Dawn-Portland Headlight

© Alan L. Borror

Dawn-Portland Headlight

Uploaded: December 05, 2007 11:05:47


Taken with a 24-105mm lens.

Exif: F Number: 13, Exposure Bias Value: -0.33, ExposureTime: 1/6 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 60.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS-1DS


Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic December 05, 2007 0

Glorious!!! I love it!! #801593

Deb Koskovich December 05, 2007 0

Just beautiful, Alan. I love the light in this. #5171314

Tiia Vissak December 05, 2007 0

Great colors, light & pov! #5171342

Katarina Mansson December 05, 2007 0

Beautiful light, colors, POV and composition! I love it. #5171356

Peggy J. Maguire December 05, 2007 0

Alan,Amazing light and capture..... #5171421

Murry Grigsby December 05, 2007 0

Good to see that the Portland headlight has another side Alan :0) Beautiful light, golden tone and low POV!! #5171490

Su Sana E. P level-classic December 05, 2007 0

Spectacular scene and a great capture, Alan!! #5171657

Kathy Radford December 05, 2007 0

Spectacular lighting on this shot Alan. Fabulous capture. Kathy in NH #5172517

Colleen Braun December 06, 2007 0

stunning... #5172971

Evy Johansen level-classic December 06, 2007 0

Beautiful light and colors!! Lovely imae, Paul! #5173919

Evy Johansen level-classic December 06, 2007 0

Ops.... Sorry - wrong name, ALAN!!! #5173921

Barbara Waldoch December 06, 2007 0

Fantastic light, Alan! #5173993

Ron Roberts December 09, 2007 0


Mike D. Perez level-deluxe December 13, 2007 0

Beautiful lighting and colors in this capture, Alan! We'll see it again, I am sure. #5202486

Gail Vitikacs level-classic January 04, 2008 0

Rich in colors and comp...this is amazing! #5291489

Jennifer L. Alder January 25, 2008 0

Outstanding finalist, Alan!!! Huge congrats :) #5393784

Jennifer L. Alder January 25, 2008 0

Congrats on your WINNING image, Alan!! :) #5394459

Nadya Johnson January 25, 2008 0

Congratulations on your gorgeous winner, Alan! #5394556

Linda D. Lester level-classic January 25, 2008 0

Congratulations on your awesome win! #5394576

Deborah Lewinson level-addict January 25, 2008 0

Stunning image, Alan, congratulations on your win!
-Debby #5394894

Claudia Kuhn level-classic January 25, 2008 0

Beautiful view Alan, looks like low tide. Congratulations on your winner! #5394959

Mike D. Perez level-deluxe January 25, 2008 0

Awesome POV and lighting, Alan! Congratulations! #5395047

Aimee S. McMaster January 25, 2008 0

...congratulations on your gorgeous winner, Alan....Aimee #5395499

Elida Gutierrez level-classic January 26, 2008 0

Especialy for the winners
http://www.betterphoto.com/gallery/big.php?photoID=5538549&catID=&style=&rowNumber=1&memberID=258086 #5395682

Su Sana E. P level-classic January 26, 2008 0

Congratulations on this beautiful Winner, Alan!! #5396177

Evy Johansen level-classic January 26, 2008 0

Congratulations on your beautiful win, Alan!! #5396680

Barbara Waldoch January 26, 2008 0

Congratulations on this fantastic winner, Alan! #5396709

Ron Roberts January 26, 2008 0


Anna Diederich January 26, 2008 0

Congratulations on your beautiful winner, Alan!! #5398239

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe January 26, 2008 0

This is outstanding Alan; congrats on your Win!! Jeff #5398765

Marsha S. Smith January 27, 2008 0

A huge congratulations, Alan. This is gorgeous! #5402917

Patrick Rouzes level-classic January 27, 2008 0

One of my Faves of the month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CONGRATULATIONS,Alan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #5403038

Joannie Bertucci level-classic January 28, 2008 0

Congratulations on a very well deserved win Alan!
Portland Headlight is my all time favorite lighthouse and I must say this image is now my all time favorite of the lighthouse! #5407124

Murry Grigsby January 28, 2008 0

Congrats Alan on your wonderful headlight image and win!! I love your POV! #5409185

Guy D. Biechele level-classic January 29, 2008 0

This is beautiful, Alan! Congratulations on your win! #5414216

Kcalpesh B. Ajugia February 01, 2008 0

Inspiring and Beautiful!! Nicely done. #5426655

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict February 01, 2008 0

Congratulations Alan on your Win! #5426706

Tonn Cao February 02, 2008 0

Congrats Alan !!!!
Great image. Hope your're doing well.
Jeff #5433326

Ed Heaton February 03, 2008 0

Excellent work Alan! Congrats on your winner! #5436372

JO ANN CLEVELAND February 26, 2008 0

Congrats on this awesome image Alan!

It is also featured today in Betterphoto.com [snapshot@betterphoto.com]

Lighting and colors are awesome

jo ann c. #5553523

Jeff Lovinger level-classic February 26, 2008 0

A real winner Alan. Congrats again on your "Snapshot" image today. #5554003

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic May 23, 2008 0

Very Beautiful from my home state of Maine! #5964601

Laura E. Swan level-classic April 19, 2009 0

Alan, this is beautiful! It would have been so wonderful to have been there in person! I LOVE LIGHTHOUSES!!!

Big congrats on your win, too!

-Laura Swan

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BetterPhoto.com All Time Best Photo Contest Editor's Pick BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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