Uploaded: June 21, 2007 17:26:17
I can get really carried away when I'm photographing still life subjects :o)
A special *thank you* to my 9 year old daughter for coming up with the creative title :o)
Shutter 1/320
Aperture f/13
ISO 100
Natural Light
Category: Flowers :o)
A resubmission
William Moore June 21, 2007 0
that's adorable....super creative great comp...congrats #677803Susan Weisensel June 21, 2007 0
Very COOL and creative. #4420793
Theresa Marie Jones
June 21, 2007
Darren M. Alexander June 21, 2007 0
This is great! A winner for sure! :-) #4420854Duane Carter June 21, 2007 0
He He... LOL, this is just dandy!!! #4420880Christina C. Moore June 21, 2007 0
Creative and wonderful. #4421169BILLY R. PARKER June 21, 2007 0
LOL!!! This is so very creative, Susana. #4421368Marta J. Baldwin June 21, 2007 0
Very creative Susana! I really like the color and composition. Great title too! #4421483Chris Ebben June 21, 2007 0
Very creative work, well done to both you & your daughter =^..^=Ken Grooms June 22, 2007 0
Soooo creative - and beautiful! #4421992Michelle R. Kovach June 22, 2007 0
Glad to see this one again Susana! One of my favs! #4422090RC Fritz June 22, 2007 0
Very creative composition, Susana!! #4422104Susana Ms Heide June 22, 2007 0
William, Susan, Theresa, Darren, Duane, Christina, Billy, Paul, Marta, Chris, Ken, Michelle and RC: You guys made my day with your kind compliments!! Thanks a lot!!! #4422341
Nikki McDonald
July 03, 2007
Susana Ms Heide July 04, 2007 0
Really?? Great to know! You've been the bearer of good news twice in the last week or so! Thanks Nikki! #4471056Datha Y. Thompson July 25, 2007 0
LOVE this!!! So Creative!!CONGRATULATIONS Again Susana!!!! WTG :0) #4551614Nancy (Peaches) Harker July 25, 2007 0
You have one mart little girl there, Wonderful image with great creativity. Congratulation's on your finalist,good luck in the next round !!! Peaches #4551726
Nikki McDonald
July 25, 2007
Evy Johansen
July 25, 2007
Les Rhoades
July 25, 2007
Arlene Krassner July 25, 2007 0
Very clever. Congratulations Susana. #4552909Katarina Mansson July 25, 2007 0
This is so clever and cool. Love those colors and composition. Congratulations on another gorgeous finalist Susana! #4553345RC Fritz July 25, 2007 0
Congratulations Susana! Great Finalist! #4553884Duane Carter July 25, 2007 0
Congratulations Susana!!! #4554002Tonya R. Boles July 25, 2007 0
Congrats Susana. #4554506
Chris Budny
July 25, 2007
Dr Silly
July 25, 2007
Mick Burkey July 25, 2007 0
Congrats again, Susana! Very fun image; love the colors. #4555575
Kay E. Mahoney
July 25, 2007
Monika Sapek July 25, 2007 0
You are so creative, Susana! Many congratulations on your finalist and good luck in the next round!Sylvia Rossler July 25, 2007 0
Big congrats on this superb finalist Susana :O) #4557139Susan Fox July 26, 2007 0
Congratulations Susana :-) #4558105Renee Doyle July 26, 2007 0
Glad to see this one again Susana! Congratulations!Susana Ms Heide July 26, 2007 0
"THANK YOU" from myself as well as my daughter for all the encouraging messages!!!! :o))) #4559330AMALIA Veralli July 26, 2007 0
Congrats on your first place win! #4562000Jenny Bosmans July 26, 2007 0
Congratulations on your 1st place Winner, Susana! :) #4562072Sylvia Rossler July 26, 2007 0
WTG !! Big congrats on this fantastic and so well deserved first place winner Susana :O) #4562243
Bob Cournoyer
July 26, 2007
Bob #4562273
RC Fritz July 26, 2007 0
Big congratulations Susana. Well deserved WIN!! #4562374Autum Rhoades July 26, 2007 0
Huge congrats to you Susana on your win!!! #4562553
Dr Silly
July 26, 2007
Vikram Jamwal July 26, 2007 0
Yesterday, seeing this pic in the finalist gave so much of joy to me! What a creative thing to do on this one...kudos to you and more so to your daughter :))) let the joy be yours! Congrats Susana! -vikra #4562580Colleen Farrell July 26, 2007 0
Congratulations on your creative win, Susana! #4562676
Judy V. Kennamer
July 26, 2007
Ken Grooms July 26, 2007 0
Congrats on your creative win - you must be very eggcited! #4562889Cathy M. Gromball July 26, 2007 0
Congratulations on your First Place win, Susana!Cathy :) #4563139
Chris Budny
July 26, 2007
Mick Burkey July 26, 2007 0
Congratulations on the win, Susana. Very well deserved! #4563227
Don Johnson
July 26, 2007
Tarun Bose July 26, 2007 0
Big ,big congrats for your first place winner, Susana. #4563676
Kay E. Mahoney
July 26, 2007
Monika Sapek July 26, 2007 0
I am so glad to see this one again! My heartfelt congratulations on your First Place Win, Susana!Lester A. Garcia July 26, 2007 0
Susana BIG CONGRATULATIONS! What a concept and a very appropriate title. I'm sorry I missed to comment on this one before. A true winner! #4564454BILLY R. PARKER July 26, 2007 0
CONGRADULATIONS SUSANA!! BILLY #4564463Chris Ebben July 26, 2007 0
Congratulations, very well done=^..^= #4564542Mary K. Robison July 26, 2007 0
A well-deserved First Place Win, Susana!
Laurie Daily
July 27, 2007
Renee Doyle July 27, 2007 0
Fantastic!!!! Big congratulations to you Susana on this wonderful first place win!
Theresa Marie Jones
July 27, 2007
Colette M. Metcalf July 27, 2007 0
Congratulations, Susana!!! #4565469Marta J. Baldwin July 27, 2007 0
A big congrats on this wonderfully creative winner SuSana!!! #4565505
Evy Johansen
July 27, 2007
Susana Ms Heide July 27, 2007 0
What a GREAT surprise this was for me!!!! Thank you to all of you for your wonderful support and the many congrats!!! I appreciate each message very much!!! #4565716
Rakesh Syal
July 27, 2007
Charlene Taylor July 27, 2007 0
Hi Susana,Wally Orlowsky July 27, 2007 0
Congratulations on this clever winner. Susana! #4566968
Terry L. Ellis
July 27, 2007
Cary Rogers July 27, 2007 0
CONGRATULATIONS to you and your daughter, Susana!! A wonderful creation and title!! #4568136Geraldine E. Lefoe July 27, 2007 0
Superb Susana, congratulations on your win and on such an amazing gallery. #4568963Susana Ms Heide July 28, 2007 0
Rakesh, Charlene, Wally, Terry, Cary and Geraldine: Thank you so much for making my day with your kind words!!!!! You've been very encouraging! #4570225Casey A. Hanson July 28, 2007 0
Way to go on your first place win, Susana! Congrats! :0) #4571055Susana Ms Heide July 29, 2007 0
THANKS a lot Casey!! #4573231Brenda c. McFarland July 30, 2007 0
Very creative! Thinking out of the egg carton really paid off! Way to go on your first Place win!! #4576648Donna Dunbar August 02, 2007 0
This is so creative, I have always been a fan of your work. This is a well deserved win congrats!!! #4588585Jill Flynn August 02, 2007 0
A big congratulations on your delightful and refreshing First Place Win Susana!!! Kudos to you for your creativity and kudos to your daugher for a great title! WONDERFUL WORK! #4588745Louise Souchereau August 02, 2007 0
Congratulations for this cute and creative picture, bravo #4588952Susana Ms Heide August 02, 2007 0
Brenda, Donna, Jill and Louise: I loved getting each one of your comments! Thank you!!! Brenda, you "crack me up" :o)) #4589045Toni A. Martin August 02, 2007 0
How clever you are! This is sooooo cute. It made my day. This definitely needs to be on a greeting card. Sell it!!!! #4591406Susana Ms Heide August 03, 2007 0
Thanks for the thumbs up Toni :o))) #4594135JO ANN CLEVELAND August 04, 2007 0
Absolutely adorable! Now that kid is very creative! Stick a camera in her hand! loljo ann c. #4598252
Janine Russell
August 08, 2007
Susana Ms Heide August 09, 2007 0
Thank you Jo Ann and Janine!!! I apprecaite your comments! She is actually very creative with the camera too :o) She seems to find very unique angles and compositions for ordinary objects :o) #4621665Toni Riggs August 15, 2007 0
You and your daughter make a great team! This is really creative and what a funny title! Congrats on your win! #4653448Susana Ms Heide August 22, 2007 0
Thanks so much Toni!! #4684210
Elida Gutierrez
January 02, 2008
Susana Ms Heide January 04, 2008 0
What a cute response!!! Gave me a chuckle!! Thanks Elida!! #5288997aaaaa bbbbb May 01, 2008 0
Very creative. That's putting a dandy lion to good use...LOL!Susana Ms Heide May 08, 2008 0
I really appreciate the time you took to check out some of my work Vicki!! Thanks so much for the comments!! #5901524
Laura E. Swan
September 07, 2009
Your daughter is very creative, too. She must get it from YOU KNOW WHO!!! HA!
-Laura :) #7920731
Susana Ms Heide September 07, 2009 0
Laura, you've been so generous with your compliments!! Thank you very much :o))) #7922925Kevin M. Carnevale September 07, 2009 0
This is very cool #7923053Susana Ms Heide September 09, 2009 0
Thanks Kevin :o)) #7926926
Christine Lobsinger
November 27, 2010
Susana Ms Heide December 14, 2010 0
Christine, YOU are the one who has left ME speechless because of your extra, super, generous compliments!!! THANK YOU so much for visiting my gallery and for being so sweet! :o)) #9102329Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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