly appreciated, Chris #5410334

paola A. Jofre February 04, 2008 0

Congratulations Christian!! so very well deserved!! This is a beautiful piece of art. I love it!! #5441815

Christian Drouin February 05, 2008 0

Wow, thank you very much, I surely appreciate this supporting comment. Hopefully in the near future I will have the time to go visit, enjoy and comment on your own work and the one of others that took this time to transmit their appreciation. Best regards Christian. #5443609

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