Indoor Bloom

© Ernest J. Collins

Indoor Bloom

Uploaded: June 15, 2007 19:37:06


f 4.0; 1/25/; iso 400; 53 mm.


Shannon O. June 15, 2007 0

Amazingly contrasted and rustic-looking. I love this! Its gorgeous, Ernest. #674353

Daniella Puente June 15, 2007 0

Superb tones and light, well done! #4400492

June 15, 2007 0

Very nicely done! I like the brown tones to this picture alot. #4400515

Lynn Haack June 21, 2007 0

Very appealing the dramatic tonal quality! Saw this on EFP...congrats. Lynn #4418027

Ernest J. Collins June 21, 2007 0

Thanks for the appreciation Lynn. "Saw this on EFP?". What's that? (I'm really a Newbie.

Love the work you have done with the Canon 3S - very special - my brother-in law works with one and loves it. I will point him to your gallery.

Again, thanks for noticing.

Ernie Collins #4419668

Amy Weiland June 29, 2007 0

Beautiful lighting. Congrats on the EFP. #4455120

Shawn Jennings July 25, 2007 0

Absolutely beautiful, Ernest! Love the tones on this! Congratulations on your finalist! #4554530

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on your wonderful finalist. Good luck in the next round. #4556572

July 26, 2007 0

Beautiful, Dad.

Amazing tonality and composition really draws the eye in.

I'm guessing EFP is "Editors Finalist Pic"

Congrats! #4559398

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your second place winner. #4564070

July 29, 2007 0

Congratulations on your win! #4573230

Shawn Jennings July 30, 2007 0

Congratulations on your well deserved win, Ernest! #4579169

Janine Russell level-classic August 08, 2007 0

Ernest, big congratulations on your Second Place Winner! #4616702

RC Fritz August 21, 2007 0

Awesome image, Ernest! Congratulations on your WIN!! #4678912

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