
Uploaded: August 08, 2007 02:26:04


This was a large tent for a fair that is happening across the road from where I live. I happened to see this shot driving up the hill to home, so grabbed my camera and took it.


Lorri Shane August 08, 2007 0

Wow--love the lines and color in tbis. The pattern is also nice with that lovely cloud in the bottom right corner. Nice work. #708964

Ellen Powell August 08, 2007 0

Thanks, Lori! #4616212

Louise Kumpf August 08, 2007 0

Excellent capture, Ellen! You have a great "eye". #4616224

Ellen Powell August 08, 2007 0

Thank you, Louise!

I only just got my little point and shoot camera- and I am SO hooked! #4616229

Daniella Puente August 08, 2007 0 beautiful and fine detail :) congrats! #4619834

Ellen Powell August 08, 2007 0

Thank you, Daniella! I've just been over for a "walk through your photo garden" - Wow, after looking at your photos, I am proud to get your compliment! I love your photos! They capture so much about LIFE, and so beautifully! #4619961

John O Storck August 16, 2007 0

This is a very thoughtful and beautiful photo... well done!!! #4656646

Ellen Powell August 16, 2007 0

Thank you very much, John! #4656666

Eloise Bartell level-classic September 24, 2007 0

Congrats on your finalist Ellen!
Eloise #4835944

Ellen Powell September 24, 2007 0

Holy crap, Eloise! Thanks for pointing this out- I had NO IDEA!! And THANKS for your congrats, too!! #4836819

Lorri Shane September 24, 2007 0

Ellen--YOU WON!!! Yes! I am so happy for you--you go girl! A well deserved win, for sure. Congratulations!!! #4838321

Ellen Powell September 24, 2007 0

Lorri, Thank you very much. I can't believe this- I think I had been taking pictures with the point-and-shoot Olympus for maybe a month when I took that picture. I'm feeling a little sheepish... #4838378

Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 24, 2007 0

BIG congrat's on your beautiful second place win!!!
Peaches #4839628

Ellen Powell September 24, 2007 0

Thank you so much, Nancy- I'm stunned. #4839690

Joan Powell September 25, 2007 0

Ellen , I'm so happy for you !!! Congrats on your win !!!!! #4840880

Ellen Powell September 25, 2007 0

I'm still reeling, Joan. Thanks VERY much for your "congrats". #4840900

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic September 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on your second place winner. #4841057

Ellen Powell September 25, 2007 0

Thanks very much, Kay! #4841162

Eloise Bartell level-classic September 25, 2007 0

I'm so glad to see this as a winner Ellen. This was my favorite of your tent shots. #4842590

Daniella Puente September 25, 2007 0

Ellen congrats!!!
This fantastic detail photo is for sure a WONDERFUL winner. :) I'm very glad to see it here on the TOP list !!!!
Daniella #4843743

Ellen Powell September 25, 2007 0

Thank you so much, Eloise and Daniella. I am happily...STUNNED!!!! Lol! #4843923

Clair Dunn September 25, 2007 0

Ellen --
So glad you let me know so I can celebrate too. I've been buried for the last 48 hours -- at least this beauty lets in some air -- I remember commenting on it the day I first saw your gallery --

Ellen Powell September 25, 2007 0

Thanks, Clair!!!! Yippeeeeeee! #4844323

Susan Weisensel September 27, 2007 0

Congrats Ellen, I have been in this site for 2 years and never even gotten a finalist, very happy for you. #4851257

Dianna Hauf September 27, 2007 0

FAR OUT!!!!!! Super huge congratulations Ellen!!!!!! YES!!!!☺☺ #4853496

Ellen Powell September 27, 2007 0

Thank you both SO MUCH, Susan and Dianna!!!! I'm still reeling a bit... I am very new at photography- so it seems a bit weird, especially to hear when someone's not gotten a prize after two whole years at BP- and I think your photos are awesome, Susan. On the other hand, I do really appreciate the confirmation from the "experts" which tells me that photography is what I'm supposed to be doing. We are all winners as far as I'm concerned. : ) #4853568

Debra Booth September 29, 2007 0

Congrats on your win, Ellen! Great capture! #4860544

Ellen Powell September 29, 2007 0

Thanks, Debra!! #4860751

Janine Russell level-classic September 29, 2007 0

Ellen, very nice tones and DOF; big congratulations on your Second Place Win! #4861695

Ellen Powell September 29, 2007 0

Thank you so much, Janine! #4861864

Elizabeth A. Marker level-deluxe October 11, 2007 0

Congrats Ellen! Wonderful image!!! #4909833

Ellen Powell October 11, 2007 0

Thanks, Elizabeth!! : ) #4909873

October 17, 2007 0

Congratulations! :) #4939524

Ellen Powell October 17, 2007 0

Thanks. :) #4939595

Lisa J. Boulden level-classic October 28, 2007 0

Ellen, this is beautiful!
Really well seen and captured!
Great lines and comp!
--Lisa #4994341

Ellen Powell October 28, 2007 0

Thank you, thank you, Lisa!!!! #4994351

Crystal L. Craig November 08, 2007 0

Oh Ellen, this is absolutely wonderful! The lines, colours, textures, the whole capture is just stunning! Congratulations on this very well deserved win! #5042652

Ellen Powell November 08, 2007 0

Thank you so much, Crystal!! #5042729

Mary K. Robison November 12, 2007 0

Ellen, this is stunning in its elegant simplicity. Stunning, also, is the fact that your camera was a point-and-shoot! Proves what Jim Miotke said in an interview years ago: "Bottom line, it's not the camera, it's the photographer, that captures a great photo."
BTW, a huge CONGRATULATIONS on your very well-earned Win! #5059536

Jim Britt November 14, 2007 0

Ellen...fantastic shot. Love the warm colors and interesting perspective. Nicely done. #5070324

Karen Slagle November 17, 2007 0

Outstanding winning composition, Ellen. Love the monotone colors and pov. #5086096

Ellen Powell November 17, 2007 0

Thanks so much, Karen!! It was a "lucky" shot, that's for sure, taken with my first point-and-shoot camera about 5 minutes after I started taking pictures!!!! :) #5086170

Jean-Pierre Ducondi November 20, 2007 0

Ellen, this is a great picture - You certainly have a great eye. Love the way those curves are driving you thru the capture. Congrats. JP #5103150

Ellen Powell November 20, 2007 0

Thanksso much, Jean-Pierre. I had just started taking pictures when I took this one. I've been seeing "great shots" for about 35 years and finally started snapping them. I'm having a LOT of fun. #5103162

Heather November 28, 2007 0

Beautiful Capture!! Lovely Work!! :) #5139328

Ellen Powell November 28, 2007 0

Thank you, Heather! :) #5139354

Mitch Spence level-classic November 29, 2007 0

Congratulations to you, Ellen, both for this extremely creative shot and for your pretty winner button. :) #5147533

Ellen Powell November 29, 2007 0

Thanks very much, Mitch! That pretty button sure was a surprise to see at the time, let me tell you. #5147549

Joni Earley November 30, 2007 0

Hey Ellen! Congrats on this wonderful pic, (belatedly)!! It kinda took me by surprise when I saw it and I'm uploading a pic I took last summer so you can see why.... #5151215

Ellen Powell November 30, 2007 0

VERY cool, Joni!!! Great minds think alike, eh? I love this! I have some other ones, a couple very similar to this that I'd like to share with you, and don't have time to dig for them now. #5151237

Joni Earley November 30, 2007 0

Whenever you get a chance I'd love to see your other shots! YES,,,,GREAT minds DO think alike!! #5151353

December 01, 2007 0

I just love this one, Ellen. I would like this on my beadboard wall, if I had one. Someday I will :) The sepia tones were perfect for this exquisite image. Great eye you have there, gal! #5153944

Ellen Powell December 01, 2007 0

Thanks so much, Deborah! Now, tell me what a beadboard wall is.... #5153951

John R. Sanchez December 10, 2007 0

Excellent composition Ellen! Beautiful! #5191123

Ellen Powell December 10, 2007 0

Thank you for your kind words, John! #5191276

Dave Winchell January 19, 2008 0

Ellen, what a wonderful catch. The colors and repeating patterns are perfect. Dave #5362239

Ellen Powell January 19, 2008 0

Hey, Dave! Thanks! #5362254

Dianna Murphy April 29, 2008 0

Wow, that's really beautiful, a great capture, wonderful POV, and DOF. #5859247

Ellen Powell April 30, 2008 0

Thanks, Dianna- I took it last May, a month after I got my first little point+shoot dig. camera. I've been seeing "great shots" for something like 30 years- I am so happy to be actually taking them now. I bought a Rebel XTi SLR camera in August and took a beginners course at BP this winter- I know enough to be dangerous. I still enjoy the little camera a lot, and take it when I don't want to bother with the big one. :) #5859384

Gary Lange August 04, 2008 0

Beginner heck, Ellen this is fantastic. Well worth a winner, be it second first, or whatever the image has outstanding tone, comp, and interest. Congrats (albeit belatedly)!! #6268448

Ellen Powell August 04, 2008 0

Gary, Thanks so much! #6268694

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic August 18, 2008 0

Very cool capture.....Congrats on the win! #6326384

Ellen Powell August 18, 2008 0

Hey, Shelly, thanks! #6326418

Laura E. Swan level-classic August 18, 2008 0

Gosh, I really like this one Ellen! The treatment you used was prefect for this type of shot. B&W would look great too I bet. I also like the original I see in your gallery. (I think it's the same one?) Congrats on the big placement! COOL! -Laura #6327351

Ellen Powell August 18, 2008 0

Thanks, Laura. If you're referring to the "original", it's not- it's one I took this year when the tents came back. #6328244

Janice Mezzacappa March 18, 2009 0

Ellen this shot is amazing and Huge Congrats on your winner!! #7298983

Judy V. Kennamer level-classic April 18, 2009 0

Gorgeous Ellen!!! I love the lines and the colors!!! #7417765

Ellen Powell April 18, 2009 0

You're going to laugh- I had been taking pictures for just a few weeks and was using my first-ever brand new little point + shoot dig camera. And, it's the same tent as the one in the color images- taken 2 years earlier, during the annual "National Night Out" event they have on every 2nd Tuesday of August. It happens in a big ball field, across the road from where I live. I saw that image from the car as I was driving home, so grabbed my camera and took a bunch of pictures. #7417795

Laura E. Swan level-classic April 19, 2009 0

Hi Ellen!!! This wouldn't be out at the fort there in Newport R.I., would it??? It sure looks familiar to that area...humm!

Great job here and big HUGE congrats! -Laura #7418071

Ellen Powell April 19, 2009 0

Wow, Laura, Thanks! #7418248

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