Owl in the Burrow
Uploaded: December 08, 2007 15:45:17
Shot in late afternoon - this little guy kept popping up to see what I was up to.
Exif: Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/100 seconds, ISO: 400, FocalLength: 300.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL
Denise M. Snyder December 08, 2007 0
What a catch!!!!!!!!! Would not be surprised to see this again! #803846Michael Umbreit December 08, 2007 0
Sue - This is a great capture!! - Mike #5183057Sue L. Cullumber December 08, 2007 0
Denise and Mike - thank you so much! #5183138Derek D. Dafoe December 08, 2007 0
Great shot Sue!! Nice DOF, and comp!!
photofroggy.com #5183195
Cheryl E. Molennor December 08, 2007 0
Awesome shot Sue!! #5183456Debbie Price December 08, 2007 0
Great shot! Just love it. Nice clarity. dp #5183459Brian C. Wallace December 10, 2007 0
Great photo, Sue! You couldn't of captured this any better! #5192123
Kay E. Mahoney
January 25, 2008
Claudia Kuhn
January 25, 2008
Sue L. Cullumber January 25, 2008 0
Thank you Derek, Cheryl, Debbie, Brian, Kay and Claudia! #5395234
Elida Gutierrez
January 25, 2008
Nick Lagos January 25, 2008 0
Big big congrats on your big win Sue.... very well captured indeed... #5395405Cheryl E. Molennor January 26, 2008 0
Congratulations!! #5395870Michael Umbreit January 26, 2008 0
Sue - Congratulations!! - Mike #5396159
Evy Johansen
January 26, 2008
Jill Flynn January 26, 2008 0
Hi Sue. Love the diagonal slant. Kudos for seizing the moment and capturing this memorable face. FANTASTIC image. A big congratulations on your win! #5396827RC Fritz January 26, 2008 0
Great capture, Sue! Congratulations! #5398680Sue L. Cullumber January 26, 2008 0
Elida, Nick, Cheryl, Mike, Evy, Jill and RC thank you all! #5398748Michael G. Marshall January 26, 2008 0
Outstanding capture of this special moment Sue! Congratulations on your winning photo! #5400656Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 27, 2008 0
Congratulations Sue, I love this winning image! #5402242Ellen Hodges January 27, 2008 0
Congrats on this fantastic capture, Sue. Really wonderful. #5402643
Patrick Rouzes
January 27, 2008
Cindy Bendush
January 28, 2008
Kathy L. Clark January 29, 2008 0
Congratulations Sue on your absolutely fabulous winner. #5412587
Dominick M. Dimacale
February 01, 2008
Dominick #5426550
Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 06, 2008 0
It was nice to see this again in the PhotoFlash newsletter, it's a great image. Congratulations again Sue! #5453521Debbie E. Payne February 06, 2008 0
Great shot, Sue. Love the color and his placement is perfect!! #5453546Sue L. Cullumber February 06, 2008 0
Michael, Donna, Ellen, Patrick, Cindy, Kathy, Dominick, Donna and Debbie - thank you.Donna - thanks I didn't realize it was in the PhotoFlash newsletter! #5453556
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