Net Shot Gerbera XIV

Uploaded: August 20, 2007 14:17:36


f/ 11, 1/15 sec., ISO-200, Simga 50MM F2.8 lens, tripod mounted, cable remote, studio lighting, 09:07 PM, Philadelphia, PA.


anonymous August 20, 2007 0

WOW! Very creative image Robert! Amazing!! I Love It! B- #718902

Philippe Vieux-Jeanton August 20, 2007 0

That's very, very, VERY COOL! #4674932

Sylvia Rossler August 21, 2007 0

I love drop macros and you did a super job on this colorful composition !!! #4679552

Bob D. Hall level-classic August 28, 2007 0

I knew this beauty would get picked!! Congrats on your EFP, RoB!! #4712432

Robert Mann level-deluxe August 29, 2007 0

Thanks Barbara, Phillippe, Sylvia and Bob! I appreciate it very much! #4714688

JO ANN CLEVELAND August 31, 2007 0

This is awesome! I just tried one and thought it looked good til I saw this one! lol

jo ann c. #4729029

Robert Mann level-deluxe September 01, 2007 0

THanks Jo Ann! I appreciate it. I had only tried this with the Nikon and Sigma macro lens a few times before with limited success. I forgot to note that I used a manual focus on this one which made a big difference from the last tries. #4729974

Penny Haviland September 05, 2007 0

This is so cool! Nice work Robert! #4750538

Stephanie Laird level-classic September 21, 2007 0

Congratulations Robert! This is fantastic! #4821514

Penny Haviland September 21, 2007 0

Congratulations! Wonderful image! #4821553

Regina L. Rickert September 22, 2007 0

Oh wow. This is fantastic. Congratulations on such a creative finalist! #4824767

Robert Mann level-deluxe September 22, 2007 0

Thanks Penny (2x!!!), Stephanie, and Lexi! I appreciate it! #4825059

Casey A. Hanson September 22, 2007 0

Love it! Congrats, Robert! :0) #4827079

Tarun Bose September 22, 2007 0

Big congrats Robert for your excellent finalist. #4827678

Robert Mann level-deluxe September 22, 2007 0

Thanks Casey and Tarun! #4828992

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic September 23, 2007 0

Congratulations on your finalist. Good luck in the next round. #4829564

Stanley J. Contrades September 23, 2007 0

CONGRATULATIONS and best of luck with all of your Finalists in the next round, Robert!
Much Aloha,
Stan #4830147

anonymous September 24, 2007 0

Congratuations Robert on you wonderful finalist! B- #4833946

Robert Mann level-deluxe September 24, 2007 0

Thanks Kay and Stan! Thank you again, Barbara! #4833953

Sylvia Rossler September 24, 2007 0

Big Big congrats on your winner Robert :o) #4838359

Stanley J. Contrades September 24, 2007 0

CONGRATULATIONS once again with this winner, Robert! You have this technique down pat and I have yet to have one done :-(!! Beautiful job as always!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #4838994

anonymous September 24, 2007 0

WTG Robert! Congratulations on your second place win! B- #4839154

Bob D. Hall level-classic September 24, 2007 0

Great big congrats, RoB!!! #4839161

Esther Smith September 24, 2007 0

Beautiful! Congratulations on your Winner Robert! #4839875

Evy Johansen level-classic September 25, 2007 0

Big congratulations on your win, RoB! #4840609

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic September 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on your second place winner. #4841166

Gene Spears September 25, 2007 0

love this image, Robert - congratulations! #4841522

September 25, 2007 0

Very creative, Robert! I love it! I just joined Better Photos and am delighted to find such wonderful photography by people such as you! #4841537

Tarun Bose September 25, 2007 0

Big, big congrats Robert for your second prize winner. #4842532

Kathy L. Clark September 25, 2007 0

Robert congratulations on the fabulous second place winner. #4843112

Jill Flynn September 25, 2007 0

Fantastic Robert! Congratulations on your WIN! #4844066

Philippe Vieux-Jeanton September 25, 2007 0

Bravo Robert! Congratulations !!! #4845267

RC Fritz September 27, 2007 0

Great job, Robert. Congratulations! #4850432

Janine Russell level-classic September 29, 2007 0

Robert, excellent colors, clarity and lighting; big congratulations on your Second Place Win! #4861778

Kristi A. Howson September 30, 2007 0

RoB, congratulations on this wonderful winner!!! Stunning! #4865452

Patrick R. McMullen October 02, 2007 0

Very nice shot Robert..Congratulations on it!
Pat #4873088

Nick Lagos October 04, 2007 0

Great to see this one here Robert...congratulations on another top win #4881269

Lorri Shane October 04, 2007 0

Congratulations, Robert. I am just stunned when I look at this! It's amazing. I'm speechless! #4881993

Douglas Pignet April 24, 2009 0

robert, I see now, you used a very small netting and a eye dropped and focused on the drops? Correct? thanks,Doug #7444633

Robert Mann level-deluxe April 24, 2009 0

Yes. Exactly. Sometimes when I buy long petaled flowers at the flowers, the flower is protected by tube of nylon netting that I cut, strech and clip between two box lids. Then apply the water with an eydropper to the net as noted. #7444651

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