Jointly Traveling..
Uploaded: February 07, 2007 06:40:46
Comments are wellcome...
Michael S. Baker February 18, 2007 0
Agree with Anthony. The Silhouettes are excellent! Well composed too!Remi Trepanier February 20, 2007 0
Amazing!!! A winner for me!!! #3967709
Kay E. Mahoney
March 23, 2007
anonymous March 23, 2007 0
Awesome image Ali...congratulations on your finalist. #4089424
Kay E. Mahoney
March 25, 2007
randy dannheim March 25, 2007 0
Ali, this is just gorgouse. Congratulation on your 2nd place winner #4094180
Janine Russell
March 25, 2007
Kathleen K. Parker
March 25, 2007
anonymous March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations on you second place win Ali! WTG #4094964Michael S. Baker March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations, Ali...a well deserved win!AMALIA Veralli March 25, 2007 0
Great winning image!! Congratulations!! #4096108Patrick R. McMullen March 27, 2007 0
Great editing on it! It's simple and effective. Congratulations on it.
Lisa J. Boulden
March 29, 2007
Fawn M. Schutt March 29, 2007 0
That is so beautiful. Nice work! #4110111Melissa Wynn April 10, 2007 0
A beautiful image. All the elements work well together. Love the silhouettes. Nicely done! #4148759Kate Jackson June 16, 2007 0
WOW - I cannot imagine how good the first place winner must have been!Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 16, 2007 0
Such a beautiful and creative image, great light and colors. A big congrats on your win and photo of the day!~! #4401945
Laurence Saliba
June 16, 2007
Ken Ferguson June 16, 2007 0
It is truly an amazing image. You must be very proud. Well done! #4401995Bill Houghton June 16, 2007 0
Beautiful work. Congratulations. Bill #4402018
Janine Russell
June 16, 2007
Lynne Morris June 16, 2007 0
Congratulations on your POTD, this is a stunning image Ali. #4402171Joy Rector June 16, 2007 0
congrats on the POTD #4402257
Deborah Lewinson
June 16, 2007
JO ANN CLEVELAND June 16, 2007 0
Absolutely amazing capture! Definitely one of the best ever!jo ann c. #4402458
Sharon King June 16, 2007 0
Stunning! Congratulations! #4402511
Susan Feulner
June 16, 2007
RC Fritz June 16, 2007 0
Fantastic silhouettes. Great comp. Congratulations! #4402632
Lindley Johnson
June 16, 2007
Cindy K. Bracken June 16, 2007 0
Wow, Ali - what an amazing image. Congratulations on your win and the POTD!
Trudy L. Smuin
June 16, 2007
Colleen Farrell June 16, 2007 0
Stunning! Congratulations on your wind and POTD! #4402894Michael T. Morgan June 16, 2007 0
stunning...a great capture... #4403034Nancy Donnell June 16, 2007 0
Ali, this is just beautiful! Love the texture in the sand, the warm colors, and the way the palms and behind that, all softly fade out. Congratulations!! #4403236Helen N. McHugh June 16, 2007 0
Just stunning, Ali! Congratulations on this brilliant POTD! #4403255Patricia Ronan June 16, 2007 0
Great image! Congrats on your POTD:) #4403271Mary K. Robison June 16, 2007 0
Big Congratulations on this beautiful POTD! #4403626Rich Collins June 16, 2007 0
Ali I gotta tell you, this reminds me of the types of movie posters I recall seeing when I was just a lad for Disney. I remember thinking "Wow, this is really some terrific art". I still think that & your's is fantastic. Some PP work makes that moon look like it rests just over the next sand dune. Well done. Congrats on the POTD. Hope we see more. #4403638Lynne Hoad June 17, 2007 0
Congrats on this stunning, gorgeous image Ali!!! #4403921Mary Clarke June 17, 2007 0
Congratulations on POTD Ali, fantastic image! #4406325Rich Collins June 17, 2007 0
Hi Catherine. Not sure but the movie poster look may be a photo transformed in a Graphics software, maybe Illustator, Ali can let us all know.
There is so rarely any real discussion about the photos, techniques, even the location used, one can't tell the "real" from the "false." I have long loved TrekEarth for it's wonderful critique and commments section, where people can actually learn about photos and how they are made.
In contrast, on this website, with no information given about this particular "camels" picture (I hesitate to call it a "photo") I am at a loss as to what I am supposed to be learning here. What are we doing, except patting each other on the back? It doesn't make any sense.
The pictures, lovely though they may be, so often seem to take on the look of graphic illustration or catalog cover photo shots that I have seen elsewhere. Where does one end and another begin, and how does this fit into the "photography" category? What is the criteria used in choosing the POTD?
Why isn't some kind of description required of a photo that becomes a "winner?" What good does it do to the rest of us if it's just another pretty picture?
Very frustrating for an amateur who wants to learn photo techniques, like me.
But I do want to thank the people who have responded to my questions, as they have been very informative. I greatly appreciate and do thank you for your time. I hope there is something that as a newcomer I am "missing." I would like to find out what that is. Thanks in advance... Sincerely, CT #4418482
from Kaveh N.
on 6/19/2007 5:50:55 PM this looks like a photo with illustration on it. The two camels in the back are absolutely identical. I wish the photographer would elaborate on this photo >>
On closer inspection, it looks like all three camels are identical, with one being a bit smaller. The shadows look like they have been added with another graphic program I came upon recently.
Why are there no footprints for the camels or the man holding the reins? The sand is in perfect waves, with no trace of moment upon it.
Nothing about this picture looks "real," yet it has been awarded TWO PRIZES.
I do not understand what all this means.
Could we PLEASE get a bit more info from someone, the photographer or the people who awarded the prize? #4418486
I found another similar sunset photo at
To Better Photo, what is the criteria for a "photo" here? I realize the lines may be blurring quite a bit, but some information would be appreciated. Thanks. #4418494
Lynne Hoad June 21, 2007 0
Catherine, you've brought up exactly what I have thought many times. Being an amateaur myself I found it frustrating when people would'nt answer any questions about how to do things. There are a lot of people on this site who are great and really helpful, glad to give advice but there are some who just plain ignore your request for info unfortunately. I think any photos that have been edited any more than just a slight crop, lightness and color saturation adjustment should go only in the digital darkroom category. Otherwise it seems to me that it's just not fair on other members who submit 'true photos' and not 'photo art.' This is what I have done with images that I have merged together. And to Ali, this is still an awesome image even if it is technically classed as photo art. #4418540Thanks so much for responding. I was very nervous bringing this up, but with other people mentioning the "movie poster" aspect and the replicated camels, I just had to. When there were no footprints in the sand, I really have to wonder who is giving out the "awards" and what exactly are they worth?
Thanks again. Write me anytime. #4418636
Rich Collins June 21, 2007 0
Catherine I am beginning to think you're point is the most valid point her. This is a photo learning site. So a graphics artist can win without even using a photograph? Hmmm. Suspect indeed as to the staff awarding POTD's & the like. It even caught me at first but I don't know that I've had awarded any prize. It still looks like a movie poster; art.And the fact that the OP or a moderator will not respond is strange.
Good call Catherine. Patting each other on the back makes for a nice warm fuzzy community, but how is one supposed to learn? #4419626
Thank you as well. I can't tell you how nervous I was posting my comments, questions and concerns... I truly thought I would be "asked to leave" and that my membership would be revoked, or something like that, but so far no one has responded at all. Who knows what the 'morrow will bring. Thanks for mentioning the "movie poster" aspect, as that was what really struck me about the image as well, and with someone else (finally) asking a question, I found the courage to do the same.
I've seen pictures that I swear are almost exact duplicates of catalog cover shots (my gardening catalogs, to be exact) that are "winning" left and right, yet little if any response to requests for more info. Only one person ever did respond when I wrote with questions about the photo, and they said they had photographed the "tulips in Las Vegas" or somewhere like that. Wherever it was, I had never heard of tulips in a hot climate. is a wonderful site that is moderated, where one can "comment" or "critique" and has a "workshop" section where one can really learn from each other. I have gained so much just reading through the detailed comments section, which helps prepare me for my first manual camera.
I really appreciate the people who have responded to my posts here, and hope to see more. To them, I say "thanks again" for your comments, and that will keep me on this site for a little bit longer. I'm here to learn, and it's good when we can all do it together! Sharing is a wonderful thing. #4419866
I am glad to see that I have opened a GOOD can of worms here. Catherine, I found all your comments very refreshing and I had the same feeling of nervousness that you had when I first started writing my comment.
This was my first time ever commenting on a photo. I was somewhat angry that most people before me had given rave reviews of the photo and yet I could see that it was not truly a photograph. Along with a friend, I examined other photos on Mr. Seena's Gallery and I found similar “STYLEs” of work. I would like to challenge Mr. Seena and the judges who awarded this photo with POTD with the chance to analyze and review the photo and perhaps present a compelling argument for it. In general, they should re-assess the judging criteria.
Thanks for the tip on trekearth.
I was so nervous about saying anything, but it got to the point as to be ridiculous, especially for a site that proposes to be a "learning facility."
It's good to have met such sincerity where I thought there was none. Check out for sure; it's inspiring like no other. I'm going to stay here a bit longer to see if any moderator or the photographer, Ali Seena, ever responds, but I have canceled my subscription to the "photo of the day" as it was really useless. It was not much different than seeing a picture in the pages of an advertising magazine.
With no information given, no criteria for why one photo “won” over another, nothing but another image with congratulations, pats on the back, empty compliments and "rave reviews," what is the point of a daily photo “win?” It doesn't make anyone any money, it doesn't even necessarily generate any work, so what is the point of handing out an "award?" Surely there must be more to earning that award than this.
We in this culture are flooded with images! I need more than just another picture to look at. I have millions of photos to choose from already. I came here to LEARN.
I have no idea what is going on with this website, but perhaps people are on vacation? In any event, let me know if you all move somewhere else, as I would love to see more of each of your work, and one day I hope to post some of my own. It's great to have a real community of people to share with, and learn from and support as we all have so much to offer, from beginners to advance.
Thanks again for all the supportive comments, and I have to thank the first person who mentioned that the photo "looked like a movie poster." That is what got me going and gave me the courage to really ask some questions. Too bad there hasn't been a response, but perhaps later. Who knows.
Now it's to TrekEarth I go. Fantastic shots, and a real community has developed over there. Please feel free to keep in touch. I'll check back here as comments are made.
Your friend in photography, Catherine Todd, #4422191
JO ANN CLEVELAND July 04, 2007 0
Awesome image Ali! Congratulations on a very well deserved POTD AND GOLD medalion!And to those who are questioning this piece, I suggest you do so privately to Ali in the contact section. To my knowledge, there is nothing that says we can't use Photoshop, etc.? The judges are quite well aware of the rules wouldn't you think?
This is a 21 year old who is doing beautiful work and it appears you are being quite critical. Just my opinion ~
or you could contact BP or write in the discussion area.
Hope you all have a wonderful week, and wishing you all the best in your photography!
p.s. I am a "year old" new photographer too! So what do I know? lol #4471048
last time I checked, this was a site for better photography. not fake pictures and Illustrations that are made to look like a photograph. We should may be call this site “Better Photoshop”, but then it will not be fair to those photographers who work hard and genuinely shoot amazing photos and therefore are well deserving of their awards. I don't care how old this person is, I hate to be fooled into believing that this is a photograph. I would like the artist or one of the judges respond to any of the comments here or at least honestly explain the image. This is not a photograph. It is a FAKE picture, but a good illustration.
You are entitled to your praise and I am entitled to my criticism.
Gregory LaGrange
December 20, 2007
Gregory LaGrange
December 20, 2007
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