Sweet Dreams
Uploaded: October 23, 2007 12:21:24
Reworked. Added a moon and some grass and changed the title. I liked this version better than the last post.
Jennifer L. Alder October 23, 2007 0
Wow--- very artistic and well done, Judith!Emily E. Bem October 23, 2007 0
I agree! VERY artistic!!!!!!! The tones and treatment are amazing! #4965881Colette M. Metcalf October 23, 2007 0
Love it!! Wonderful work, Judy! #4965899Cyn Valentine October 23, 2007 0
Absolutely stunning Judith..great comp and PS work!! Very well done! #4965914
Carolyn M. Fletcher
October 23, 2007
Sharon King October 23, 2007 0
I really like this, wonderful image! #4966057
Dominick M. Dimacale
October 23, 2007
Joan Kocak October 23, 2007 0
love this jude, and your changes add to the mood! #4966092Murry Grigsby October 23, 2007 0
Maybe it's just because of the order I saw these wonderful images but I still like the first one best :0) This one is nice but the first one was perfect IMHO Judy!! I think the moon detracts a little from the simple warm story of the original version? #4966151Judith G. Secco October 23, 2007 0
Thanks so much everyone. Murry I think you may have a good point here. I see what you are saying and appreciate your comments. #4966213
Mike D. Perez
October 23, 2007
Tamara K. Walker
October 23, 2007
Marsha S. Smith October 23, 2007 0
I LOVE this! Looks like some very old oil painting. I love the moon! I looked at the other shot and although I liked it too, this one is definitely my fave of the two. #4968277Sarah F. Myers October 23, 2007 0
I love your work, your images remind me of illustrations in a beloved childrens book. Each photo has such a interesting story.I am adding you to my favorites list, because I want to know more about the character you create. #4968433
Judith G. Secco October 23, 2007 0
Thank you all so very much! #4968473Amanda Chapman October 24, 2007 0
WOW! You did a great job editing this! Love the shadows!!!! #4971750Erin Appelbaum November 09, 2007 0
Fantastic. Reminds me of an classic Americana oil painting. Peter #5051134Margot Petrowski November 26, 2007 0
Frame it!!!! Congrats!!!! #5127798Erin Appelbaum November 27, 2007 0
Well deserved Judith. Congrats. Peter #5128915Joan Kocak November 27, 2007 0
YAY Jude, this one's going gold!!! congrats~ #5129267
Kay E. Mahoney
November 27, 2007
Evy Johansen
November 27, 2007
Judith G. Secco November 27, 2007 0
Thank you all very much! #5134112
Gail Vitikacs
November 27, 2007
Jill Flynn November 27, 2007 0
I LOVE this .... absolutely magical!!! Hope you have this framed and hanging on the wall. It is fantastic Judith! Congratulations on your finalist and good luck in the next round! #5136251Karen Engelbreth November 27, 2007 0
Congratulations Judith!#5136379
Cyn Valentine November 27, 2007 0
Congratulations Judith!! #5136830Sarah F. Myers November 27, 2007 0
Congratulations, on being a finalist. All of your work is truly inspiring. You will always be one of my favorite photographers. #5137156Erika Haight November 27, 2007 0
I absolutely adore this photo! Congrats on finalist... It was well deserved! erika #5137589Donna La Mattino Pagakis November 28, 2007 0
I love this visual treat, a great win!! Congratulations Judith!! #5139169Joan Kocak November 28, 2007 0
what'd I tell you????? CONGRATS! #5139206Emily E. Bem November 28, 2007 0
C O N G R A T S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!C O N G R A T S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C O N G R A T S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this one~ #5139339
Agnes Fegan
November 28, 2007
Stanley J. Contrades November 28, 2007 0
CONGRATULATIONS Judy! Fantastic work!!
Evy Johansen
November 28, 2007
"emmanuel ""nolax""" N. Montemar November 28, 2007 0
BIG CONGRATS, Judith! #5140237
Claudia Kuhn
November 28, 2007
Murry Grigsby November 28, 2007 0
I was wrong about the moon :0) Congratulations on your wonderful image and win Judy!! #5141542Judith G. Secco November 28, 2007 0
WOW. THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! #5141985Jessica Jenney November 28, 2007 0
Congratulations, Judy on this stunning winner! #5143006Jill Flynn November 29, 2007 0
YEAH!!!! So happy to see this gem here. I am in love with this image Judith. A big Congratulations on your win! #5144505Linda Blair November 29, 2007 0
Beautiful....congrats on your win!!!! ☺ #5148460
Mitch Spence
December 01, 2007
Erin Appelbaum December 01, 2007 0
Congratulations Judith. Well deserved. Peter #5156279But again very good picture!!! =D #5194008
aaaaa bbbbb February 09, 2008 0
I like this. It has a folk art feel to it. Nicely done! And a belated CONGRATS!!! #5468857
Mary Beth Aiello
March 05, 2008
This is absolutely beautiful. Looks like a painting/illustration in a children's book. Outstanding. #5596901
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