White beauties.

© Tarun Bose

White beauties.

Uploaded: June 09, 2007 17:39:17


f/8.0, 1/400 secs, ISO 400, Lens 28-90mm. Shot taken in natural light in my Garden at Santiniketan. Slight bg. made black.


Linda D. Lester level-classic June 09, 2007 0

So beautiful...love the black BG! #670937

Terri L. Scribner June 09, 2007 0

Properly titled, Tarun!! Very beautiful! #4381560

Lynne Morris June 09, 2007 0

White beauties indeed Tarun, this is a gorgeous floral capture! #4381607

Gary Lange June 09, 2007 0

Very beautiful indeed, Tarun!! #4381688

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna June 09, 2007 0

Completely MARVELOUS image, Tarun!!!! Perfection!!!!!! :3 #4381877

Pat Gamwell June 10, 2007 0

Exceptionally well presented, Tarun! #4382801

Cyn Valentine June 10, 2007 0

THis is beautiful Tarun..great lighting!! #4383318

Girish Vaghela level-classic June 11, 2007 0

Awesome capture, Tarun! #4386549

Alexis Yobbagy June 11, 2007 0

Absolutely gorgeous composition Tarun!!! #4386959

Claudia Kuhn level-classic June 11, 2007 0

So beautiful Tarun, lovely details and lighting! #4387474

eileen bedford June 12, 2007 0

So beautifully captured Tarun... #4389727

Eleanor M. Perrotta June 12, 2007 0

Tarun, this is a lovely capture. The dark background enhances the color of the flowers. Nicely done. #4390122

Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas level-classic June 13, 2007 0

Very, very pretty Tarun!,
Amalia #4390967

Sam Britt June 13, 2007 0

Beautiful floral capture, Tarun. #4391400

Madhu Ramaswamy July 10, 2007 0

This is an excellent shot sir. #4490786

Jessica Jenney July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations, Tarun on this beautiful finalist image! #4551114

Poonam Gharat July 25, 2007 0

congrats on this finalist TarunDa #4551885

Colleen Farrell July 25, 2007 0

I wish I could see your garden, Tarun! Congratulations on a very beautiful finalist! #4551895

Tamera S. Phillips July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations Tarun. Just beautiful. #4551906

Barbara Waldoch July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Tarun! #4551935

Nadya Johnson July 25, 2007 0

How did I miss this>?>> This is totally EXQUISITE! Congratulations on your GORGEOUS finalist, Tarun! #4551972

Revonda L. Gentry July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on this very beautiful finalist, Tarun!! #4552013

Mike D. Perez level-deluxe July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on your beautiful Finalist, Tarun! #4552247

Evy Johansen level-classic July 25, 2007 0

So beautiful, Tarun!! Many congratulations on your most deserving finalist!! #4552362

Jennifer L. Alder July 25, 2007 0

Yeaaaa, Tarun!! Congrats on this well deserved finalist image! :) #4552770

Ujjwal Mukherjee July 25, 2007 0

Neat, simple and so beautiful! BIG Congratulations,Tarunda on your finalist!! #4552940

Husain Akhtar July 25, 2007 0

Big congratulations Tarun! Maza aa gaya! #4553202

Arlene Krassner July 25, 2007 0

Well done Tarun. Congratulations. #4553515

Marijana Fajgl July 25, 2007 0

Big congratulations Tarun on your fantastic finalist! #4553533

Judyann Plante July 25, 2007 0

Tarun, Congratulations on this outstanding finalist!

Judyann <>< #4553879

Regina L. Rickert July 25, 2007 0

Amazing clarity and lighting on this gorgeous finalist. Congratulations Tarun! #4554117

Sam Britt July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations, Tarun! #4554516

ALLEN O. HOWARD July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations, Tarun! #4555347

Alexis Yobbagy July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations Tarun!!! I'm pulling for this one to be a winner!!! #4555677

Karen Slagle July 25, 2007 0

Congrats, Tarun, on this outstanding finalist... #4556023

Karen Bacon July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on this stunning finalist Tarun! #4556044

Les Rhoades level-classic July 25, 2007 0

WOW! I missed this earlier in the month. You sure do have flower photography skills. Congratulations on your Finalist. Good Luck in the next round. #4556131

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on your wonderful finalist. Good luck in the next round. #4557089

Cyn Valentine July 25, 2007 0

So beautiful Tarun.. I saved it! Congratulations!! #4557379

Janet McNeil level-classic July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations - this is beautiful!! #4557548

Lani J July 26, 2007 0

This is stunning! Congratulations, Tarun! :) #4558196

eileen bedford July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations Tarun, it's so beautiful. Good luck next roung... #4558198

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Tarun!!!!!!! :-) k #4558267

Em Bee July 26, 2007 0

Beautiful composition. You have isolated this so well too. Khub bhalo :)!! #4558343

Melissa A. Mannon July 26, 2007 0

congratulations Tarun! #4558361

Jeana Clark July 26, 2007 0



~Jeana~ #4558417

Cheryl E. Molennor July 26, 2007 0

Beautiful!Congratulations! #4558670

Nancy L. Green level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, WTG!! <>< #4558787

Renee Doyle July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on this gorgeous finalist Tarun!!

Nobu Nagase July 26, 2007 0

It's certainly a beauty!
Congratulations!!! #4559458

VISHVAJIT JUIKAR level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Congrats ! #4559756

Carla Metzler July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Tarun! #4561609

Claudia Kuhn level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your 2nd place win Tarun, so beautiful! #4561909

Carla Metzler July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your win, Tarun! #4561959

Karen Engelbreth July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your wonderful win, Tarun!! #4561962

David Phalen July 26, 2007 0

BIG Congrats on a well deserved Winner! #4562008

Pranay Koka July 26, 2007 0

This one is so elegantly done and very good composition. Congrats on ur well deserved win!! #4562026

AMALIA Veralli July 26, 2007 0

Tarun, congrats on your second place win! Well deserved! #4562047

Cathy Barrows July 26, 2007 0

Congrats on your win...elegantly gorgeous #4562076

Jenny Bosmans July 26, 2007 0

Big congratulations on this beautiful winner, Tarun! :) #4562132

Jennifer L. Alder July 26, 2007 0

Congrats,Tarun! #4562418

Vikram Jamwal July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations Tarun on this beautiful winner! :-) #4562455

Autum Rhoades July 26, 2007 0

Tarun, congrats on this wonderful winner! #4562522

Girish Vaghela level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Big congratulations on this wonderful winner, Tarun! #4562538

July 26, 2007 0

Congrats Tarun!! #4562565

Vicki Hunt July 26, 2007 0

What a beautiful winner! Congrats! #4562695

Jessica Jenney July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations, Tarun on this beautiful win! #4562758

Doug Newman July 26, 2007 0

This a superb photograph, Tarun!

Congratulations on this recognition and win! #4562790

Colleen Farrell July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations, Tarun, on your WIN!!! #4562816

Laurence Saliba level-classic July 26, 2007 0

A very BIG Congrats Tarun!!! #4563024

RC Fritz July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations Tarun!!! #4563044

Jeana Clark July 26, 2007 0



~Jeana~ #4563149

July 26, 2007 0

dongratulations. I am happy for you #4563318

July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations. I am happy for you #4563320

Agnes Fegan level-deluxe July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your winning photo Tarun !!! #4563429

Chastity Abbott July 26, 2007 0

How beautiful is this!!!!! Congrats to you my friend on your winning image! Keep up the awesome work! #4563635

Anita Hogue July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on these white beauties, Tarun!!!!! #4563873

Sam Britt July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your winner, Tarun! #4563905

Tarun Bose July 26, 2007 0

Thanks to all of you my friends for kind words of appreciation. #4563996

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your second place winner. #4564066

Monika Sapek July 26, 2007 0

Many congratulations on your Second Place Winner, Tarun!

Lester A. Garcia July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations too Tarun - They're really white beauties! #4564384

Mike D. Perez level-deluxe July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your great Winner, Tarun! #4564726

Raymond Pauly July 27, 2007 0

This is a lovely winner! Congratulations, Tarun! #4565105

Colette M. Metcalf July 27, 2007 0

CONGRATULATIONS, Tarun!!! #4565437

Poonam Gharat July 27, 2007 0

Congratulations #4565538

Evy Johansen level-classic July 27, 2007 0

Big congratulations on your beautiful 2nd place win, Tarun!!! #4565681

Rakesh Syal level-classic July 27, 2007 0

WOW!!! My heartiest congratulations on your Second Place Winner, Dada!!!

Lani J July 27, 2007 0

Yay, Tarun!! Wonderful image and FANTASTIC winner :) Congratulations!! :) #4565884

Pradeep Alengatt Subramanian July 27, 2007 0

tarun da, hearty congrats on your winning shot. #4565908

Nilesh J. Bhange July 27, 2007 0

Congratulations!! :) #4565956

Gurvaran Singh July 27, 2007 0

Heartly Congratulation Tarun Sir.Wish u best of luck for future. #4566028

Melissa A. Mannon July 27, 2007 0

BIG CONGRATULATIONS! Way to go! #4566439

Judyann Plante July 27, 2007 0

Tarun, Congratulations on this much deserved win!!! Well done, my friend!

Judyann <>< #4566588

Emile Abbott level-classic July 27, 2007 0

Huge congratulations Tarun on a beautiful win. #4567221

Cheryl E. Molennor July 27, 2007 0

Gorgeous Tarun! Congratulations! #4567865

Cary Rogers July 27, 2007 0

CONGRATULATIONS, Tarun!!! Namaste, my friend! #4568110

Terry L. Ellis level-classic July 27, 2007 0

A perfect win, Tarun! Congratulations! #4568319

Husain Akhtar July 27, 2007 0

Tarun, I knew this entry is a winner because it is gorgeous, particularly the contrast of black and white! Huge congratulations!
Speak to you soon - we will see what the whether is like to-morrow (Sat)! #4568387

Vishal Sharma July 27, 2007 0

Congratulations Tarun ji! Excellent composition with Black and White combination. #4568393

Nobu Nagase July 27, 2007 0

Congratulations again, Tarun, on this beautiful winner ! #4569041

Ameet B. Agnihotri July 28, 2007 0

congrats Tarun Da ! on your win #4569790

Arnie Horwitz level-deluxe July 28, 2007 0

Congratulations on this great capture, Tarun!

Aimee S. McMaster July 28, 2007 0

...congratulations on this beautiful winner, Tarun...Aimee #4570613

July 28, 2007 0

Congratulations on this winner Tarun! #4571218

Nadine A. Lewis July 28, 2007 0

My dearest friend, Tarun, words can't begin to tell you how thrilled I am to see this much deserved win!!! You are AWESOME!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! <>< #4572006

Ujjwal Mukherjee July 30, 2007 0

BIG CONGRATULATIONS Tarunda!! #4576496

Rahul Sharma July 30, 2007 0

Big Congratulations Tarun Ji on this Beautiful Winner.... I am already your fan what else I can say.... I am really pleased to see your picture winning... #4576523

Dr. Harmeet Singh July 30, 2007 0

Three cheers for this beautiful winner...Congrats.. #4577761

Karen Bacon July 30, 2007 0

Congratulations on this outstanding winner Tarun! #4578621

Helen N. McHugh July 31, 2007 0

Huge congratulations on this beautiful winning capture, Tarun! Well deserved!! #4581697

Milan Banik August 04, 2007 0

Tarunda darun valu laglu,ami regular b p te aste parchi na ,ektu bussy tai. #4599183

eileen bedford August 06, 2007 0

Congratualtions on your beautiful winner Tarun, great job... #4608720

Janine Russell level-classic August 08, 2007 0

Tarun, excellent detail, clarity, exposure and lighting; big congratulations on your Second Place Winner! #4616700

anonymous August 09, 2007 0

Congratulations Tarun on this gorgeous second place win! B- #4625504

Gunther Allen August 23, 2007 0

A beautiful winning shot Tarun - belated congrats! #4685565

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BetterPhoto.com All Time Best Photo Contest Staff Favorite BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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