Blue Skies Above
Uploaded: August 13, 2007 17:48:55
Taken at the edge of my home town, Brodhead, WI.
Original's in thread.
Comment's welcome and have a GREAT DAY!
Orton Applied.
(When the first duplicate was made and screen applied, I did not apply screen to the sky.)
Adjusted contrast.
Cloned a bit of trees and high wire post out
7/11/07 11:59:36, 1/1000 sec, 14.00 aperture, 33.00mm, ISO 80, Daylight.
Finalist 9/21/07 11:54am
Second place win 9/24/07 12:16pm
Kimi A. Phillips August 13, 2007 0
This is beautiful, Peaches!!!!! It really could fit into alot of, flowers, landscape! LOVE IT! #713414Dianna Hauf August 13, 2007 0
Beautiful vivid colors and scenery! You make that sky POP! Is it this vivid without Orton? It is a wonderful capture, one that would look very good on a card! Now you have me feeling the urge to go out and find some sunflower fields! :) #4642152Susan Weisensel August 13, 2007 0
Girl this is wonderful, I sure wish I had a field of flowers like that. The color is so WOW. #4642163Jeana Clark August 13, 2007 0
Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 13, 2007 0
Thanks so very much Kimi. I REALLY appriciate it!Thanks so very much Dianna. Thy sky was pretty in the photo after the fine tune, but when I did the duplicate, I didn't apply screen to the sky, and when multiplied, it REALLY made the color's come out.
Thanks so very much Susan, I didn't even know they had a sunflower field there lol, Greg told me about it. Show's ya how much I get out! #4642289
Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 13, 2007 0
Jeana, you ALWAYS sneak in when I am responding...Thanks so very much!#4642301
Brenda c. McFarland August 13, 2007 0
Beautiful Girlfriend! Well if it doesn't do well in this catagory you put intoday then you have a few more months of different ones to try even d&d! #4642452Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 13, 2007 0
HEY, THANKS very much Brenda, I keep forgetting about just trying another catorgory later lol. #4642485Jennifer L. Alder August 13, 2007 0
Nancy, this is so colorful and lovely! What a TERRIFIC sky-- wow-- very nice capture!! :) #4642537Heather August 13, 2007 0
♥PeAcHes!! This is GORGEOUS! This has to be a WiNNer!! ♥ #4642545Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 13, 2007 0
Jennifer, thanks so very much, The sky that day had so many clouds and was so pretty, guess I got lucky for that. Mother Nature helped me! #4642546Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 13, 2007 0
And in sneaks Heather, Thanks so very much! I really appriciate your confidence. #4642552Jeana Clark August 13, 2007 0
HEY GIRL!!!♥~ME~ #4643008
Tamara K. Walker
August 13, 2007
Margaret R. Barry August 13, 2007 0
Stunning image, Nancy! Love the color and composition! #4643034Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 13, 2007 0
LOL Jeana, didn't hear ya come in...Thanks so very much Tamara really appriciate it. No layering done in this photo, just ortoned it.
Thanks so very much Margaret, really appriciate it and thanks for stopping. #4643064
Tammy Espino August 14, 2007 0
::raising hand:: Never mind looked up Orton!The Orton Effect is named after Michael Orton lol Just wanted to stop in and say "love it" Great colors, great field, etc..etc..etc...:) #4643333Sam Britt August 14, 2007 0
Beautiful, Peaches! Great color & effects. I think Catch-All is a good category for this. #4643385Jillian Danielson August 14, 2007 0
WOWWWWW Nancy!!!! Gorgeous!!!! I love the colors!! #4643387Roger Bernabo August 14, 2007 0
A wonderful presentation of brilliant colors; such a happy and festive image! #4643519Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 14, 2007 0
LOL Tammy, thanks a bunchThanks so much Sam, and for the opinion as to where to put it.
I decided to leave it in catch all this time, I can always do it in another one again later as Brenda said.
Thanks so very much Jillioon, really appriciate it.
Roger, thanks a lot, really appriciate it #4643641
Michelle L. Frick August 14, 2007 0
This is outstanding Peaches - the colors and contrasts are so rich!! Beautiful effects too! #4643727Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 14, 2007 0
Thanks so very much Michelle, really do appriciate your kindness and encouragement! #4643781
Elizabeth A. Marker
August 14, 2007
Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 14, 2007 0
Thanks so very much Liz, I will do this just for you, seeing is you asked SO NICLEY!I will post 2 of them
One is the before, straight out of the camera, nothing done to it.
Then I also added the fine tuned one that I ortoned off of.
I hope they upload in the right order. #4644116
frank w. degenhardt August 14, 2007 0
another great photo friend. I have to agree, that sky just stands out so wonderfully without drowning out the field of sunflowers. Love the three dimension look of it with the field of sunflowers, then the shed, then the sky. Colors so vivid and sharp. Great job girl. #4644151Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 14, 2007 0
Ahhhhhhhhh, Sorry Liz, They were ALMOST there and I got disconnected, Dial up suck's, will try again in a bit!Thanks so very much Frank. Have a super day buddy! #4647155
Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 14, 2007 0
OK LIZ, here we go again, HOPEFULLY I will not get disconneccted this time! #4648042
Elizabeth A. Marker
August 15, 2007
Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 15, 2007 0
Thanks Liz, ANYTIME! #4648760
Evy Johansen
August 15, 2007
Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 15, 2007 0
Thank you very much Evy! #4648983Carol Teal August 15, 2007 0
Peaches, this has to be one of my favorites! The sky is just gorgeous and I love all the sunflowers and the red building (what is that anyway?) divides the two and provides such a nice splash of color. I think the Orton worked really well on this one! There is supposed to be a field of sunflowers near Tampa, but I don't know just where and I am afraid he will have plowed them up before I can get there. The paper said a couple more days and they would be gone. I would sure love to go photograph them if I knew they would be there! #4649583Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 15, 2007 0
Thanks so much Carol, they are storage units, I was standing on the road side. #4649694Lynn Haack August 18, 2007 0 are setting the standards very HIGH! This is a beautiful, creative comp....with everything working together in harmony. The vibrant colors, textures, elements of design...perfect perspective....all add up to another skillful and artistic photo! Well done.....Lynn #4665609Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 18, 2007 0
Lynn, thank you SO VERY much. I really appricite all your encouragement. Thanks for putting a smile on my face today! #4665766
Bob D. Hall
August 19, 2007
Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 19, 2007 0
Thanks SO VERY MUCH Bob! #4670049Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 21, 2007 0
Very beautiful Nancy, great colors and design. Such a great scene! #4675520Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 21, 2007 0
Thanks so very much Donna, appriciate it LOT'S!!! #4676026
Lisa J. Boulden
August 22, 2007
Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 22, 2007 0
Thanks so VERY MUCH Lisa, glad you like it :) #4681148Louise Souchereau August 25, 2007 0
Beautiful scene, love the colors and the sky is so fabulous, bravo for this very lovely capture , #4693848Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 25, 2007 0
Thanks so very much Louise. I really appricite it! #4693908Colleen Farrell September 21, 2007 0
WOW!! This is fantastic, Peaches! The original is terrific, and you've made it spectacular in PS! I'm thrilled to be the first to say CONGRATULATIONS on your well-deserved finalist!! #4821405Tammy Espino September 21, 2007 0
WEll I get to be second. Way to go, whoooooo hooooooooooooooooooo ( high five) #4821429Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 21, 2007 0
Congratulations!!! This is stunning!!! #4821579Jennifer L. Alder September 21, 2007 0
SUPER finalist, Nancy!!!Lynn Haack September 21, 2007 0
Peaches...I have always LOVED this artful image...CONGRATS on this well-deserved finalist! Lynn #4823590Steven E. Ray September 21, 2007 0
Congratulations on your finalist, Nancy!! This was an outstanding work worthy of this recognition :) Hugs back... #4823670Carol Teal September 21, 2007 0
I think this is my all-time favorite Peaches. I just love that field of sunflowers and that gorgeous blue sky! Congrats on this very deserving finalist! #4823691Melissa Malisia September 21, 2007 0
Nancy, Love the beautiful colors & the sunflowers... nice job! Congrats on your Finalist!!! #4823850Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 22, 2007 0
Colleen, Tammy, Donna, Jennifer, Lynn, Steven, Carol and Melissa, THANK you ALL so very very much. The encouragement and support mean's a lot to me.Mary K. Robison September 22, 2007 0
Wow! Love the comp, the bold colors and the Orton effect on this, Peaches!Sam Britt September 22, 2007 0
Wow, another one! Congratulations again, Peaches. #4824394
Lisa J. Boulden
September 22, 2007
Jeana Clark September 22, 2007 0
♫♪♫ OH HAPPY DAY!!♫♪♫Luck To YOU!!
~Jeana~ #4825458
Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 22, 2007 0
Mary, Sam, Lisa and Jeana, THANK you all once again for the congrat's, means a lot to get the support and encouragement from you.Amy JACKSON September 22, 2007 0
Beautiful image, Nancy!! Well done! Congratulations on your finalist!! #4828208Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 22, 2007 0
Thank you so much Amy, I really appriciate it a lot! #4828335Heather September 23, 2007 0
Congrats on the Finalist!! I Marked this as a Favorite Photo awhile Back! :) #4829697Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 23, 2007 0
Awww geez I am soooooo honored, THANK YOU! and thanks for the congrat's, maybe you brought me luck saving it ehehehehe!!! #4829754
Kay E. Mahoney
September 23, 2007
Bob D. Hall
September 23, 2007
Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 23, 2007 0
Thanks so very much Kay and Bob, I appriciate it so much! Have a super day! #4833164
Nikki McDonald
September 23, 2007
Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 23, 2007 0
WOW THANK YOU Niki, sooooo much, I really appriciate it!!! #4833314Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 24, 2007 0
Sandra, thank you soooooo very much, I really appriciate it. #4834299Datha Y. Thompson September 24, 2007 0
WOW!! Gorgeous!! Congratulations Nancy :0) WTG #4834604Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 24, 2007 0
Thank you sooooooo very much Datha, I really appriciate you stopping in, means a lot to me! Have a super night! #4834900
Chris Budny
September 24, 2007
Pat Gamwell September 24, 2007 0
Big congrats on a well deserved winner! #4838273Jeana Clark September 24, 2007 0
~Jeana~ #4838422
Lisa J. Boulden
September 24, 2007
Time to celebrate!!!
W T G, Nancy!!!
Colleen Farrell September 24, 2007 0
Yahoooo! WTG, Peaches!! Big congrats on your most well-deserved WIN!! #4838619
Bob D. Hall
September 24, 2007
Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 24, 2007 0
WHAT a way to wake up...I had to look three times at the e-mail before I believed it lol!Christopher, Pat, Jeana, Lisa, Colleen, Bob
THANK YOU ALL so VERY VERY MUCH, I am so thrilled and so honored.
I cherish each and everyone of you as friend's and thank you all for the continued support and encouragemnt. #4839047
Chris Ebben September 24, 2007 0
I guess there's no need for me to say much, you're already floating!!! Well done girl=^..^= #4839192Tammy Espino September 24, 2007 0
Just because , "Another high five and slap on da azz" for this one. Now you have more room to amaze me and scare me with your bugs!! :) WTG GIRL~ #4839281Brenda c. McFarland September 24, 2007 0
WAY TO GO!!! so ok I'm a little jelous of your win, This is one awesome Picture and I'll get over my issues! Like I said," WAY TO GO!!!! YOU BE THE WOMAN!!!" I bet your hubby is proud of you too! don't you get a premium gallery for a year with a 2nd place win?Carol Teal September 24, 2007 0
Congrats on your winner Peaches!!! WTG! This is probably my all-time favorite! I am so happy for you and now can't wait to see your new gallery!! #4839481Steven E. Ray September 24, 2007 0
Big congrats on this one! It is a winner for sure. Time for a Snoopy Dance! #4839528Melissa Malisia September 24, 2007 0
Nancy, WTG!!! I'm really happy to see this one win 2nd place! #4839654Roger D. Meador September 24, 2007 0
Well look at this beautiful image. A big, well deserved congratulations to you. #4839717Cyn Valentine September 25, 2007 0
Beautiful image Nancy..congratulations!! #4840063
Susan T. Evans
September 25, 2007
Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 25, 2007 0
Chris, Tammy (OUCH) lol, Brenda (YUP I DO and the hubby didn't say anything, sniff sniff), Carol (thanks for teaching me how to do orton, you gave good lesson's! Sharing this in spirit with you girl!), Steven (Dancing with ya! Just don't spin me around to hard lol), Melissa, Roger, (Cyn and Susan nice to meet you both)...I so much appriciate your congrats, support and encouragement, it mean's a lot to me, THANK YOU ALL!!!Have a SUPER night ALL! #4840425
Mary K. Robison September 25, 2007 0
Well, Peaches, I said waaaaay up above that I wouldn't be surprised to see this go higher than finalist ~ and I ain't!!Jennifer L. Alder September 25, 2007 0
WTG GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kay E. Mahoney
September 25, 2007
Susan Weisensel September 25, 2007 0
Congratulations on your winner, It is a very outstanding picture. #4841410Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 25, 2007 0
Mary, yup, you were right, Now I think you should become a judge lol.Jennifer, thank you so much, I really appriciate it, and I never thought about it lol, I can see it whenever I come to my gallery, but I think I will as soon as I get some ink!
Maybe a X-mas present for my Aunt and Mom.
Thank you so very much Kay for stopping in with your congrat's to me, mean's a lot to me!
Susan, thank you so very much, especially for the friendship and support all these month's. Hugs!
Have a SUPER Tueday to all of you!
Lynn Haack September 25, 2007 0
Peaches...this image has it all! A BIG CONGRATS on your WINNER!!!! WTG! Lynn #4842450Tarun Bose September 25, 2007 0
Big congrats Nancy for your second prize winner. #4842550Esra Belgin September 25, 2007 0
Absolutely beautiful Nancy. Congratulations on your second place winner. #4843404Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 25, 2007 0
Lynn, THANK YOU sooooooo much, I so appriciate it. Thanks for the friendship and support you give me too.Tarun, thanks so very much buddy, really appriciate it! Congrat's to you again!!!
Esra, congrats to you again also, and thanks so very much for stopping in, I really appriciate it. Very nice to meet you!
Have a super day to all of you! #4843915
Heather September 25, 2007 0
Peaches,P.S Congrats on your other 2 (Newest) Finalist!!
~Hugs Heather~ #4844331
Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 26, 2007 0
Heather thank you so very much g/f, your friendship and support, it really mean's a lot to me. Keep taking those beautiful pictures you do! Have a nice night! #4845869Cary Rogers September 26, 2007 0
WTG Peaches!!!! Big Congrats on this winner!! This was the first time I've seen this beauty. It really pops! Congratulations!! #4846023Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 26, 2007 0
Cary, thank you so very much, I really appriciate your congrat's, kind words and for stopping by, means a lot! Have a SUPER night! #4846028Sherry Sturgis September 26, 2007 0
Many congratulations on your much deserved beautiful winner, Nancy!!!!! Sensational work!!! #4848674Michelle L. Frick September 26, 2007 0
Congratulations Peaches - I remember when I saw this the first time thinking how incredibly rich the colors were, and the effect is superb! Congrats on the well deserved win! #4848703Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 26, 2007 0
Sherry and Michelle, I thank you both so very very much, I really do appriciate the congrat's and support.Datha Y. Thompson September 27, 2007 0
CONGRATULATIONS!!! WTG Nancy!!!! :0) #4851135Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 27, 2007 0
Thank you so very mmuch Datha, I really appriciate it!RC Fritz September 28, 2007 0
Congratulations on your WIN!! #4858720Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 29, 2007 0
Thank you so very much RC, I really appriciate you stopping in and leaving your kind words, very nice to meet you!Amy Weiland September 29, 2007 0
This is gorgeous! I love the primary colors. Now I'm going to have to find out what orton is... cuz, I'm gonna need that. :) Great work! Congrats on the win... definitely deserved! #4859414Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 29, 2007 0
Thank you so very much Amy, I really appriciate it.Lorri Shane September 29, 2007 0
Nancy, a stunning piece of artwork I must say! Nice work! Congratulations! #4860563Dianna Hauf September 29, 2007 0
BETTER late than never, Peachy! PLEASE forgive my absence AND my oversight of this!!! Fan-flippin-tastic! I am so happy for you! I knew you had some finalist but didn't realize you had a winner until I saw this in my old yahoo account! I am glad you are sending everythng to the other account now. SUPER heart felt congratulations, you so deserve it for all the hard work and effort you put into your images! Love the colors and the composition of this! I celebrate with you in spirit...if it is not too late! :( #4861073
Janine Russell
September 29, 2007
Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 29, 2007 0
Lorri, Dianna (you are forgiven) and Janie, so very much Appriciated, thanks for stopping and leaving your kind congrat's.Darryl Wilkinson September 30, 2007 0
Congratulations on your beautiful win, Nancy!! #4865369Nancy (Peaches) Harker October 01, 2007 0
Nice to meet you Darryl, and thank you so very much for stopping in, I really appriciate it LOT'S! #4866883Patrick R. McMullen October 06, 2007 0
Great and beautiful photo Nancy! Congratulations. It's a beautiful country.Nancy (Peaches) Harker October 06, 2007 0
Nice to meet you Patrick and thank you so very much, I really appriciate it! Have a SUPER DAY! #4890275Nancy (Peaches) Harker October 10, 2007 0
Thank you very much Nitin! #4908193Nancy (Peaches) Harker October 19, 2007 0
Thanks so very much Jamie, I really do appriciate it. Have a super night! #4946829Nancy (Peaches) Harker October 30, 2007 0
Thank youi very much Sandra, really appriciate it! #5001556Z. Banu November 02, 2007 0
A VERY VERY BIG CONGRATULATION!!!!!!Nancy (Peaches) Harker November 02, 2007 0
Zaanat, thank you so very much, have a super day! #5017902Raymond Pauly November 14, 2007 0
Beautiful composition and colors in this wonderful winner! Congratulations! #5070037Nancy (Peaches) Harker November 14, 2007 0
Hey Raymond, very nice to meet you, thank you for stopping and leaving your kind words, so much appriciated!!!Peggy J. Maguire January 07, 2008 0
Congrats on the win.Well deserved!!! #5303794Nancy (Peaches) Harker January 07, 2008 0
Thank you very much Peggy, really appreciate it! Have a super day! #5305527Kathy L. Clark January 09, 2008 0
Some how I missed this Peaches. what a gorgeous winner. Fabulous color, lines and comp. I sure deserved to win. #5315628Nancy (Peaches) Harker January 09, 2008 0
Thank you so much Kathy, really appreciate it!Bonnie Gearhart January 25, 2008 0
Never seen anything like this! It is awesome! The best yet!Nancy (Peaches) Harker January 25, 2008 0
LOL Bonnie, thanks so very much and for the giggle!Peggy J. Maguire February 08, 2008 0
A Gorgeous Winner Nancy Congratulations. #5462847Nancy (Peaches) Harker February 08, 2008 0
Thanks so very much Peggy!!!
Leslie McLain
February 08, 2008
JO ANN CLEVELAND February 08, 2008 0
Wow! Love it!jo ann c. #5465804
Nancy (Peaches) Harker February 08, 2008 0
Leslie and JoAnn, thanks so very much, I really appreciate it!!!Summer A. Kozisek February 10, 2008 0
This is gorgeous Nancy, congrats on your win!!! #5470407Nancy (Peaches) Harker February 10, 2008 0
Nice to meet you Summer, thanks so very much!!!Jennifer A. Lambert December 28, 2008 0
CONGRATS Nancy !!! This is GORGEOUS !!!!! Sorry I haven't been around much...I am back now and will be peeking in often..I am a huge fan !Nancy (Peaches) Harker December 28, 2008 0
Thanks so very much Jennifer, I appreciate the support, nice to see you back!Inge Linden April 06, 2012 0
Your entire gallery wonderful and brilliant! #10077418Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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