Sunrise In Mandalay

© Min Htike Aung

Sunrise In Mandalay

Uploaded: October 09, 2007 19:09:11


Taken in Myanmar, Mandalay , Oo Pane Bridge.


Melissa McCabe October 09, 2007 0

Min this is outstanding - composition and colour are just perfect! And you've really captured the moment too, I feel like I'm there in that stillness. Wonderful job!! -mm #757707

Lynne Morris October 09, 2007 0

Wow Min, this is a stunning image the composition and tones are wonderful! #4903768

Rui Valverde October 09, 2007 0

Min, you have here a great shot. Great composition and colours. #4903872

Min Htike Aung October 09, 2007 0

Thanks for the comments !
CHEERS #4903970

Mary Clarke October 09, 2007 0

Wonderful image Min #4904118

Joan Powell October 09, 2007 0

Beautiful scene , love the tones !! #4904138

Rolando Rosito October 09, 2007 0

Fantastic sunrise Min very nice composition too. #4904277

Lorri Shane October 12, 2007 0

Min--extraordinary! The composition, the color--I love everything in this hsot. I hope things have calmed down in Myanmar and I am glad you are OK. Blessings, Lorri #4914494

Min Htike Aung October 13, 2007 0

thank Lorri ! everything have calmed down in my country and yeah everything is fine again. #4920011

Janine Russell level-classic October 18, 2007 0

Min, great colors, lighting, composition and DOF. #4941377

Lynn Haack November 27, 2007 0

Stunning photography. A big congrats on this inspiring finalist! Lynn #5131016

Min Htike Aung November 27, 2007 0

Thank you so much for every comments. I am really glad my photo has been chosen as finalist. #5131749

Cliff & Patti Smith level-classic November 27, 2007 0

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist! Your gallery is awesome! #5134805

Donna La Mattino Pagakis November 28, 2007 0

Glorious beauty, a great winning image!! Congratulations!! #5139270

Evy Johansen level-classic November 28, 2007 0

Well deserved win, Min!! Big congratulations! #5140109

Min Htike Aung November 28, 2007 0

Thank you so much for the comments and Congrats! I am really glad I won the first prize this month. #5140324

Andreas Resch November 28, 2007 0

Congratulations to the first place. You truly deserved it - this is an awesome shot. #5140736

Autum Rhoades November 28, 2007 0

Congrats on your 1st place win! Wonderful work! #5141209

Mitchell S. Speert November 28, 2007 0

Congratulations on your win! This picture truly deserved it. The colors, contrast, and composition are outstanding. #5142544

Milan Banik November 28, 2007 0

congratulations on your wonderful win.excellent shot. #5143013

Amanda Chapman November 28, 2007 0

Congratulations! #5143287

RC Fritz November 29, 2007 0

Well composed image. Congrats!! #5147790

Veronica S. McGinnity December 01, 2007 0

Colors and Comp of this photo are outstanding! Good job!!! #5154019

Sanjay KH December 01, 2007 0

Congrats on your win and its really a beautiful image. #5156005

Mary Clarke December 01, 2007 0

Congratulations on this winner Min #5157178

John H. Macdonald December 03, 2007 0

You have magnificently captured Burma with your exquisite shots. I look forward to seeing more of your work. #5160734

Terry L. Ellis level-classic December 03, 2007 0

Very well deserved, Min! Congratulations on your gorgeous First Place win! #5164702

Bill Houghton December 04, 2007 0

This is a beautiful photo Min. Wonderful detail. Congratulations on a job well done. I hope you have a great day. Bill

Check out my website at:

Bill Houghton Photography

Paul C. Gazzanigo December 12, 2007 0

Absolutely stunning, Min! Well done.

Paul #5199653

April 05, 2008 0

What a shot man....Hope to see many more like this..:) #5748181

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