Uploaded: April 25, 2007 02:13:08
monique gresser April 25, 2007 0
I love the mood of this Tony. I want to walk right in there and see where the path leads. Nice work :) #643726Linda Kay Brintzenhofe April 25, 2007 0
Super DOF shot! This is fantastic photo shooting!!!!! ---Linda #4207390Kathy L. Clark April 25, 2007 0
This is really nice. It is almost scary. Where was this taken? #4207865
Kay E. Mahoney
April 25, 2007
Shawn Jennings April 25, 2007 0
Super shot, Tony! #4210778Tony Scheuhammer April 27, 2007 0
Thanks everyone!This shot was taken at Mer Bleue Bog, outside of Ottawa, Canada, in the midst of a freezing rain event!
This represents one of my first attempts at HDR (high dynamic range) photography. Three RAW exposures were taken (average, +3, -3) and merged into an HDR file, then tonemapped using the Photomatix tonemapping plugin for PS, then further adjusted in PS.
There are lots of useful articles on HDR photography on the Web. Here are a couple of them: #4221707
Kay E. Mahoney
November 27, 2007
James Quantz Jr. November 28, 2007 0
Great image and treatment, Tony! I like how you didn't go too far with the tone mapping here. Best- JQ #5140040
Evy Johansen
November 28, 2007
Carol Teal November 30, 2007 0
Beautiful! Congrats on your win! #5150025Tony Scheuhammer December 01, 2007 0
thanks everyone! #5157129Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 02, 2007 0
Congratulations on your win Tony!!! Such a great scene, I love the mood here! #5157914Sarah F. Myers December 02, 2007 0
The texture is amazing, I love the mood of this image. #5160499Bill Houghton December 04, 2007 0
This is beautiful work Tony. Congratulations on your win. BillCheck out my website at:
Bill Houghton Photography
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