Between The Lines
Uploaded: October 13, 2007 19:27:25
A boat rowing between the lines. Taken in Mandalay, Myanmar. Very early morning with fogs and not colorful, so I changed it into black and white.
Melissa McCabe October 15, 2007 0
Min, I like the B&W conversion - I think it brings out the sense of peace in this shot - nicely captured! -mm #762391Dennis Walton October 23, 2007 0
B+W works well on this picture. The bridge in Mandalay sure is photogenic. I understand the lake is dry certain times. What about January? #4967602Min Htike Aung October 24, 2007 0
Thanks for the comment Dennis! I am not sure about January , it depends on rain , if there are some heavy rains there will be some but there wont be any if there is no rain as january is winter in Yangon. #4971417Cesar J. La Rosa October 29, 2007 0
Wonderful photograph, Min!!! Excellent reflections and fog. You've managed to capture the beautiful, calm mood of the early morning hours. Great work!!!Cynthia L. Deters October 29, 2007 0
Lovely! Your gallery is full of amazing photos! Great work! #5000711Pranay Koka November 27, 2007 0
awesome shot!! congrats on ur well deserved finalist! #5128708Jennifer L. Alder November 27, 2007 0
SUPERB finalist, Min! Congrats
Kay E. Mahoney
November 27, 2007
Min Htike Aung November 27, 2007 0
Thanks for the congrats and comments. I am really glad to be a finalist. Wish A Winner Soon! #5132560Marina Moore November 27, 2007 0
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are truly gifted! :) #5136493Robert Baer November 27, 2007 0
beautiful, peaceful image. congratulations. #5137322Donna La Mattino Pagakis November 28, 2007 0
Outstanding winning image, so serene!! A big congratulations on your win.!! #5139102Cesar J. La Rosa November 28, 2007 0
I'm so happy to come back and see this WONDERFUL photograph as a Winner, Min Htike!!! Congratulations!!!Melissa McCabe November 28, 2007 0
Min, congratulations on both your winners!!! I'd like to take credit as I happened to comment on both first, but your talent does it all : ) Well done, well deserved!!! -mm #5139576Pranay Koka November 28, 2007 0
congrats on ur well deserved first! #5139778
Evy Johansen
November 28, 2007
Min Htike Aung November 28, 2007 0
Thank you so much for the comments and congrats! I am really happy for the achievement! Melissa is correct, you are the first one on both winning pictures . and cesars 2 thank you so much. #5140326Autum Rhoades November 28, 2007 0
Wonderful work, Min! Congrats! #5141244Cynthia L. Deters November 28, 2007 0
Congrats on the win! #5143269Lynn Haack November 28, 2007 0
A big congrats on this very memorable FIRST PLACE WINNER!! Lynn #5143834RC Fritz November 29, 2007 0
Congratulations on your WIN!! #5147812
Lisa J. Boulden
November 29, 2007
"emmanuel ""nolax""" N. Montemar November 30, 2007 0
congrats, Min! your talent is over the top! #5149583Amanda Chapman December 01, 2007 0
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL ♥ #5155515Mary Clarke December 01, 2007 0
Congratulations on this winner too Min #5157227
Terry L. Ellis
December 03, 2007
Kathleen R. Struckle December 10, 2007 0
Congrats on this beautiful win!! #5189425Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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