Yellow Gazania

Uploaded: June 08, 2007 10:16:29


Lynne Morris June 08, 2007 0

Wow this is a stunning floral Laurie, the details are fantastic. #670242

Agnes Fegan level-deluxe June 08, 2007 0

Beautiful and bright! #4377596

Maria Zammit level-classic June 08, 2007 0

Outstanding capture Laurie! #4377603

MELODIE C. ROBERTS June 08, 2007 0

WOW Laurie,
What a way to start my Day!!
Incredible detail and lighting
Have a nice FRIDAY!
Mel #4377604

Aimee S. McMaster June 08, 2007 0

...amazingly beautiful it...Aimee #4377609

Gail Vitikacs level-classic June 08, 2007 0

STRIKING beauty! #4377614

Darson Sumarno June 08, 2007 0

Bright and love the tone ... #4377697

Autum Rhoades June 08, 2007 0

Gorgeous, Laurie! I love the lighting - care to share how you achieved this image? Anyways, brilliant work! #4377765

Carol Sawyer June 08, 2007 0

Outstanding image and color, Laurie! #4377816

Dan E. June 08, 2007 0

Very nice #4377935

Candice C. Calhoun level-deluxe June 08, 2007 0

Gorgeous gazania the color and lovely clarity!

ccc #4377959

Laurie Daily level-deluxe June 08, 2007 0

Thanks everyone for your appreciated comments. Autum, I think I used a 50mm macro with 12mm extention tube. Minor cropping and some sharpening. Gazanias are so great because they have such personality and pop with very little encouragemnt! Been so busy with end of the year school things I have not been paying attention to details. I am lucky to have a few minutes here and there to take pictures...soon I will be free!!! #4379464

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna June 09, 2007 0

WOWEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! What totally SPECTACULAR color and details!!!!! I'll say it again!!!!! WOWEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! :3 #4379535

Cheryl E. Molennor June 09, 2007 0

Jumps right ou at ya! Great job Laurie #4379590

Colleen Farrell June 09, 2007 0

WOW!!!! I think you have a winner, here, Laurie! Fantastic color and clarity. I just bought two gazanias this year for the first time ... once they get established, I hope to get some good photos of them! #4380172

Stefania Barbier level-classic June 09, 2007 0

Perfect! beautiful colors and clarity! #4380412

Laurie Daily level-deluxe June 09, 2007 0

Thanks so much Kitty, Cheryl, Colleen, and Stefania. I do appreciate your comments! #4380669

Raymond Pauly June 09, 2007 0

Spectacular macro with beautiful colors and clarity of detail, Laurie! This should be a winner! #4381807

Laurie Daily level-deluxe June 09, 2007 0

Thank you, Raymond! #4381876

Janet McNeil level-classic June 10, 2007 0

Incredible detail - just saw this in Editors First Picks - very beautifully done!! #4382375

Janine Russell level-classic June 10, 2007 0

Laurie, excellent color, detail, lighting, composition and effects. #4382806

Janine Russell level-classic June 10, 2007 0

Laurie, excellent color, detail, lighting, composition and effects. #4382807

Laurie Daily level-deluxe June 10, 2007 0

Thanks so much Janet and Janine! #4382896

Hurk (Steve) Hurkett June 11, 2007 0

Very pretty floral presentation, Laurie ... love the color, lighting and sharp detail .......... steve #4387249

Laurie Daily level-deluxe June 11, 2007 0

Thanks Steve! #4387322

Nilesh J. Bhange June 12, 2007 0

Brilliant Shot!! I agree with all commentators. #4388589

Laurie Daily level-deluxe June 12, 2007 0

Thanks again, Nilesh. I appreciate your comments! #4388673

Phil Cannon June 14, 2007 0

Wow!! Love the full frame on this and the color and detail are superb!!! #4394549

Sam Britt June 16, 2007 0

Beautiful, Laurie. I just spotted this in the Editor's First Picks. #4403699

Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 25, 2007 0

Stunning clarity, colors and details! #4436132

Laurie Daily level-deluxe June 25, 2007 0

Thanks Phil, Sam, and Donna. I appreciate your comments and Sam for letting me know about EFP! #4436227

Steven E. Ray July 17, 2007 0

This is a powerful photo. The flower almost bursts on the screen. Excellent photography! #4515717

Colleen Farrell July 25, 2007 0

Hey, I successfully predicted another winner, and I get to be the first to congratulate you on your finalist! :D Way to go, Laurie! #4551907

Raymond Pauly July 25, 2007 0

Beautiful finalist, Laurie! #4551992

Evy Johansen level-classic July 25, 2007 0

Many congratulations on your beautiful finalist, Laurie! #4552366

Judyann Plante July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on this outstanding finalist, Laurie!

Judyann <>< #4553689

Mary Timman July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on a beautiful finalist! #4553880

Erin Appelbaum July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations, Laurie. Beautiful finalist. Peter #4553881

Sam Britt July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations, Laurie! #4554524

Laurie Daily level-deluxe July 25, 2007 0

Thanks so much everyone...I really appreciate your congrats! #4556935

Cary Rogers July 25, 2007 0

WOWZER-DOWZER!!! (no one's said THAT yet) Congrats on this well-deserved Finalist, Laurie! OUTSTANDING lighting, detail, colors and composition! #4557252

Aimee S. McMaster July 25, 2007 0

...much congratulations on ALL your wonderful finalists Laurie...Aimee #4557468

BILLY R. PARKER July 25, 2007 0


Lani J July 26, 2007 0

Striking! Congratulations on another beauty, Laurie! #4558310

Jeana Clark July 26, 2007 0



~Jeana~ #4558469

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your beautiful finalist. Good luck in the next round. #4558520

Cheryl E. Molennor July 26, 2007 0

WOW! Congratulations! #4558695

Laurie Daily level-deluxe July 26, 2007 0

Thanks so much Cary, Aimee, Billy, Lani, Jeana, Kay, and Cheryl...a wonderful surprise coming home to all of this after several days away! #4560289

Susan Candelario level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Congrats on this wonderful Finalist!!! #4561062

Karen Engelbreth July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your wonderful win, Laurie!! #4561973

Aimee S. McMaster July 26, 2007 0

....congratulations on this STUNNING winner Laurie...Aimee #4562007

Joan Kocak July 26, 2007 0

a HUGE congrats on your win Laurie!!! #4562010

AMALIA Veralli July 26, 2007 0

Congrats on your second place win! #4562054

Jenny Bosmans July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations, Laurie! :) #4562135

Autum Rhoades July 26, 2007 0

Congrats on your wonderful win, Laurie!!! #4562493

Colleen Farrell July 26, 2007 0

Big congratulations on your WIN, Laurie!! #4562615

Ken Grooms July 26, 2007 0

The best yellow like ever! #4562625

Marie Fields July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on this terrific win, Laurie! #4562804

Jeana Clark July 26, 2007 0




~Jeana~ #4563144

Don Johnson level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Wow! Beautiful image with great colors. And soooo sharp! Congratulations! #4563373

Tarun Bose July 26, 2007 0

Big congrats Laurie for your second place winner. #4564005

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your second place winner. #4564071

Holly Shao July 27, 2007 0

Congratulations on your win, Laurie! Excellent work!

Holly #4564811

Laurie Daily level-deluxe July 27, 2007 0

Thanks so very, very much everyone...your congrats are so greatly appreciated! #4564852

William C. Raco level-classic July 27, 2007 0

Very beautiful color, light and textures
Congratulations, Laurie!

Bill #4564911

MELODIE C. ROBERTS July 27, 2007 0

I really liked it then..I really like it now.....
Congratulations Laurie!!!!!.....Mel ;0)! #4564990

RC Fritz July 27, 2007 0

Congratulations on your WINNER!! #4565155

Theresa Marie Jones level-deluxe July 27, 2007 0

Bravo! Excellent!! #4565346

Colette M. Metcalf July 27, 2007 0


Evy Johansen level-classic July 27, 2007 0

Big congratulations on your 2nd place win, Laurie!! #4565684

Barbara Waldoch July 27, 2007 0

Congratulations on this wonderful winner, Laurie! #4565801

Lisa J. Boulden level-classic July 27, 2007 0

So incredibly fabulous, Laurie!
Big time congrats!!!
--lisa #4565806

Lani J July 27, 2007 0

This is a stunning image, well deserved win! :) CONGRATULATIONS! #4565887

Ron Roberts July 27, 2007 0


Laurie Daily level-deluxe July 27, 2007 0

Thanks so much for your wonderful words of greatly appreciated! #4566448

Judyann Plante July 27, 2007 0

Laurie, Congratulations on this much deserved win!!!

Judyann <>< #4566592

Erin Appelbaum July 27, 2007 0

Congratulations on your win. Well deserved. Peter #4566682

Emile Abbott level-classic July 27, 2007 0

There is gold in them thar flowers. Awesome capture and well deserved winner, Laurie, Congratulations. #4567252

Cheryl E. Molennor July 27, 2007 0

Incredible! Congratulations! #4567866

Cary Rogers July 27, 2007 0

Laurie...CONGRATULATIONS on your WINNER(s)!!! :-) #4568111

Anna Diederich July 28, 2007 0

LOVE this one! Big congrats to you! #4569580

Laurie Daily level-deluxe July 28, 2007 0

Thanks Judyann, Peter, Emile, Cheryl, Cary, and Anna. I really appreciate your congrats! #4569624

Jill Flynn August 02, 2007 0

A yellow beauty Laurie! Superb clarity and presentation. Congratulations on your win! #4588974

Laurie Daily level-deluxe August 02, 2007 0

Thanks so much Jill! #4590063

Janine Russell level-classic August 08, 2007 0

Laurie, excellent color, detail, clarity, textures and lighting; big congratulations on your Second Place Winner! #4616703

Laurie Daily level-deluxe August 08, 2007 0

Thanks so much, Janine! #4617564

anonymous August 09, 2007 0

Hi Laurie, Big congrats on your second place win! Beautiful image!! B- #4625466

Robert Baer August 26, 2007 0

what a beatuiful, colorful image. congratulations on your win!! #4700187

Laurie Daily level-deluxe August 27, 2007 0

Thanks so much Barbara and Justin! #4702888

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