Dawn Over Mt. Hood

© Sheila D. Robertson

Dawn Over Mt. Hood

Uploaded: August 08, 2007 14:40:39


.016 sec, F28, ISO 50


August 09, 2007 0

Beautiful photo, and light #710195

Sheila D. Robertson August 09, 2007 0

Thank you Ali. It was a gorgeous morning. #4623686

Stephen M. Webb level-classic August 09, 2007 0

I have been trying to get a shot like this for 20 years. I fly in and out of Oregon several times a year but never seem to get a clear shot at Hood. The color and detail on this image are great, well done Sheila. #4624568

Sheila D. Robertson August 09, 2007 0

Good luck and keep trying. I was on that early morning (6:30 I think) flight from Boise and just happened to have my point and shoot in my purse and have the right seat on the plane. I've tried to plan it since with my 35 mm camera, but no luck. #4624656

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic September 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on your second place winner. #4841109

Patrick Campbell September 25, 2007 0

Love the different viewpoint of the familiar NW icon--the lighting and color are very nice as well! #4845576

Sheila D. Robertson September 26, 2007 0

Thank you Kay and Patrick. #4849470

Becky J. Parkinson level-classic September 28, 2007 0

Congratulations on your 2nd place win. Good job!

Becky #4857934

Janine Russell level-classic September 29, 2007 0

Sheila, very nice colors and lighting; big congratulations on your Second Place Win! #4861737

Sheila D. Robertson September 29, 2007 0

Thank you Becky and Jenine. #4861790

Tom Schmitt August 31, 2008 0

I love this shot! #6391751

Sheila D. Robertson August 31, 2008 0

Thank you Tom. #6391845

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