Colors of Christmas
Uploaded: December 08, 2007 22:07:08
1/25, f/8, 100mm.
Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/25 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D
Theresa Marie Jones
December 08, 2007
Linda Blair December 08, 2007 0
Beautiful!!!!! ☺ #5184354Renee Doyle December 08, 2007 0
Gorgeous christmans capture Terry!! #5184420Karen Engelbreth December 08, 2007 0
Wonderful image - love the comp and color, Terry! #5184488aaaaa bbbbb December 09, 2007 0
Another pretty one Terry.Wonderful detail and sharpness. #5185053
Jill Schreiner December 09, 2007 0
Wow, tack sharp and wonderful brilliant colors! Excellent work!!! #5185385
Sheryl A. Hudson
December 09, 2007
Claudia Kuhn
December 09, 2007
Linda L. Ruiz December 09, 2007 0
This I love....The colors just pop. Stunning!! #5187293Susan M. Campbell December 09, 2007 0
Love all your ornaments but this is my favorite so far. Excellent in all ways!!! #5187868Ronald F. Fischer December 09, 2007 0
Fantastic!! I love the rich colors!! #5188584
Deborah Lewinson
December 10, 2007
Jill Odice
December 10, 2007
Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas
December 12, 2007
Lisa G. Putman December 13, 2007 0
Gorgeous color, clarity, and the details are amazing. Congratulations on the EFP. #5201290Danielle Fuller December 14, 2007 0
WOOOOOW!!! Love the tones, light, pov....comp...everything about this is wonderful. Great job! #5207998Marcel J. Fernandez December 16, 2007 0
Rich and beautiful capture. #5211434Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 16, 2007 0
Beautiful, great colors and design elements. Both versions are very nice Terry! #5215273Sherry L. Davis January 01, 2008 0
Excellent! #5277788Michelle L. Frick January 25, 2008 0
Congratulations Terry - this is a beautiful image!! #5392786Karen Engelbreth January 25, 2008 0
Congratulations, Terry! #5393125Colleen Farrell January 25, 2008 0
WOW. Just amazingly beautiful. Congratulations again, Terry! #5393201Carla Metzler January 25, 2008 0
Congratulations, Terry! #5393409Nadya Johnson January 25, 2008 0
Resplendent!! Congratulations on your very stunning finalist, Terry! #5393700Shawn Jennings January 25, 2008 0
Another fantastic image, Terry! Congratulations on another finalist! #5393742Sylvia Rossler January 25, 2008 0
Let me be the first to congrats you on this fantastic winner Terry :O) #5394336Susan M. Campbell January 25, 2008 0
Look at you with all these winning shots...nice job...congrats!! #5394910
Deborah Lewinson
January 25, 2008
Teresa Norris January 25, 2008 0
This is so beautiful, Terry...congratulations! #5395100
Mike D. Perez
January 25, 2008
Cindy Bendush
January 25, 2008
Elida Gutierrez
January 26, 2008
Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 26, 2008 0
This winning image shines Terry, a huge congratulations to you! #5395832
Jill Odice
January 26, 2008
Cheryl E. Molennor January 26, 2008 0
Congratulations, Great detail #5395939Renee Doyle January 26, 2008 0
Glad to see gold here Terry!!! Congratulations!! #5396003Sam Britt January 26, 2008 0
Congratulations Terry, beautiful winner! #5396054
Su Sana E. P
January 26, 2008
David Phalen January 26, 2008 0
BIG Congrats on a well deserved Winner!! #5396303
Claudia Kuhn
January 26, 2008
Jill Flynn January 26, 2008 0
The colors are soooo rich and wonderful Terry. Beautifully presented and love the crop. A big congratulations on your win! #5396619Ronald F. Fischer January 26, 2008 0
Congratulations on this awesome winner!!! #5396672
Evy Johansen
January 26, 2008
Leslie McLain
January 26, 2008
Danielle Fuller January 26, 2008 0
I knew we would see this one again! Awesome job! #5397206Linda L. Ruiz January 26, 2008 0
Wtg so cal photo chick...way to represent!! A big Congrats! #5397313Corinne M. Thompson January 26, 2008 0
Very beautiful capture, Congrats on your Win! #5397369Mary K. Robison January 26, 2008 0
Gorgeous macro, Terry!Anna Diederich January 26, 2008 0
Terry this is just beautiful! The color and detail are awesome! Congratulations on your well-deserved win! #5398263
Les Rhoades
January 26, 2008
Terry L. Ellis
January 26, 2008
Kristi A. Howson January 26, 2008 0
Congratulations on this wonderful Winner! Very beautiful light colors and composition Terry! #5399913eileen bedford January 26, 2008 0
Congratulations Terry, well done... #5400003
Kathleen K. Parker
January 26, 2008
Linda Blair January 26, 2008 0
Terry you are awesome at these...congratulations on your win!!!!!! ☺ #5400342Tamera S. Phillips January 27, 2008 0
You had so many wonderful Holiday images. Congratulations on your win. #5401992Ross Throndson January 27, 2008 0
Many Congratulations, Terry, on this Gorgeous Winner.....So Beautifully done!! #5402415
Emile Abbott
January 27, 2008
Tarun Bose January 29, 2008 0
Big congrats Terry for your excellent winner. #5412799
Rakesh Syal
January 29, 2008
Darryl Wilkinson January 31, 2008 0
True Beauty! Congrations, Terry!! #5420245
Dominick M. Dimacale
February 12, 2008
Dominick #5481528
aaaaa bbbbb February 14, 2008 0
CONGRATS on the win!!!!! #5495734Jean B. Hall July 07, 2008 0
I hope you're going to make up a Christmas card from this. It's just splendid! I'd love to have it for my own Christmas card if you ever decide to sell them. #6150594Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 23, 2008 0
Good morning Terry! I stopped by to congratulate you on your beautiful SnapShot gallery feature. Beautiful image from a very talented photographer!Take care and enjoy the holidays!
Your friend,
Donna #6934788
Diane Dupuis December 24, 2008 0
simply lovely! congrats Terry!! #6935902
Terry L. Ellis
December 24, 2008
marci D. December 30, 2008 0
I absolutely LOVE this image! It is a perfect Christmas image, beautiful colors and detail. Congratulations! #6958018
Terry L. Ellis
December 31, 2008
Michelle L. Frick January 01, 2009 0
I remember this one - what a treasure to see it again! So beautiful Terry!! #6964206
Terry L. Ellis
January 01, 2009
Corinne M. Thompson January 08, 2009 0
Congrats on both the Win and the Snapshot feature! An excellent capture! #7001181
Terry L. Ellis
January 12, 2009
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