Calla Lights

© Cheryl E. Molennor

Calla Lights

Uploaded: May 10, 2007 00:56:20


Melissa G. Meiselman May 10, 2007 0

Cheryl, your way of presenting flowers is quite unique and this one is no exception. The colors are brilliant and the lighting...fantastic!! #652526

Sam Britt May 10, 2007 0

Beautiful color, great composition & lighting, Cheryl. #4265768

Cheryl E. Molennor May 10, 2007 0

Thanks so much Melissa and Sam #4265851

Scott Cromwell May 10, 2007 0

I was going to use the word "unique", but Melissa beat me to it. This is one of the most original and well done flower pics I've seen for some time. Great job. #4265965

Su Sana E. P level-classic May 10, 2007 0

Okay, let me use a word that’s not yet used here. Cheryl, I’m very JEALOUS of your accomplishment here. You know I love such stunning color/lighting combination and the shapes of these gorgeous flowers add so much interest to this image!! Absolutely great job here!!


Sherri Gorman May 10, 2007 0

Gorgeous!!! Beautiful lighting, color and composition!!! Stunning!!!! #4266677

Amanda Chapman May 10, 2007 0

beautiful design! #4267494

Cheryl E. Molennor May 10, 2007 0

Scott SuSana Sheri and Amanda Thankyou for the awesome compliments. SuSana don't be jealous you know I LOVE you! LOL #4267861

Daphne Mills May 10, 2007 0

Phenomenal #4267866

Cheryl E. Molennor May 10, 2007 0

Thankyoy Daphne #4269052

Lani J May 10, 2007 0

REALLY beautiful, Cheryl! This is just stunning... I bet we'll be seeing it again! :) #4269464

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic May 11, 2007 0

WOW....Stunning!!! Love the colors and softness!!!! #4269949

Holly Shao May 11, 2007 0

This is gorgeous, Cheryl! Love the hues and DoF. Great work!

Holly #4270050

Cheryl E. Molennor May 11, 2007 0

Lani,Shelly,Holly and Don Thankyou #4270166

Ivan Chacon May 12, 2007 0

Excellently gorgeous! ") #4273691

Evy Johansen level-classic May 14, 2007 0

This is so beautiful, Cheryl!! #4279773

Robert Baer May 14, 2007 0

just beatiful!! #4282006

Cheryl E. Molennor May 14, 2007 0

Ivan Evy and Justin thankyou all so much! #4282075

Stephen Zacker May 17, 2007 0

Like the way you use bold colors and dof. Stunning #4293619

eileen bedford May 19, 2007 0

BEAUTIFUL, love the softness and curves... #4300151

Cheryl E. Molennor May 20, 2007 0

Thankyou Stephen and Eileen #4302211

Susan M. Hembree June 30, 2007 0

This is fantastic! Great colors and effects on this, Cheryl! #4458006

Cheryl E. Molennor June 30, 2007 0

Thankyou Susan #4460134

Susan Fox July 02, 2007 0

Love the POV and how the curvy lines create an abstract image. #4463563

Cheryl E. Molennor July 02, 2007 0

Thankyou Susan #4463607

Colleen Farrell July 25, 2007 0

Just added this to my favorite photos list, Cheryl! Big congratulations on a stunning floral and a very well-deserved finalist!! #4551965

Graeme yew Chow July 25, 2007 0

Excellent finalist, congrats Cheryl again. #4552217

Esther Smith July 25, 2007 0

Congrats on your wonderful Finalist Cheryl!! #4552337

Sam Britt July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations again, Cheryl! #4554586

ALLEN O. HOWARD July 25, 2007 0

Another beauty worthy of all the praise it recieves! Congratulations again, Cheryl! #4555459

Jessica Jenney July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations, Cheryl on this beautiful finalist! #4555845

Sherri Gorman July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on your gorgeous finalist!!! #4556172

Susan Fox July 26, 2007 0

So glad this made finalist. Congratulations Cheryl!!! #4558137

Cheryl E. Molennor July 26, 2007 0

Thanks Everybody!! #4558292

eileen bedford July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations Cheryl of this beautiful finalist.... #4558572

Laurie Daily level-deluxe July 26, 2007 0

WOW!!!!This is just so very beautiful Cheryl...congratualtions to you! #4560350

Cheryl E. Molennor July 26, 2007 0

Thankyou laurie and Eileen #4560754

Susan Candelario level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Great Finalist, Congrats!!! #4561223

Graeme yew Chow July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations ! big winner Cheryl. #4561878

Karen Engelbreth July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your wonderful win, Cheryl!! #4561986

AMALIA Veralli July 26, 2007 0

Another stunning win! Congratulations! #4562073

Don Johnson level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations Cheryl! Simply a beautiful image. #4562226

Colleen Farrell July 26, 2007 0

Way to go, Cheryl! Congrats on your great win!!! #4562598

Esther Smith July 26, 2007 0

I knew we'd see this again!! Congratulations Cheryl!! #4562864

Jessica Jenney July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations, Cheryl on your gorgeous win! #4563070

Girish Vaghela level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Great win, Congratulations, Cheryl! #4563090

Heather July 26, 2007 0

Congrats!!! #4563092

Tarun Bose July 26, 2007 0

Big congrats Cheryl, for your second place winner. #4563893

Sam Britt July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your winner, Chery1! #4563913

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your second place winner. #4564077

Laurie Daily level-deluxe July 27, 2007 0

Congrats Cheryl on this beautiful second place winner!!! #4564797

Holly Shao July 27, 2007 0

Congratulations on your win, Cheryl! Gorgeous!

Holly #4564836

Colette M. Metcalf July 27, 2007 0

CONGRATULATIONS, Cheryl!!! #4565452

Lani J July 27, 2007 0

So LOVERLY! :) Congratulations Cheryl!! :) #4565892

Cheryl E. Molennor July 27, 2007 0

THANKYOU everybody! What a great surprise! Congratulations to all of you as well #4567747

Nobu Nagase July 27, 2007 0

Superb color and control of lighting.

Congratulations on your super win ! #4569049

Anna Diederich July 28, 2007 0

Congratulations on your beautiful win Cheryl! #4569576

Cheryl E. Molennor July 28, 2007 0

Thankyou Nobi and Anna #4569674

Darryl Wilkinson July 28, 2007 0

Beautiful work done here, Cheryl! Congratulations on your win!! #4570028

Robert K. Bemus level-classic July 28, 2007 0

Beautiful image, Cheryl...congrats on your win! #4570290

Cheryl E. Molennor July 28, 2007 0

Thankyou Darryl and Robert! #4572414

Karen Bacon July 30, 2007 0

Congratulations on this beautiful winner Cheryl! #4578616

Cheryl E. Molennor July 30, 2007 0

Thankyou Karen #4579111

eileen bedford August 06, 2007 0

Congratualtions on your beautiful winner Cheryl, great job... #4608725

Cheryl E. Molennor August 07, 2007 0

Thankyou Eileen #4610833

Janine Russell level-classic August 08, 2007 0

Cheryl, big congratulations on your Second Place Winner! #4616705

Cheryl E. Molennor August 08, 2007 0

Thankyou Janine #4618472

Daphne Mills August 08, 2007 0

Congrats on your winning capture! This is outstanding! I love the softness, the lighting and the color! #4619190

Cheryl E. Molennor August 09, 2007 0

Thankyou Daphne #4620983

anonymous August 09, 2007 0

Congrats Cheryl on your fabulous win! #4625479

Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 10, 2007 0

Great colors and design elements. A huge congratulations on your win!! #4625737

Cheryl E. Molennor August 10, 2007 0

Thankyou Barbara and Donna #4625959

Susan T. Evans level-classic November 07, 2008 0

Awesome work Cheryl! #6718093

Cheryl E. Molennor November 07, 2008 0

Thankyou Susan #6718436

Songbird Cline level-classic February 15, 2010 0

great bold and graphic work #8382591

Cheryl E. Molennor February 15, 2010 0

Thankyou Songbird #8383168

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