Uploaded: August 11, 2007 16:29:30
Taken just a few minutes ago in my yard. Just his head and one little foot was showing around the edge of the crinum leaf.
Philippe Vieux-Jeanton August 11, 2007 0
Wow! Look you have a very good day! Superb picture! #711832Hayden Cannon August 11, 2007 0
Great photo Marsha very nice colors, composition, lighting and details great photo! #4633002Brinn MacDougall August 11, 2007 0
This is great, like the vertical comp, excellent, Marsha. #4633010
William C. Raco
August 11, 2007
Bill #4633700
Shelly A. Van Camp
August 12, 2007
Janine Russell
August 12, 2007
Cheryl E. Molennor August 12, 2007 0
Great comp colors and detail! #4636929
Dr Silly
August 13, 2007
Karen E. Michaels
August 19, 2007
Carla Metzler September 21, 2007 0
Congratulations, Marsha! What a great shot!! :) #4822208Judyann Plante September 21, 2007 0
Congratulations on this outstanding finalist, Marsha!Judyann <>< #4823819
Terry L. Ellis
September 23, 2007
Elizabeth A. Marker
September 23, 2007
Nobu Nagase September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations, Marsha, on this outstanding finalist. #4834360Philippe Vieux-Jeanton September 24, 2007 0
Big Congratulation for this WINNER !!! #4837795Alison Krylowski September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations Marsha! Great capture of this little guy! #4837805Michelle Lea Guinn September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations on this AWESOME GRAND PRIZE!!! mlg~ #4837806
Dr Silly
September 24, 2007
Carla Metzler September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations on your GRAND PRIZE winner! :D #4837825Joan Kocak September 24, 2007 0
INCREDIBLE image, CONGRATULATIONS on the big one!!!!! #4837859
Evy Johansen
September 24, 2007
Marilyn K. Lincecum
September 24, 2007
Terry L. Ellis
September 24, 2007
James Quantz Jr. September 24, 2007 0
Congrats Marsha! You've got some great work in your gallery as well! JQ #4837909Brenda c. McFarland September 24, 2007 0
Wow this is Awesome. He is just so cute! What a deserving Macro Pic! Congrats on the Grand Prize place! #4838023Cyn Valentine September 24, 2007 0
Huge congratulations Marsha!!! #4838067
Linda D. Lester
September 24, 2007
Karen Bacon September 24, 2007 0
A big congratulations Marsha! #4838110Mary Timman September 24, 2007 0
Outstanding! Congratulations Marsha! #4838120RC Fritz September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations on your Grand Prize Winner! #4838138Marsha S. Smith September 24, 2007 0
I am so blown away that I still cannot comprehend that this has happened. I have to thank each and everyone of you and all the help I have received over the last few years from you guys. Everybody is always so willing to answer questions/share techniques - WOW!Lorri Shane September 24, 2007 0
Marsha---a big CONGRATS! Awesome image and well deserved BIG win! #4838263Sylvia Rossler September 24, 2007 0
Wohoooo !!! Big congrats on your Grand Prize Win Marsha !! WTG !!! #4838325
Stephanie Laird
September 24, 2007
Sam Britt September 24, 2007 0
Big congratulations on your grand prize winner, Marsha! #4838441Jenny Bosmans September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations on this awesom grand prize winner, Marsha! :) #4838463
Karen E. Michaels
September 24, 2007
Marsha S. Smith September 24, 2007 0
You guys are so great! I am still in shock. I looked back over my gallery and images from when I first started at BP in 2004 and I can see the gradual and sometimes drastic improvement in my images. I owe all of that to all of you who have commented and given advice. And all who so willingly share new techniques. Thank you all so much! #4838578Kate Jackson September 24, 2007 0
Good on yer girl! Big big congrats! WOW stunning shot! #4838580Lynne Morris September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations on this awesome Grand Prize Winner Marsha, very well deserved! #4838677Casey A. Hanson September 24, 2007 0
Yayyyyy!!! Way to go girl! Congrats! :0) #4838688Lori Molzan September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations Marsha!! Your gallery is an inspiration to me, a new photographer who is having the time of her life. I too see my own improvement just in the few months I have been a member.Perhaps someday, I can be as inspiring to someone as you are to me :)
Lori Molzan #4838716
Susan T. Evans
September 24, 2007
Laarni Sarmiento September 24, 2007 0
Great picture. Congratulations for winning the grand prize. :) God bless you. #4838823Judyann Plante September 24, 2007 0
Marsha, Warmest congratulations on this grand prize winner!!! Well-deserved - I am so happy for you!Judyanhn <>< #4838937
anonymous September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations Marsha on your awesome Grand Prize Win! B- #4838997Nobu Nagase September 24, 2007 0
Marsha S. Smith September 24, 2007 0
I am still so excited about this that I keep grinning and grinning. Again all I can say is thank you so much to everyone who is nice enough to stop by and comment and to all the great photographers here that have taught me so much. If I can win this anybody can!Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 24, 2007 0
BIG congrats to you on this beautiful grand prize win !!! #4839179Monika Sapek September 24, 2007 0
Many congratulations on your Grand Prize Winner, Marsha!Margaret R. Barry September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations on your Grand Prize win!!! #4839190Geraldine E. Lefoe September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations on your grand prize win Marsha - this is so well composed, sharp as a tack and quite outstanding - you must be very proud! #4839204Louise Souchereau September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations this is a perfect capture, bravo Marsha #4839209kurt Anderson September 24, 2007 0
Exceptional image!!!Very well done,congrats! #4839269Anna Diederich September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations on your fantastic Grand Prize win, Marsha! #4839424
Claudia Kuhn
September 24, 2007
Tom Andersen September 24, 2007 0
Congratulations on your Grand Prize Winner, Marsha! Great job!!! #4839730Esther Smith September 24, 2007 0
Big congratulations on your fantastic Grand Prize Winner! #4839772Melissa Malisia September 24, 2007 0
Marsha, wonderful photo. Congrats on your Grand Prize win!!! #4839903
Laurie Daily
September 25, 2007
Susan M. Hembree September 25, 2007 0
Superb, Marsha! Congratulations on your very well deserved GP win! #4840266
Su Sana E. P
September 25, 2007
Cathy Barrows September 25, 2007 0
Congrats on your Grand Prize win...this is fantastic and I know you are over the top right now #4840506Joan Powell September 25, 2007 0
Clap , Clap , on your well deserved win . This is an amazing capture . Clap , Clap , CONGRATS !!! #4840732Vikram Jamwal September 25, 2007 0
Congrats on your win Marsha! This is a beautiful capture!!! :-) #4840829
Kay E. Mahoney
September 25, 2007
Raymond Pauly September 25, 2007 0
Beautiful winner! Congratulations! #4841113Hayden Cannon September 25, 2007 0
WOW huge congrats on this fantastic grand prize winner! Marsha well deserved too I dream of getting this : ) fantastic! #4841140
Laurence Saliba
September 25, 2007
Colleen Farrell September 25, 2007 0
Terrific capture, great comp, wonderful color and details--congratulations on a fabulous Grand Prize Winner, Marsha! #4841478Rahul Sharma September 25, 2007 0
Brilliant and Outstanding....... Congratulations on your well deserved Grand Prize..... #4841731Ermanno Radice September 25, 2007 0
Big congratulations on your grand prize winner, Marsha!!!!!!!!!!#4841966
Marsha S. Smith September 25, 2007 0
Thanks so very much everyone! I'm still giddy. #4842149Kathy L. Clark September 25, 2007 0
Congrats Marsha on this fabulous winner. #4843039
Agnes Fegan
September 25, 2007
Cliff & Patti Smith
September 25, 2007
Esra Belgin September 25, 2007 0
Excellent shot, Marsha. Congratulations on your win. #4843294
Bruce E. Van-Buskirk
September 25, 2007
Jill Flynn September 25, 2007 0
Hi Marsha! Kudos to you for seizing the moment and capturing this little gem. I absolutley love this. And a BIG CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR GRAND PRIZE WIN!!!!! Way to go!!!! #4843933Gary Lange September 25, 2007 0
Congrats on this wonderful image, Marsha!! It's wonderful and very deserving. #4843944Wendy Stevenson September 25, 2007 0
Big Congrast on this well deserved GRAND PRIZE WIN!! WTG Marsha - awesome image!! #4844587
Guy D. Biechele
September 25, 2007
Marsha S. Smith September 25, 2007 0
Thanks to everyone who has been so sweet to comment on this. I am still pretty shocked by the whole thing.Vicki Hunt September 26, 2007 0
This is so exciting and I am so happy for you! What a wonderful capture!!! Congratulations! #4846291Amy JACKSON September 26, 2007 0
Congratulations on your grand prize win, Marsha!! Wonderful image!! #4846305Diana L. Ralph September 26, 2007 0
Congratulations on this GRAND specimen! #4846486
Cora Miller
September 26, 2007
Steve Mescha September 26, 2007 0
OMG!!!! I just discovered this. A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU, my friend :-) #4848426
Kathleen K. Parker
September 26, 2007
Marta J. Baldwin September 26, 2007 0
Congratulations on this wonderful Grand Prize winner!!! How fortunate for you to walk out into your yard at just the right moment!!! #4849160
Gail Vitikacs
September 27, 2007
Lorraine A. Cook September 27, 2007 0
CONGRATULATIONS on this awesome Grand Prize winner, Marsha!<:)) #4852887Bill Houghton September 28, 2007 0
Congratulations on this beautiful win. You deserve it Marsha. BillMy Photo Gallery:
Bill Houghton Photography #4855797
Brenda W. LaFleur
September 29, 2007
Janine Russell
September 29, 2007
Stanley C. Sims September 29, 2007 0
A great catch, and wonderful colors Marsha. Congratulations to you on being the Grand Prize Winner. #4862068Marsha S. Smith September 29, 2007 0
Thank you so much to everyone. I have received so many congratulations it just warms my heart. Lets me know just how nice all the folks at BP are. #4862071Darryl Wilkinson September 30, 2007 0
Marsha, This really is something special. Congratulations on your win!! #4865145Kristi A. Howson September 30, 2007 0
Marsha, congratulations on this excellent Grand Prize winner. It has it all!!! #4865231Yves Rubin October 01, 2007 0
Marsha, this is terrific! This anole lizard has so much expression and looks so fun. Beautiful crop as well!
Dominick M. Dimacale
October 02, 2007
Dominick #4871020
Cathy Stancil October 02, 2007 0
Yahoo!! Bravo and congratulations on this superb winner, Marsha !!! ;O)) #4871615Wally Orlowsky October 05, 2007 0
CONGRATULATIONS on this awesome Grrand Prize winner, Marsha!!! Sorry for being so late; but I have been away the past several days. Because you have been so kind and supportive with regard to my work at BP, I am especially delighted to be able to reciprocate. You truly deserve this great honor. Way to go! #4886673Keith L. Clayton October 05, 2007 0
Great job, Marsha! Super capture! #4887235Marsha S. Smith October 05, 2007 0
Thanks again to all of you. This has certainly been a trip for me. I am glad the judges were feeling a little 'lizardy' last month. I am certainly aware that there are many, many images from last month that were just a good or better. But it really felt good to see the email saying I had won. I had to go to the winners page to double check that I was not imagining it. #4887283Philippe Vieux-Jeanton October 05, 2007 0
This image is ultra POWERFUL (Comp, lignes, Color). It's a GREAT winner Marsha!! #4887431Lori Carlson October 06, 2007 0
I am super super excited for you Marsha!!! What a big deal this is!!! Big pats on the back and high-fives from me!!!!
William C. Raco
October 07, 2007
Bill #4892839
Cathy M. Gromball October 07, 2007 0
Congratulations on your excellent Grand Prize win, Marsha!Cathy :) #4894037
Marsha S. Smith October 08, 2007 0
Thanks so much everyone for all your support and nice words. I have these little guys to spare in my yard. I'm always trying to catch them. I have this almost identical image except the crop was horizontal instead of vertical and I don't believe the judges would have chosen it. I was just lucky! #4899117Murry Grigsby October 10, 2007 0
Hey Marsha, look what you did while I was gone--a BIG congratulations on your Grand Prize win!! Terrific shot proving once again that you don't have to leave home to get great photos. I am very happy for you because you are a consistant supporter of everyone here at BetterPhoto and you submit a high quality of photos day in and day out. You certainly made your own luck :0) #4907022Wanda Knoss October 10, 2007 0
Congratulations on your win! Excellent image and what a cute little fellow. You have a wonderful gallery. #4907456Milan Banik October 13, 2007 0
congrates on your grand win #4919151Yves Rubin November 01, 2007 0
Outstanding portrait of this anole lizzard Marsha! It has a wonderful expression of curiosity. Big congrats on your win! #5015293Wanda B. Anderson November 04, 2007 0
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing this magical moment with all of us. I love your work. #5025773Roxanne M. Bubar December 08, 2007 0
Awesome capture, image and a big congrats. #5183166Bill Knaps January 12, 2008 0
Marsha I know this picture was a while back. I remember it so well. It has sure done great for you. Think I remember you telling me how it came about. Congrats on all your awards. You have a great gallery....Bill #5326556Jessica Jenney January 30, 2008 0
I can't believe I didn't congratulate you on this stunning GRAND PRIZE WIN!!!!Lena Lee February 07, 2008 0
Shelly A. Van Camp
May 22, 2008
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