Devil In The Blue Dress

© Michael S. Swaffar

Devil In The Blue Dress

Uploaded: April 13, 2006 21:51:07


Vendla Stockdale April 13, 2006 0

neat picture #426433

Janessa L. Taber-Webb April 13, 2006 0

Why is she a devil? lol...nice pic though! I love it! #2640237

April 13, 2006 0

love the editing. Jen #2640257

Dennis Flanagan level-classic April 13, 2006 0

I really like the pose and processing but like Janessa, I don't think the title fits. Other than that, it's a great shot. #2640312

Michael S. Swaffar April 14, 2006 0

Sorry about the title. I don't mean "Satan" but if you've ever heard the song " Devil with a blue dress" maybe you understand where I'm coming from. Also she's supposed to be drinking a "Blue Devil"
As far as why she's a devil we'll probably never know. LOL
Thanks for commenting....... :>) #2640820

April 14, 2006 0

That is what I thought when I saw the title but wasnt' 100% sure. I remember the song. ;) #2640836

Alison Greenwood April 14, 2006 0

Beautiful portrait Michael! Your lighting is wonderful. I love the sc and the slight breeze through her hair! Very very beautiful, I love it! #2641263

Chris N. Kyger April 14, 2006 0

Wow very Beautiful Michael, good job! #2641984

Jack R. Perry April 14, 2006 0

Cool shot, very creative and I remember the song also. #2642135

Tiffani S. LaNeave April 14, 2006 0

Beautifully done Michael! #2643239

Ronda Chatelle level-classic June 21, 2007 0

Found amongst the "Editors First Picks"! Excellent shot Michael with perfectly applied effects! Great job! #4418324

Howard A. Wimpee June 21, 2007 0

She can be a devil,why not! Love everything about this shot! #4421078

Linda D. Lester level-classic July 25, 2007 0

What a beauty...congratulations! #4551320

RC Fritz July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations! Great Finalist!! #4553780

Les Rhoades level-classic July 25, 2007 0

WOW! 3 finalist on one page!
Congratulations on your Finalist!

Good Luck in the next round. #4553886

Laurence Saliba level-classic July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on this outstanding finalist Michael!!! #4555248

Chris Budny level-deluxe July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations, Michael! #4555327

Howard A. Wimpee July 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on all your finalist, Outstanding photography!!! #4556239

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your beautiful finalist. Good luck in the next round. #4559216

Laurence Saliba level-classic July 26, 2007 0

A very BIG Congrats Michael!!! #4563056

Heather July 26, 2007 0

Congrats!! #4563068

Chris Budny level-deluxe July 26, 2007 0

The devil may wear blue, but she loves gold! ;) Congratulations! #4563173

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic July 26, 2007 0

Congratulations on your second place winner. #4564515

RC Fritz July 27, 2007 0

Congratulations Michael!! #4565086

Colette M. Metcalf July 27, 2007 0

Congratulations!! #4565530

Evy Johansen level-classic July 27, 2007 0

Big congratulations on your wonderful 2nd place win, Michael!! #4565702

Les Rhoades level-classic July 27, 2007 0

I wanted to stop in and personally offer my Congratulations on your BP win!

It’s a wonderful image.


Janine Russell level-classic August 08, 2007 0

Michael, big congratulations on your Second Place Winner! #4616735

Gunther Allen August 23, 2007 0

Sorry I missed this one Michael - Conrgrats on you second place win. I always enjoy seeing your work! #4685572

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