Catch the Bouncing Ball
Uploaded: September 27, 2007 03:06:42
Cindy Bendush
September 27, 2007
Shelly A. Van Camp
September 27, 2007
Graeme yew Chow September 28, 2007 0
Very creative ideas and super captured, Jill. #4855707Sergio La Spina October 30, 2007 0
Particular shot I like it !! #5005913
Su Sana E. P
December 22, 2007
Susie Peek-Swint December 22, 2007 0
Very creative Jill ~ many congrats on POTD! #5241942Denise Denomy December 22, 2007 0
Very playful capture, Jill! Wonderful use of shadow and POV! Congratulations on your POTD! #5241957Cheryl Meisel December 22, 2007 0
OHhhhhhh my gosh this is just OUTSTANDING! I love this!!!! A big huge WOW from me!!!Mary K. Robison December 22, 2007 0
Claudia Kuhn
December 22, 2007
Deborah Lewinson
December 22, 2007
Joy Rector December 22, 2007 0
congrats on the POTD #5242284
Linda D. Lester
December 22, 2007
Joan Kocak December 22, 2007 0
all I can say is WOW!!!!! (and congrats on potd~~) #5242518
Jeff Lovinger
December 22, 2007
Anne Tiffany December 22, 2007 0
Brava!!! Well done! #5243201Bob V. Fitzpatrick December 22, 2007 0
Way to go Jill. Well designed image that pretty much has everything working to produce your winner. #5243265Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 22, 2007 0
Very creative shadow play. Great image Jill!! Congratulations on your potd win!Have a great Christmas!!
Donna #5243382
Linda L. Ruiz December 22, 2007 0
This is great. Congrats on your potd. Merry Christmas #5243451Mary Clarke December 22, 2007 0
Congratulations on POTD Jill, great image #5243842Corinne M. Thompson December 22, 2007 0
Fantastic capture, congrats on your POTD! #5244012Graeme yew Chow December 22, 2007 0
Great catch ! congrats on your interesting subjects of the POTD , Jill. #5244118Patricia Ronan December 22, 2007 0
Terrific image! Congrats on your POTD:) #5244204Philippe Vieux-Jeanton December 22, 2007 0
Great idea!! Congratulations on your POTD!! #5244209Anita Hogue December 23, 2007 0
Awesome capture, Jill! Congratulations on your POTD! #5244374Jill Flynn December 23, 2007 0
Thank you everyone for the kind comments! #5244463
Lisa J. Boulden
December 23, 2007
RC Fritz December 23, 2007 0
Congratulations on your P O T D!! #5245982Stanley J. Contrades December 23, 2007 0
Well done, Jill! CONGRATULATIONS on your POTD!Darryl Wilkinson December 24, 2007 0
Great angle and execution, Jill - very cool shot! Congratulations on the POTD award!Merry Christmas!! #5247962
Susan Fox December 26, 2007 0
Congrats on your awesome POTD!!!! #5253114Karen Bacon December 26, 2007 0
Amazing work here Jill!Congrats on your photo of the day.Hope you had a wonderful holiday! #5255691Karen Engelbreth January 25, 2008 0
Congratulations, Jill! #5393836Sylvia Rossler January 25, 2008 0
Seeing this one again doesn't wonder me at all !!! Big congrats on this superb and creative winner Jill :O) #5394365
Deborah Lewinson
January 25, 2008
Elida Gutierrez
January 26, 2008
Su Sana E. P
January 26, 2008
Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 26, 2008 0
Congratulations on your win Jill! This is AWESOME! #5396372Corinne M. Thompson January 26, 2008 0
Big Congrats to you! #5396521
Claudia Kuhn
January 26, 2008
Terry L. Ellis
January 26, 2008
Evy Johansen
January 26, 2008
Linda L. Ruiz January 26, 2008 0
A huge congrats on this super shot. Love it #5397318
Robert K. Bemus
January 26, 2008
Laurie Daily
January 26, 2008
Laurie Daily
January 26, 2008
Jeff Robinson
January 26, 2008
Sharon Day January 26, 2008 0
Fantastic shot, Jill!!! Big congratulations! #5399368
Kathleen K. Parker
January 26, 2008
Anita Hogue January 26, 2008 0
Fabulous win, Jill! Congratulations! #5400492
Cindy Bendush
January 28, 2008
Joannie Bertucci
January 29, 2008
Stanley J. Contrades January 30, 2008 0
CONGRATULATIONS on your winning image, Jill!Darryl Wilkinson January 31, 2008 0
WTG, Jill!! Thumbs up! #5420273
Dominick M. Dimacale
February 12, 2008
Dominick #5481568
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