Girl on the Stairs
Uploaded: August 17, 2005 21:06:15
The stairs of the Modern Museum of Art in Munich(Germany)
Sandra Freyler September 29, 2005 0
Great shot! Nice image, Esra! #318111Esra Belgin September 29, 2005 0
Thank you for leaving this kind comment, Sandra. #1899468Selamlar :)
Patrick Byrd October 22, 2005 0
Super nice Esra. Your red flowers in the field also caught my eye. Keep 'em coming. #1981914Esra Belgin October 22, 2005 0
Thank you so much for your kind words, Patrick. I really appreciate it. #1984969Julia Hiebaum August 22, 2007 0
Wonderful capture, well done Esra!Esra Belgin August 22, 2007 0
Julia, thank you very much for your comment. I really appreciate it. #4684397Robert Baer October 09, 2007 0
EsraNick Lagos November 26, 2007 0
This desrves to go all the of those suprlative images we are very privelieged to see of luck Esra..... #5127639
Laurence Saliba
November 27, 2007
Katarina Mansson November 27, 2007 0
Great find, excellent capture - congratulations on the finalist! #5134058Esra Belgin November 27, 2007 0
Justin, Nick, Laurence and Katarina thank you so much for your lovely comments. I am glad this one eventually made it. This is my all time favourite. :-) #5134958Nick Lagos November 27, 2007 0
Me too......I've always regarded this as one of the best I've seen.... #5137163Amanda Chapman November 27, 2007 0
Such a unique POV!!!!!!!congrats!! #5137355
Laurence Saliba
November 28, 2007
Lynn Haack November 28, 2007 0
Very facinating image! A BIG congrats on your winner! Lynn #5143839Esra Belgin November 29, 2007 0
Nick, Amanda,Laurence and Lynn thank you so much for your kind words. #5145574Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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