Beach Baby
Uploaded: August 17, 2006 21:09:45
1/160, f/3.5, ISO-50, 200 f/1.8 lens.
Kay E. Mahoney
August 17, 2006
Chastity Abbott August 17, 2006 0
Wonderful way she is facing the light and it warms her skin tones brilliantly!! I really like the look of the sand as the textures appear with such great detail. The colors are VIVID and with a such great excellent appearance, love the pink skirt, yellow bucket and the white shirt...brings in the the white from small crashing waves* What I LOVE most of your style of photography is I see so much in such a simple portrait!!! Great capture!!! #3177801Daniella Puente August 17, 2006 0
Erica, congrats! this is so beautiful. The light over her is great and warm and the dof is fantastic, make the textures on the sand and sea appears just as should be :0) excellent job! #3178025Margot Petrowski August 17, 2006 0
Looks like a winner!!! #3178066
Erica Murphy
August 18, 2006
Erica #3178444
Elizabeth Beaudoin August 18, 2006 0
Gorgeous color Erica! What a little beauty she is! #3178527Lynn Crawford August 18, 2006 0
This is beautiufl Erica, love the sharpe focus on the beautiful little girl and great DOF, also the warm tones from the sun are great :) #3178761Cyn Valentine August 18, 2006 0 the color and light! Well done! #3178774Jane M August 18, 2006 0
Fantastic DOF and glorious color Erica! #3179075
Erica Murphy
August 18, 2006
Erica #3179092
Katherine Kuhn August 18, 2006 0
Beautiful image with great composition, DOF, wonderful textures & colors -- great expression on her face. Great capture! #3182453
Erica Murphy
August 18, 2006
Erica #3182629
Megan p June 15, 2007 0
LOVE EVERYTHING about this!!! she is scrumptious in that beautiful light! #4401109
Erica Murphy
June 16, 2007
Erica #4401169
Heidi Brand
July 06, 2007
Erica Murphy
July 07, 2007
Erica #4480485
Anna Diederich July 25, 2007 0
So glad to see this one again Erica! Congratulations! #4551346Emily E. Bem July 25, 2007 0
Winner...Winner, Winner, Winner!:))))))) #4551756
Katarina Mansson July 25, 2007 0
I agree with Emily above...RC Fritz July 25, 2007 0
Very cute! Congratulations. Great Finalist! #4553730Regina L. Rickert July 25, 2007 0
Wow! Just gogeous, Erica!! Congratulations again! #4554202Chastity Abbott July 25, 2007 0
This was always a fav of mine!!!!! HUGE Congrats hope to see it go further!!! #4554748
Erica Murphy
July 25, 2007
Erica #4555089
Elizabeth R. G July 25, 2007 0
Congrats, Erica!! LOVE this one and good luck!! #4555928
Erica Murphy
July 25, 2007
Erica #4556458
Kay E. Mahoney
July 26, 2007
Christy Nichols July 26, 2007 0
Congratulations again Erica! #4561857Megan p July 26, 2007 0
CONGRATULATIONS Erica!!! this is such a beautiful photo! #4561862Carol Teal July 26, 2007 0
Congrats on your beautiful win!! #4562200RC Fritz July 26, 2007 0
Well deserved First Place, Erica. Congratulations! #4562386
Erica Murphy
July 26, 2007
Emily E. Bem July 26, 2007 0
Chastity Abbott July 26, 2007 0
The light & colors....sigh....Anna Diederich July 26, 2007 0
OMG Erica Big Huge Congrats to you on your fabulous win!! #4563696
Kay E. Mahoney
July 26, 2007
Erica Murphy
July 26, 2007
Erica #4563891
Sarah Goblot July 26, 2007 0
Yippee~~~~~~~~!!!!!! #4563917Regina L. Rickert July 27, 2007 0
Woooooo-hoooooooo!!!! Congratulations Erica. I am so happy for you. This is a fantastic shot! The lighting is gorgeous. #4565224
Erica Murphy
July 27, 2007
Erica #4565594
Julie Metcalf July 27, 2007 0
Woo Hoo, Erica. Totally deserving! #4565795
Terry L. Ellis
July 27, 2007
Erica Murphy
July 27, 2007
Erica #4567606
Elizabeth R. G July 27, 2007 0
CONGRATS Erica!!! I just love this one!!! #4568468
Robert K. Bemus
July 28, 2007
Erica Murphy
July 28, 2007
Erica #4571214
Krisztina Athanasakis July 28, 2007 0
Beautiful photo Erica !! I just adore the lighting in this shot. #4571885gloria s. kasse vega July 29, 2007 0
Congratulations!!! I visited your gallery and loved it. #4572791Renee Lewis July 29, 2007 0
Congrats on 1st place, Erica!!!! #4572866
Heidi Brand
July 29, 2007
Erica Murphy
July 29, 2007
Erica #4575014
Stephanie Arnold August 02, 2007 0
ERICA!!!! I've been so MIA that I didn't even know you got a 1st place winner - FANTASTIC! =) Congrats! #4589276
Erica Murphy
August 02, 2007
Erica #4591190
Janine Russell
August 08, 2007
Erica Murphy
August 08, 2007
Erica #4619007
Cindy Wong August 10, 2007 0
Congratulations on your first place, Erica! :) #4626550Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 25, 2007 0
This is so beautiful, congratulations on your first place win Erica!! Way to go!! #4694139
Erica Murphy
August 25, 2007
Toni Riggs September 03, 2007 0
Adorable image, congrats on your win! #4741100
Erica Murphy
September 04, 2007
"emmanuel ""nolax""" N. Montemar October 26, 2007 0
congrats on this first place winner, erica! your gallery is amazing! :) #4983544Alexandra Hankova December 01, 2007 0
Beautiful child, beautiful light, fantastic moment! This really is a great picture :-) #5156618Michelle Alton December 07, 2007 0
Wow...I see why this was a winner! It is beautiful and SHE is beautiful. The image is just glorious!
Erica Murphy
December 07, 2007
Erica #5176917
Lisa J. Boulden
December 17, 2007
Erica Murphy
December 17, 2007
Erica #5218391
Stephen Zacker January 27, 2008 0
Wonderful moment and feeling this has. Congratulations. Like your gallery #5402468Kathy L. Clark February 09, 2008 0
Erica congratulations on an absolutely perfect winner. She is such a gorgeous little lady. I like everything about this image. Keep up the great work. #5468074
Erica Murphy
February 09, 2008
Erica #5468761
Peggy J. Maguire March 28, 2008 0
Wonderful portrait Erica.Well deserved win!!!!
Erica Murphy
March 28, 2008
Bill Knaps September 07, 2008 0
What a precious capture and a well deserved winner. Congrats on all your well deserved wins Erica. Bill #6421127Max Aureli September 23, 2008 0
Wonderful expression well capture in this portrait!!!! Light is superb, poser details sharp, wonder expression on her face unbelievable. Great work and Congratulation for your Winner!!Sandy Powers November 03, 2008 0
What an enchanting photo! I love it! #6701439
Erica Murphy
November 03, 2008
Philippe Vieux-Jeanton January 31, 2009 0
This is so perfect, comp, light, colors.. A very beautiful Winner! #7110161
Erica Murphy
January 31, 2009
Howard B. Cheek May 29, 2009 0
The subject AND the photographer have something very special going on here..
Erica Murphy
May 29, 2009
Barbara Waldoch February 22, 2010 0
Beautiful shot, Erica, congratulations! #8405561
Erica Murphy
February 22, 2010
Julianne Bradford May 13, 2010 0
Such a beautiful capture and child Erica. All your work is so exceptional! #8607751Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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