Where Did They Go?
Uploaded: June 15, 2007 23:31:56
Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: +0, Exposure Time: 10/2500, Flash: flash did not fire, White Balance: auto white balance, Focal Length: 85mm, Camera Model: NIKON D50
Emily E. Bem June 15, 2007 0
Michelle, I bet we see this one again! It is just sooooo natural and the colour is PERFECT! #674430Debbie Truesdale June 16, 2007 0
Beautiful!! #4401194Melissa A. Mannon June 16, 2007 0
great colors, subject and pov #4401376
Mike D. Perez
June 16, 2007
cheryl m. phillips June 16, 2007 0
Well, I don't know what it looked like before, but it sure is beautiful now!!L. Michelle . Bashore June 16, 2007 0
Thank you all! #4401695Chastity Abbott June 25, 2007 0
Gorgeous exposure!!! I love it! #4432721Allison Gaulin July 25, 2007 0
This is stunning, Michelle! Congrats!!! #4553847Shawn Jennings July 25, 2007 0
Wonderful image, Michelle! Congratulations on your finalist! #4555305
Kay E. Mahoney
July 25, 2007
L. Michelle . Bashore July 26, 2007 0
Thank you all so much! #4561514Teresa Norris July 26, 2007 0
Way to go with this beautiful and well-deserved WINNER!!! Congrats!!! #4562442Allison Gaulin July 26, 2007 0
HUGE Congrats on your win Michelle!!!!!! #4562760jennifer B. short July 26, 2007 0
Yeah for you!!!!!!! A huge congrats for your well deserved win. What a terrific image that deserved to be recongnized. You go girl.!!!!!! #4563191Chastity Abbott July 26, 2007 0
So beautiful the light and the colors!!!!!! Huge congrats on your winning image!!!!! #4563652
Kay E. Mahoney
July 26, 2007
Megan p July 26, 2007 0
Oh!!! This is SO beautiful!! Congratulations! #4564537RC Fritz July 27, 2007 0
Big congratulations. Excellent image, Michelle! #4565032Mary K. Robison July 27, 2007 0
Such a lovely, sweet capture, with perfect lighting and beautiful children in profile!Heather July 27, 2007 0
Congrats,This is Adorable! #4565207L. Michelle . Bashore July 27, 2007 0
Thank you all so much! The strange thing is that I am on vacation where the shot was taken and what an unexpected treat to find out! #4565251Kathleen R. Struckle July 27, 2007 0
Congrats on you stunning win!! #4565636
Lisa J. Boulden
July 27, 2007
Carol Teal July 27, 2007 0
What adorable girls! This is a beautiful image of the two of them. Congrats on your win! #4569256Schiavonn M. Hasslinger August 03, 2007 0
Absolutely gorgeous photo! Congratulations on the win :0) #4594048L. Michelle . Bashore August 04, 2007 0
Thanks again~ #4597973
Janine Russell
August 08, 2007
Carole Bruckner August 21, 2007 0
OH! THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. #4675392Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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