Vatican Museum Exit Staircase
Uploaded: August 22, 2007 16:59:49
Lens- Canon 10-22mm
Focal Length-15mm
Location-Vatican Museum
Nik Duplex Monochrome filter applied in Photoshop (helped to eliminate the distraction of colorful clothing on the tourists).
Nicola Gonzalez August 22, 2007 0
Great choice for coloring. I love the lines in this photograph! #720624Amanda Chapman August 22, 2007 0
SO HYPNOTIC!!!!Julie C August 22, 2007 0
wow!!! what an incredible shot. I love the angle you chose to shoot from and the sepia tone ...
ciao* #4683988
Deon August 22, 2007 0
This is incredible Cynthia. Like the color also. Well done.Deon #4684037
Steven E. Ray August 22, 2007 0
Absolutely incredible photo Cynthia. Never seen a staircase photo like it. Excellent photo in every way! #4685161Cynthia Merzer August 23, 2007 0
Thanks to all of you for your comments. I am new to "BetterPhoto" and I must say have been most impressed by a lot of the images that I have seen on the site. #4689578Kay Beausoleil August 24, 2007 0
Great choice of B&W for this image, Cynthia, and superb design! #4690441Cynthia Merzer August 24, 2007 0
Thank you, Kay. I'm busy looking at your galleries "as we speak." Beautiful work Inspriring. I really like what you'vd done with some of the flowers, the way you converted to B&W and then inverted. Definitely food for thought! #4690463
Kay E. Mahoney
September 23, 2007
Gregory K. Peterson September 24, 2007 0
I have almost the exact same photo.Cathy Barrows September 25, 2007 0
Congrats on your win...i love staircases and this one is fantastic #4840472
Kay E. Mahoney
September 25, 2007
Janine Russell
September 29, 2007
Cynthia Merzer October 06, 2007 0
Thanks to all of you for your compliments and comments. #4890344Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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