Expression of Love

© Brad Sharp

Expression of Love

Uploaded: February 16, 2007 03:33:41


Canon 5D,1/100s at f/10, ISO 100, Canon 24-70 mm lens
German Shepherd licks boy's face as sign of affection.

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Chastity Abbott February 16, 2007 0

Too adorable!!!!!!!!!!! #606207

Janine Russell level-classic February 16, 2007 0

Brad, cute capture; great clarity, detail, lighting and timing; that's one big tongue. #3952760

Sam Britt February 16, 2007 0

So cute! My German Shepherd loves give wet sloppy kisses, too. #3952763

Joannie Bertucci level-classic February 16, 2007 0

Brad, what incredible timing on your part! I mean perfect timing!
Best composition of this type I've ever seen! #3952863

Terri Beloit February 16, 2007 0

AWESOME, Brad! this is priceless...and you had perfect timing in capturing true love...I love it!! #3952886

Terry L. McKaig February 16, 2007 0

This made me chuckle!
Great capture!

Terry #3952959

Rossella ceglie February 16, 2007 0

perfect and fantastic shot.... #3953163

Christy Nichols February 16, 2007 0

Oh my! Great capture! #3955266

Brad Sharp February 16, 2007 0

Thanks for all the positive comments. This was taken in my studio, and so I was ready and waiting for this shot. I also have one with the boy returning the favor... #3955741

Resa V February 18, 2007 0

This made my day! So adorable! #3961595

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic March 23, 2007 0

Congratulations on your finalist. Good luck in the next round. #4083698

Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 23, 2007 0

A big smile from me, congratulations on your finalist win!! #4083813

Robin R. March 23, 2007 0

Great image. Brings a smile to one's face. #4084097

Colleen Braun March 23, 2007 0

adorable, congratulations... #4084926

Lee Ann Sahagun - Poling March 23, 2007 0

LOL! I've never seen anything funnier and more adorable! #4086819

Christy Nichols March 23, 2007 0

Congratulations on your finalist, Brad!! #4087708

Sam Britt March 23, 2007 0

Congratulations on this terrific finalist, Brad. #4089593

Brad Sharp March 24, 2007 0

Thanks everyone for your compliments. #4090685

Ronald F. Fischer March 24, 2007 0

Congratulations on this awesome finalist! #4092375

RC Fritz March 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on your WINNER, Brad. Great job! #4093695

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic March 25, 2007 0

Congratulations on your second place winner. #4094200

Janine Russell level-classic March 25, 2007 0

Brad, congratulations on your Second Place Win. #4094421

Joan Kocak March 25, 2007 0

just love this shot! CONGRATULATIONS! #4095472

Ronald Balthazor March 25, 2007 0

Great fun. Congratulations, Brad. #4096160

Sherrye Nozaki March 25, 2007 0

"Priceless" as Terri says is absolutely right! This photo will put a smile on my face all day. Wonderful:)

Congratulations! #4096342

Suzanne Colson March 26, 2007 0

This is absolutely pricesless as some have said. Congrats on your 2nd place winner!! #4097020

Susan M. Hembree March 26, 2007 0

This gave me a good, hearty laugh! Great capture, Brad, and congratulations! #4097271

Colleen Farrell March 27, 2007 0

Great capture! Congratulations on your win! #4100336

Brad Sharp March 27, 2007 0

Again, thank you all for your kind comments. #4100461

April 04, 2007 0

I love this photo! I'm pretty crazy about dogs, and love Shepherds! The interaction between this little boy and dog is beyond words. Put a smile on my face! #4130543

Carol Teal April 12, 2007 0

Oh,I love this! I certainly got a chuckle too seeing that big tongue licking the boy's face! I don't have a shepherd right now, but all of my family love shepherds and I have had several of my own. I think it is great how the boy and dog love each other! Congrats on your win with this great capture! #4156669

Allison Gaulin April 18, 2007 0

I don't know how I missed this one, but wow- a one of a kind capture here! Love that HUGE tongue! (As long as it isn't licking MY face!!) #4180959

Brad Sharp April 18, 2007 0

Thanks for sharing, Trish, Carol, and Allison. Your comments and compliments are appreciated. #4182007

Lisa R. Buffington level-classic April 23, 2007 0

Congrats! This is just so cute. He didn't stand a chance of avoiding that tongue. Lisa #4200535

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