The Licheń Dome

© Stan J. Bendkowski

The Licheń Dome

Uploaded: October 24, 2007 05:03:26


The 103.5 meters high (including cross) dome of the biggest Polish Church located in a village of Licheń. The construction of the 23 000m2 Basilica took 10 yeas and was finished in 2004. The dimensions of the Basilica are 162 m x 139 m and the tower is 141.5 meters high. F/3.5, 1/30 ISO 400


Jennifer L. Alder October 29, 2007 0

Stan, this is such an impressive capture
LOVE it--
I wouldnt be surprised to see this one again
:) #773603

Steven E. Ray October 29, 2007 0

Double triple "wow". What a splendid rotunda and inner nave! You have captured an excellent composition here. Great photography! #5000574

Tammy Scott November 27, 2007 0

Congratulations on a excellent finalist! #5128654

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic November 27, 2007 0

Congratulations on your finalist. #5129480

Barbara Waldoch November 27, 2007 0

Congratulations on your gorgeous finalist, Stan! #5133052

Steven E. Ray November 27, 2007 0

I liked your rotunda above, and guess the BP judge does too! Outstanding capture and BIG Congratulations on the finalist. #5134136

Su Sana E. P level-classic November 28, 2007 0

Stan, huge Congratulations on this well deserving Winner!! I can't take my eyes of this because of the fine clarity and your excellent framing of the subject. Wish you had one little more wide. #5140735

Sherry Sturgis November 29, 2007 0

A BIG Congratulations to you, Stan, for this gorgeous winner!!!! Beautifully captured!!! #5145364

Gail Vitikacs level-classic November 29, 2007 0

Stunning! Congratulations! #5147282

Hayden Cannon December 20, 2007 0

WOW Stan just when I think I am catching up in winners : ) you get another, great photo I am not sure how I missed this great colors, lighting, composition and details fantastic shot!! #5232591

Alexandra Hankova November 04, 2010 0

Very well done! Congratulations! #9014523

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