Oh Joy

Uploaded: December 15, 2007 19:36:22


edited in psp9, digital entry, 12/15/07. Ep winner.

Exif: F Number: 9, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/160 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 55.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT


Hendrik Storme December 22, 2007 0

Beautiful work Brinn! #813214

Brinn MacDougall December 23, 2007 0

Thank you, Hendrik! #5246557

January 16, 2008 0

This is gorgeous, Brinn! Love all that color. #5349970

Brinn MacDougall January 17, 2008 0

Thanks Deborah!! #5353339

Philippe Vieux-Jeanton January 25, 2008 0

Congratulation Brinn!! A just recompense for a brilliant work!!! #5392641

Jennifer L. Alder January 25, 2008 0

Congrats, Brinn, on this most colorful and beautiful finalist image! :) #5393539

Sylvia Rossler January 25, 2008 0

Big Big congrats on your wonderful winner Brinn :o) #5394297

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic January 25, 2008 0

Congratulations on your second place winner, Brinn. #5394416

Jennifer L. Alder January 25, 2008 0

Wow-- a winner!! Congrats ,Brinn! #5394448

Nadya Johnson January 25, 2008 0

Beautiful! Congratulations, Brinn! #5394517

Steve M. Harrington January 25, 2008 0

Good on you, Brinn! :)
Steve #5394545

Laurie Daily level-deluxe January 25, 2008 0

Congrats to you Brinn on your wonderful winner! #5394830

Mike D. Perez level-deluxe January 25, 2008 0

Congratulations on your great Winner, Brinn! #5395020

Brinn MacDougall January 25, 2008 0

Thank you so much, I had no idea..no finalist this month? Never got an e-mail..lol #5395084

Jessica Jenney January 26, 2008 0

COngratulations, Brinn on this gorgeous win! #5395572

Elida Gutierrez level-classic January 26, 2008 0

Especialy for the winners
http://www.betterphoto.com/gallery/big.php?photoID=5538549&catID=&style=&rowNumber=1&memberID=258086 #5395653

Cheryl E. Molennor January 26, 2008 0

Congratulations #5395909

Nadine A. Lewis January 26, 2008 0

CONGRATULATIONS on this much deserved win!!!!! <>< #5395978

Lorri Shane January 26, 2008 0

congratulations, Brinn! Oh JOY! is right. I am so excited for you!!!!
Lorri #5396834

Jill Flynn January 26, 2008 0

A big congratulations on your win Brinn! #5396899

Brinn MacDougall January 26, 2008 0

Thank you so much, it means a lot to me! #5399252

Cary Rogers January 26, 2008 0

Big CONGRATS on this colorful composition, Brinn! #5399672

Kristi A. Howson January 26, 2008 0

Congratulations on this wonderful Winner Brinn! Simply gorgeous and what a joy seeing it win!!! #5399874

Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 27, 2008 0

Congratulations Brinn, the colors are fabulous! #5402306

Patrick Rouzes level-classic January 27, 2008 0

CONGRATULATIONS,Brinn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #5402789

Brinn MacDougall January 27, 2008 0

Thank you so much!!! #5402986

Emile Abbott level-classic January 27, 2008 0

Huge congratulation on a wonderful winner Brinn. Way to go. #5404417

Vicki Hunt January 28, 2008 0

OH JOY! is right! I am so happy for you! #5406778

Kimi A. Phillips January 28, 2008 0

Congrats, Brinn!!!!! #5408287

Brinn MacDougall January 28, 2008 0

Thank you for your well wishes, how kind!! #5408501

Murry Grigsby January 28, 2008 0

Congrats on your beautiful image and win Brinn!! #5409201

Debra R. Harder January 28, 2008 0

HUGE CONGRATS, Brinn, on this AMAZING image! WOW! This is OUTSTANDING! Deb #5409862

Charlene Taylor January 29, 2008 0

Hi Brinn,
A big congratulations for winning with this wonderful picture! This is truly outstanding. #5412978

Brinn MacDougall January 29, 2008 0

Thank you so much!! #5413812

Karen Bacon January 30, 2008 0

A big congrats on this gorgeous winner Brinn!!! #5418391

Brinn MacDougall January 31, 2008 0

Thanks, Karen! #5423372

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict February 01, 2008 0

Congratulations Brinn on your Win! #5426656

Brinn MacDougall February 01, 2008 0

Thanks, Doninick!! #5428132

Raymond Pauly February 26, 2008 0

Congratulations, Brinn! Lovely winner! #5550992

Brinn MacDougall February 26, 2008 0

Thank you, Raymond! #5555202

February 26, 2008 0

I love your photograph! #5555466

Brinn MacDougall February 27, 2008 0

Thank you, Lydia! #5561745

Jennifer A. Lambert August 03, 2008 0

CONGRATS....This is BEAUTIFUL and very nicely presented.
Blessings, Jenny N Bama #6263235

Brinn MacDougall August 03, 2008 0

Thank you for taking a look and your comment, Jenny! #6265508

Dale Hardin August 26, 2008 0

Hi Brinn. Don't know how I missed this. Congratulations. This is lovely with its bold colors and subdued background. The creativity and sense of color are marvelous. Love it. #6371085

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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