In the Lane
Uploaded: January 25, 2007 18:38:31
Used two photos, one of the lane near my mother's house in Michigan and another of her kitchen wallpaper for the added texture effect.
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Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 01, 2007 0
This is truly beautiful Patrick, the tones and textures are amazing. Very well done! #4009056Karen Slagle June 01, 2007 0
Amazing work, Patrick. I love the warm tones and effects. I love the mood of this image... #4354355Louise Kumpf June 02, 2007 0
Absolutely stunning, Patrick. I do love it, as I do so much of your work. #4358387
Angela E. Walter
June 13, 2007
Martha N. Church June 14, 2007 0
This is so beautiful. You've made me homesick for the state I grew up in. #4395914Joan Kocak June 14, 2007 0
can absolutely get lost in this image! beautiful work~ #4397409Lynn Haack June 21, 2007 0
This is so beautiful. I love the tonal quality, the perspective and the overall comp. Saw this on EFP...congrats. Lynn #4418249Colleen Farrell June 24, 2007 0
Wow, I wish I could do that! :) Terrific creative effects and a gorgeous image!! #4429949Aleksandra Miesak June 25, 2007 0
Wow, very nice image. Awesome effect! Great Editor's Pick. #4434076Jessica Jenney July 25, 2007 0
Congratulations, Patrick on this gorgeous finalist image! #4552778Chastity Abbott July 25, 2007 0
HUGE congrats!!!!!! #4554572Mary Timman July 25, 2007 0
Outstanding work with this. It's beautiful.Kate Jackson July 25, 2007 0
Fabulous Patrick! I love it to bits! Congrats! #4556742Donna La Mattino Pagakis July 25, 2007 0
Creative and beautiful, congratulations on your finalist win Patrick! #4557878Susan Fox July 25, 2007 0
I so love this look Patrick! Congratulations!!! #4557998
Kay E. Mahoney
July 26, 2007
RC Fritz July 26, 2007 0
Congratulations Patrick. Fantastic WIN! #4562389Jessica Jenney July 26, 2007 0
Congratulations, Patrick on your First Place Win!!!!!! #4562734Mick Burkey July 26, 2007 0
Beautiful work, Patrick! Congratulations on the First Place win. #4563236Chastity Abbott July 26, 2007 0
Simply beautiful!!!! Wonderful congrats on your winning image!!!!!!! #4563588
Kay E. Mahoney
July 26, 2007
Sheryl A. Hudson
July 26, 2007
Mary K. Robison July 26, 2007 0
What a well-deserved First Place Win ~ CONGRATULATIONS to you! #4564692
paul parent
July 27, 2007
Lisa R. Buffington
July 27, 2007
Charlene Taylor July 27, 2007 0
Hi Patrick,Judy Williams July 27, 2007 0
Stunning. What a classic. It just pulls you in with the gorgeous golden tones. Such a superb image. Congratulations. #4567464Wendy Stevenson July 27, 2007 0
Love the golden tones and inviting mood! Beautiful image and great use of textures, colour and superb composition!! Congratulations on a fine FIRST PLACE WIN!! #4568201Louise Souchereau August 02, 2007 0
Waw this is so lovely, wish I could walk thru this alley. You have a lot of imagination, the texture, the light, the tones are spectacular , bravo and congratulations.
Janine Russell
August 08, 2007
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