Uploaded: October 14, 2007 19:30:18
iso 1250, ss 1/200, f4.5 - I love this photo...totally captures a childhood moment! These sisters were so much fun to photograph!
Joan Powell October 14, 2007 0
So cute ! #4924818Margot Petrowski October 14, 2007 0
Fabulous....the connection between them is so sweet!! #4924909cheryl m. phillips October 14, 2007 0
Shannon Heryet
November 26, 2007
Terry L. McKaig November 26, 2007 0
Congratulations Laureen!! #5127752Anna Diederich November 27, 2007 0
Congratulations, Laureen! #5130671Regina L. Rickert November 27, 2007 0
Sweet interaction and capture. Congratulations on a very deserving finalist! #5136138Laureen M. Carruthers November 27, 2007 0
thanks everyone - I'm SO excited...this is my first finalist! I feel like a winner already!laureen #5136195
Krisztina Athanasakis November 27, 2007 0
Hey Laureen,I know that photo ! It is definately worthy of finalist - fantastic shot. Congratulations !!!
Krisztina #5136927
Anna Diederich November 28, 2007 0
Huge congrats, Laureen! #5139413
Erica Murphy
November 28, 2007
Renee Lewis November 28, 2007 0
Huge congrats, Laureen!!! #5141205Megan p November 28, 2007 0
Oh, I adore this!!! What a fun, fabulous win, Congratulations!! #5141298Stephanie Arnold November 29, 2007 0
Big congrats Laureen! Fabulous!!!! =) #5144902Daniella Puente March 10, 2008 0
SUPERB :o))))))))))))))) #5623301Laureen M. Carruthers July 06, 2016 0
thrilled to still be in the running! #11492815Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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