Uploaded: December 13, 2007 01:15:30
Exif: F Number: 7.1, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/320 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 35.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT
Songbird Cline
December 13, 2007
Debbie E. Payne December 13, 2007 0
Thank you for your comments, Songbird. What I find amazing about this shot is the clouds. I have never seen such interesting clouds. I think they have a particular name but it escapes me. Can anyone help? #5201599
Songbird Cline
December 13, 2007
Debbie E. Payne December 13, 2007 0
Every year, in Colorado Springs, there is a Colorado Balloon Festival on Memorial Day. I just took these from the ground. The image you are seeing I took shortly after it took off. I got very few good shots that day for some reason, but this one was definitely a keeper. One day I plan on going up in one and taking my shots from a different perspective. But would like to take the ride in Napa, CA or upstate New York in the fall. #5201881Debbie E. Payne December 13, 2007 0
I'll figure out how to get up in the air somehow. We do have some friends who marshall this event every year. It's just a matter of making up my mind when to do it! #5202161Michelle L. Frick January 25, 2008 0
Congratulations Debbie - this is beautiful!! #5392741
Kay E. Mahoney
January 25, 2008
Deborah Lewinson
January 25, 2008
Elida Gutierrez
January 26, 2008
Sam Britt January 26, 2008 0
Congratulations, Debbie! #5396157Debbie E. Payne January 26, 2008 0
Michelle, Kay, Debby, Elida andSam -- Thank you for commenting - this came as aTOTAL surprise this afternoon. Good ending to a very COLD week here! #5396387
Jeff Robinson
January 26, 2008
Linda Blair January 26, 2008 0
Congrats Debbie on your win...this is gorgeous!!!!!! ☺ #5400314Roger Fry January 27, 2008 0
Fantastic- and congratulations , well deserved! #5402155Debbie E. Payne January 27, 2008 0
Jeff, Linda and Roger -- Thank you for your congrats! #5402181Terri Beloit January 27, 2008 0
Congrats, Debbie, on your award...it's an awesome photo...I love the color, and the composition...way to go!! :-) #5402321Debbie E. Payne January 27, 2008 0
Thank you for "stopping by", Terri. I miss the BP classes. Taking a break for a couple of months! Great self-portrait, BTW! Are you taking any classes this time around? #5402331Gerri R. Jones January 27, 2008 0
Congratulation Debbie...a memorable image! Beautiful work!!! #5402774Lynn Haack January 29, 2008 0
Debbie - WOW...what a beatuiful photo. The color and clarity is fantastic! So very enjoyable! It feels and looks like a wonderful adventure! A BIG congrats on this stunning WINNER. Lynn #5410176Debbie E. Payne January 29, 2008 0
Thank you, everyone. I always find fun images at this balloon festival. We started going years ago when my son always had to get up at the crack of dawn to flip pancakes for his high school Key Club as a moneymaker at the Balloon Festival. Because everyone there is taking pictures in all directions, it is easy to be the "stealth photographer" and point your camera at just about anything and get away with it! - including cute kids! #5411025Heather January 29, 2008 0
This is Wonderful Debbie!! Congrats! :) #5411047Debbie E. Payne January 29, 2008 0
Heather -- Your gallery is awesome. Thanks for visiting mine and guess we'll be keeping an eye out for each other's photos! We learn so much from each other. #5411121
Dominick M. Dimacale
February 01, 2008
Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 06, 2008 0
An outstanding winning image Debbie, congratulations!! And a great PhotoFlash feature too! #5453536Debbie E. Payne February 06, 2008 0
Thank you, Donna! I was pleasantly surprised to see it in PhotoFlash, too! #5453561Debbie E. Payne February 06, 2008 0
Thank you, Donna! I was pleasantly surprised to see it in PhotoFlash, too! #5453562Mary E. Heinz February 07, 2008 0
Stunning ! I'll be contacting you for some advice/ about an upcoming event that might be similar... #5456438RC Fritz February 07, 2008 0
GREAT JOB, Debbie! Fantastic composition and title! Congratulations!! #5457588Melissa Malisia February 08, 2008 0
WOW Debbie, Big congrats on this beautiful 2nd place winner!! :) #5464618Debbie E. Payne February 08, 2008 0
Thanks, Mary, RC, and Melissa -- That beautiful sky and sunshine makes me wish that Memorial Day would hurry up and get here.. I appreciate your comments.#5465164
Shari Kelly February 09, 2008 0
YEAH!!! Debbie, what a view!!!ps...been quit busy lately, we're in the process of building our home...school, Company, traveling,...thanks for asking....
hope all is well with you...Take Care... #5470033
Louise Souchereau February 19, 2008 0
Hi Debbie...
Irene Colling
February 29, 2008
Debbie E. Payne March 01, 2008 0
Thank you Sharon, Louise and Irene. I can hardly wait til Memorial Day and I'll have another chance at this! #5574690David Martinez Fresneda March 18, 2008 0
Nice colors and light moment. #5660000Mary E. Heinz March 19, 2008 0
Getting closer for my event to try my hand at photos like this...can't wait/ this isTeresa H. Hunt July 24, 2010 0
Wow Debbie, this one is amazing!! I love it!! #8782733Debbie E. Payne July 24, 2010 0
Mary and David - not sure how I missed your wonderful comments back in March. I apologize. In February, I fell and broke my humerus in four places and was not in too good a shape around the time frame and missed this. This remains one of my favorite balloon photos. Can't wait for Labor Day weekend this year so I can go out and celebrate another Balloon Fest in Colorado Springs.Thanks, Teresa. I appreciate your comments and all your help in Phellos! #8782921
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