The Wild Look
Uploaded: November 22, 2007 05:24:40
Donna La Mattino Pagakis November 22, 2007 0
Outstanding, my daughter and I love it Kenn! #792399Mike Clime November 22, 2007 0
Nice capture. I like the snow on his head. #5109617
Anne M. Young
November 24, 2007
Daniella Puente November 29, 2007 0
So powerful...and wonderful!!! #5144863
Maria Warren
December 23, 2007
Lorri Shane December 31, 2007 0
Wow--looks like you surprised him/her!Dawn M. Schneider January 08, 2008 0
this is such a powerful image. the eyes draw you in, great shot beautiful color #5307185
Sharon F. Morris
January 25, 2008
Kay E. Mahoney
January 25, 2008
Karen K. Givens
January 25, 2008
Elida Gutierrez
January 25, 2008
Michael Umbreit January 26, 2008 0
Kenn - Congratulations!! - Mike #5396185
Evy Johansen
January 26, 2008
Evy Johansen
January 26, 2008
Jill Flynn January 26, 2008 0
A big congratulations on your win Kenn! #5396889Michael G. Marshall January 26, 2008 0
Bravo Kenn! A wonderful presentation of this magnificent wolf! Congratulations! #5400686Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 27, 2008 0
Excellent winning image Kenn!! Congratulations!!! #5402248Ellen Hodges January 27, 2008 0
Congrats, Kenn on this fantastic image!! #5402651
Gail Sullivan
January 29, 2008
Dominick M. Dimacale
February 01, 2008
Dominick #5426539
Bunny Snow February 25, 2008 0
This is the only type of shooting that should be done of wolves, and this is a winner, for good reason.Unfortunately, with the help of U.S. Vice President Cheney, the endangered gray wolves of the Greater Yellowstone area, have been delisted and as of March, 2008 with the assistance of the US government, states are allowed to murder and slaughter this beautiful animals, including their pups, from helicopters and/or poisonous bait. This is WITHOUT the approval of Congress, and ignoring the wishes of most of the American people who responded during the public hearing process. #5549068
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