Smoke - 01
Uploaded: October 03, 2007 19:54:03
Last weekend I was at the natural museum of Stübing. I've often been there with my parents when I was a child but it has been a many years since my last visit. So my parents and my brother with family gathered once again to walk through that wonderful little village. Stübing is a collection of old farmhouses from centuries ago that have been moved from there original location to this place and have been reassembled. Walking along the path there is like finding yourself way back in the past.
Here you can see a "Rauchkuchl" of one of the old farmhouses. It's the kitchen and there was a fire lit in the fireplace to roast some potatoes for the visitors. The chimney wsn't working properly and there was smoke every. It wasn't easy to stay in there for several minutes. While setting up my tripod tears ran down my cheek - it wasn't easy. I took several shots of the light falling through the windows. Three of them were particularly nice and I want to share them wit
Heide Buescher Stevenson October 03, 2007 0
This is wonderful! Very nice work. #753052Darby Struchtemeyer October 03, 2007 0
Amazing picture!! #4878705
Chuck Bruton
October 03, 2007
Chuck Bruton
October 03, 2007
Chuck Bruton
October 03, 2007
Chuck Bruton
October 03, 2007
Heather L. Haderly October 04, 2007 0
Fantastic Andreas!!! #4879523Marie October 04, 2007 0
What a strong composition! Powerful! Great job, Andreas! #4879599Vanessa Rabayda October 10, 2007 0
outstanding image and composition. the light is perfect! great job and congrats on your efp! #4908237Gregory Allen Collins November 27, 2007 0
Wonderful work Andreas, super capture. Congrats on finalist! #5134159Andreas Resch November 27, 2007 0
Thanks Gregory ... I'm glad that you like my image. #5134772Kathy L. Clark November 29, 2007 0
I can see why this is a winner. It is so fabulous. Congrats Andreas. #5147807Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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