Along came a spider
Uploaded: February 06, 2007 13:23:12
Downtown Toronto, Canada
Ken Smith
February 06, 2007
Remi Trepanier February 06, 2007 0
Lynne Hoadmember since: 11/14/2005 Wow, very striking unique image here Remi!!
2/6/2007 5:30:04 AM
Remi Trepanier February 06, 2007 0
Thanks Ken and Lynne!!! It's the Charly game whit my picture!!! Where is the spider:)??? #3917548Ray Thoms February 06, 2007 0
Really very well done Remi!!! It took me a minute to find the spider as well! #3917566RD . February 06, 2007 0
Suberb image color and creativity. So cool and inspirational Remi! #3917617
Dominick M. Dimacale
February 06, 2007
Nadine A. Lewis February 06, 2007 0
OUTSTANDING to say the least, Remi!!! I LOVE THIS!!! <>< #3917811Mary Timman February 06, 2007 0
Wow...fantastic capture and colors! That spider really makes the shot! Beautiful architect. #3917906Remi Trepanier February 06, 2007 0
Thanks Mary, Nadine, Dominick, Richard and RRay!!! #3917930
Tamara K. Walker
February 06, 2007
Cyn Valentine February 06, 2007 0
WOnderful image Remi..very creative!! Great work! #3918032
Jeff Robinson
February 06, 2007
Sherri Gorman February 06, 2007 0
WOW, this is awesome!!! Excellent colors, lines and composition!!!! #3918174Gary Lange February 06, 2007 0
Very, very cool shot, Remi!! Awesome creativity here. Now maybe someone will do one with the itsy bitsy spider and a water fountain... #3918228David Phalen February 06, 2007 0
Awesome! Love the colors, lines and patterns and the spider is a special touch. #3918435Diana L. Ralph February 06, 2007 0
That is SO COOL, Remi!!!! Nice job. I love the perspective, coloring and of course the little (almost unnoticeable) spider - what a great addition to this image! #3918720John Connolly February 06, 2007 0
Great work here, Remi! I too, had to search to find the spider. #3918845
Kay E. Mahoney
February 06, 2007
Colette M. Metcalf February 06, 2007 0
Outstanding, Remi!! #3919051Patricia Ronan February 06, 2007 0
love the colours shapes and angles in this image Remi :) #3919260Carol Sawyer February 06, 2007 0
Wonderful image and great colors, Remi!! #3919435Remi Trepanier February 07, 2007 0
Thanks all for your kind comments:) #3919790
Evy Johansen
February 07, 2007
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna February 07, 2007 0
FANTASTIC!!!!! This is AWESOME!!!! #3920167Sam Britt February 07, 2007 0
Great perspective & color, Remi. I really had to look for that spider! #3920196
Nancy L. Green
February 07, 2007
Satvinder Bhamra February 07, 2007 0
Absolutely creative image Remi. #3920378
Su Sana E. P
February 07, 2007
Paula Dwyer February 07, 2007 0
Totally fantastic and creative image!!
Candice C. Calhoun
February 07, 2007
ccc #3921591
Sylvia Rossler February 07, 2007 0
Amazing composition Remi !!! The sense of movement in your picture is what I love the most in it !! #3923064Bill Wyatt February 07, 2007 0
Wooo this is terrific!! Love the pov and colors!! #3923367eileen bedford February 08, 2007 0
AWESOME Comp, colors and pov here. love the spider.... #3923436Steve M. Harrington February 08, 2007 0
Well done, Remi. You're producing some great graphic images.Remi Trepanier February 08, 2007 0
Thanks all for your kind comments:) #3923502David Pratt February 09, 2007 0
WOWOWOWOW! Very cool Remi! Awesome capture. Terrific work! #3929070Marta Azevedo February 09, 2007 0
teriific work. Great galllery #3929571Hendrik Storme February 10, 2007 0
Fantastic perspective and colors! Great shot, Remi! #3933235Milan Banik February 11, 2007 0
superb shot love this #3935748Karen Slagle February 11, 2007 0
Wow, Remi. This is such a cool shot and I love all the details, colors and pov. #3936014Remi Trepanier February 11, 2007 0
Thanks all for your nice comments:) #3936972Steve M. Harrington March 23, 2007 0
Way to go, Remi!Diana L. Ralph March 23, 2007 0
Congrats, Remi... well done. I loved this one the first time I saw it. #4084100David Phalen March 23, 2007 0
Congratulations!!! #4087348Nadine A. Lewis March 23, 2007 0
Another EXCELLENT finalist, Remi!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! <>< #4088168
Emile Abbott
March 23, 2007
Patricia Ronan March 23, 2007 0
Congratulations on your Finalist Remi:) #4089603Arlene Krassner March 24, 2007 0
Very nice Remi. Congratulations. #4089730Sam Britt March 24, 2007 0
Congratulations again, Remi! #4090039
Ken Smith
March 24, 2007
Susan Fox March 25, 2007 0
Congrats on your win Remi! Wonderfully done!! #4093567David Phalen March 25, 2007 0
Big congrats on a well deserved Winner!! #4093604Sam Britt March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations on this wonderful winner, Remi! #4093645Kenneth Mucke March 25, 2007 0
Outstanding winner Remi...WTG #4093686
Nikki McDonald
March 25, 2007
Dianna Hauf March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations on such a cool and wonderful piece, Remi!!!!!!!! #4093905
Kay E. Mahoney
March 25, 2007
Amy JACKSON March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations, Remi!! #4094094
Janine Russell
March 25, 2007
randy dannheim March 25, 2007 0
Remi, Congratulation on your 2nd place winner #4094233Colleen Farrell March 25, 2007 0
Simply sensational, Remi--congratulations on a terrific winner! #4094294Lynne Morris March 25, 2007 0
Awesome image Remi, congratulations on your 2nd place win. #4094629Sylvia Rossler March 25, 2007 0
Big congrats on your win Remi :O) #4094914Nadine A. Lewis March 25, 2007 0
CONGRATULATIONS on your win, Remi!!!! <>< #4094919
Ken Smith
March 25, 2007
Claudia Kuhn
March 25, 2007
Hendrik Storme March 25, 2007 0
Big congrats! Fantastic winner, Remi!!! #4095888Darryl Wilkinson March 25, 2007 0
Great eye and idea, Remi. Congratulations on your win! #4095966David Pratt March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations Remi! Well done! #4096011
Emile Abbott
March 25, 2007
Patricia Ronan March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations on your win Remi:) #4096302Anne D. Eigen March 26, 2007 0
Congratulations on this well-deserved win, Remi! #4096571Christy Nichols March 26, 2007 0
Congratulations on this awesome win, Remi!! #4096960Datha Y. Thompson March 26, 2007 0
Congratulations!!!! AWESOME WINNER Remi :0) #4097211Mary Timman March 26, 2007 0
Still love that spider on here..Really does make the shot great. Congratulations on a true winner. #4098320Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 26, 2007 0
So creative and cool, great perspective Remi!! Congratulations on your win!! #4099722Darren M. Alexander March 26, 2007 0
Congrats, Remi! Great image! :-) #4100069William88 March 26, 2007 0
Excellent ! big congratulations on your win!! #4100218Colette M. Metcalf March 27, 2007 0
Congratulations to you on your win, Remi!! #4101588Fawn M. Schutt March 29, 2007 0
That is amazing! Nice color and comp. Great work! #4109939Lisa Clark April 05, 2007 0
I just saw this today. It is sooo creative. Congratulations on a well deserved win. #4133925
Kathleen K. Parker
April 23, 2007
Alexis Yobbagy July 06, 2007 0
Gosh Remi, how did I miss this? WOW, totally amazing shot and what a deserved win!!! #4478860Renata Gusciora March 21, 2009 0
Awesome shot,Remi!Felicitationes!!!:-) #7312569Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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