Multi Color

© Charles F. DIorio

Multi Color

Uploaded: August 18, 2007 18:00:32


aperture setting F/5, shutter speed 1/640, lens focal length 157mm, ISO 100. Image was taken in my neighborhood when this flowering bush caught my eye. Image was taken at 1:30 PM.


Orsi August 18, 2007 0

So Beautiful!!Great shot,Charles!!Love it!! #717472

Naomi Weiser August 18, 2007 0

great colors and painted like look. #4665525

Deon August 18, 2007 0

This is really awesome Charles. Excellent colors and clairty. Great soft edges.

Deon #4665527

Mary Anne Frey August 18, 2007 0

Such beautiful colors! #4665590

Ruth Robbins level-classic August 26, 2007 0

beautiful job with the colors #4697925

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic September 23, 2007 0

Congratulations on your finalist. Good luck in the next round. #4829607

anonymous September 24, 2007 0

Congratulations Charles on your finalist! B- #4834543

Charles F. DIorio September 24, 2007 0

Thank you all very much. My First Finalist and very Proud.

Again Thank You All. It means alot to me.

Charlie #4836392

anonymous September 24, 2007 0

WTG Charles! Congratulations on your well deserved second place win! B- #4839145

Ruth Robbins level-classic September 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on your beautiful winner. #4840653

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic September 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on your second place winner. #4841149

Rick Clark September 29, 2007 0

Wonderful colors, great winning image! #4859074

Janine Russell level-classic September 29, 2007 0

Charles, great colors, detail, DOF and lighting; big congratulations on your Second Place Win! #4861769

Patrick R. McMullen October 02, 2007 0

Congratulations Charles! Great clarity and color!
Pat #4871340

Robert Baer October 07, 2007 0

gorgeous colors and wonderful composition. congratulaitons for this win. #4893316

Alison Krylowski October 23, 2007 0

Your composition here is terrific Charles. It's really perfect! Congrats on your winner! #4966470

Audrey K. Kanekoa-Madrid June 26, 2008 0

This is stunning! #6109852

Lorri Shane September 19, 2008 0

wow, Charles. This is so deserving!
Rich color and beautiful composition.
Congratulations! #6473154

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