Uploaded: February 02, 2007 19:43:53
Melissa G. Meiselman February 02, 2007 0
Susan, this is a stunning portrait of Jasper with fantastic selective focus!!!! #598706Susan Fox February 02, 2007 0
Thank you Melissa :-) #3904816Margie Hurwich February 02, 2007 0
Too cute! #3904818Susan Fox February 02, 2007 0
Thanks Margie! #3904878Marianne Andersson February 02, 2007 0
Great capture of a VERY cute dog! #3904948Joy Rector February 02, 2007 0
beautiful shot, gorgsous puppy #3905420Tonya R. Boles February 03, 2007 0
Wonderful shot. #3905544Susan Fox February 03, 2007 0
Thank you Marianne, Joy and Tonya!Jasper hates to have his photo taken so I have to move fast :-) #3905566
Datha Y. Thompson February 03, 2007 0
Perfect Portrait of Jasper!!! He is just Adorable.. Dont you just LOVE how they know when you are going for the camera!! lol My cats/puppy will run every time!!! :0) #3905885Cathy M. Gromball February 03, 2007 0
This is adorable, Susan! A wonderful portrait!Cathy :) #3906103
Kathy Radford February 03, 2007 0
Great capture Susan. I used to have a Maltese. They are such wonderful dogs and are really adorable and loving. Kathy in NH #3906487John Caruso February 03, 2007 0
Susan--I Love the work you did on this one. He's an adorable dog, and you used your focus very effectively. NIce job. #3906847
Dr Silly
February 03, 2007
Dominick M. Dimacale
February 03, 2007
Jenny Bosmans February 03, 2007 0
Awwww...he's so cute, Susan! Gorgeous portrait of Jasper! :) #3907461Susan Fox February 03, 2007 0
Thank you Datha, Cathy, John, Doc Silly, Dominick and Jenny! #3907667Chastity Abbott February 04, 2007 0
Oh my sweetness!!! I want one!!!!! (HUGE SMILES) Great work girl!!! #3910324Susan Fox February 04, 2007 0
Thank you Chastity! #3910799DAWN SANDERS February 07, 2007 0
This is a beautiful pic of an absolutely adorable pup! #3920017Susan Fox February 07, 2007 0
Thank you Dawn :-) #3921712Karolyn J. Seeley February 08, 2007 0
Love this! Great capture #3925301Susan Fox February 08, 2007 0
Thank you Karolyn! #3926723Sharon Day March 03, 2007 0
Jasper sure is a cutie, Susan!!! Pretty portrait work! #4016257Susan Fox March 03, 2007 0
Thanks so much Sharon :-) #4017984
Judy V. Kennamer
March 23, 2007
Cindy Bendush
March 23, 2007
Datha Y. Thompson March 23, 2007 0
WOWOWOWOWOW!!!! WTG Susan CONGRATULATIONS on all your WONDERFUL Finalists!!!!!! :0) #4084385Brian Lobdell March 23, 2007 0
Alright Susan! My hearty congratulations to you for this wonderful composition of Jasper! Beautiful lighting and detail - Wow! #4084611Cesar J. La Rosa March 23, 2007 0
Congratulations on this GREAT Finalist, Susan!!! Another beautiful portrait of Jasper!!! #4084636
Kay E. Mahoney
March 23, 2007
Jessica Jenney March 23, 2007 0
Congratulations, Susan on this wonderful finalist image! #4085701Paula Dwyer March 23, 2007 0
Congratulations!!! :) #4086053Susan Fox March 23, 2007 0
Thank you Judy, Cindy, Brian, Datha, Cesar, Kay, Jessica and Paula!!!!I am so very happy Jasper's photo made finalist!!! Thank you Judges!
He is going to be demanding a raise in his modeling fee for sure now ;-) #4086629
Katarina Mansson March 23, 2007 0
Very cute and very well shot! Congratulations on the finalist Susan! #4087130
Les Rhoades
March 23, 2007
Megan p March 23, 2007 0
Beautiful DoF here, WOW!! Congratulations Susan on all your Finalists!!! YGG!! LOL #4088501Susan Fox March 23, 2007 0
Thank you Katarina, Les and Megan :-) #4088559anonymous March 23, 2007 0
Susan, Congratulations to you and Jasper on your finalist!! #4089535Arlene Krassner March 24, 2007 0
Who couldn't love this face? Congratulations Susan. #4089716Kenneth Mucke March 24, 2007 0
Congrats once more Susan...wonderful finalist #4089779Susan Fox March 24, 2007 0
Thank you Barbara, Arlene and Kenneth! #4090272Margie Hurwich March 25, 2007 0
Congrats, Susan!!! #4093603Elizabeth J. Bernier March 25, 2007 0
Huge congrats on your second place win with this beautiful animal portrait Susan!!!What a little charmer! #4093605RC Fritz March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations on your WIN, Susan! #4093623
Janine Russell
March 25, 2007
Kenneth Mucke March 25, 2007 0
WTG Susan...Huge congrats on your winner #4093664
William C. Raco
March 25, 2007
Bill #4093678
Nikki McDonald
March 25, 2007
anonymous March 25, 2007 0
CONGRATULATIONS Susan on your well deserved win. #4093758Sharon Day March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations, Susan!!! Little Jasper won, just not the one you thought might :)! Cute photo! #4093763Linda Proctor March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations Susan!!! Well deserved win for you and Jasper !!! #4093773Jessica Jenney March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations, Jasper! Oops, I mean Susan! ;-D So glad to see this win!! #4093790
Kay E. Mahoney
March 25, 2007
Evy Johansen
March 25, 2007
Susan Fox March 25, 2007 0
Thank you all so much!Jasper says thank you too. He is now on strike and is refusing to model until his fees (treats) are increased. This win has gone right to his head and his ego is even bigger now!
Thanks Judges and everyone!!! #4094201
randy dannheim March 25, 2007 0
Susan, Congratulation on your 2nd place winner #4094266Susie Peek-Swint March 25, 2007 0
Susan many congrats to you ~ and Jasper ~ great shot and use of selective focus :) #4094617
Dr Silly
March 25, 2007
Sylvia Rossler March 25, 2007 0
Big congrats on your superb winner Susan :O) #4094899Wally Orlowsky March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations on this sweet winner, Susan! #4094976Robert Baer March 25, 2007 0
susanSusan Fox March 25, 2007 0
Thank you everyone :-) #4095779Jill Flynn March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations on your beautiful portrait and win Susan! It brings a smile to my face! #4095902Don Chen March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations!! Great winner! #4096035Laura Clay-Ballard March 25, 2007 0
congratulations on your cutie pie winning image! #4096043Barbara Helgason March 25, 2007 0
Congratulations Susan!! #4096389Kara L. Hendricks March 26, 2007 0
2 MONTHS IN A ROW?Kelly A. Gooch March 26, 2007 0
Congrats Susan love this image, beautiful! #4096718Susan Fox March 26, 2007 0
Thank you Jill, Don, Laura, Barbara, Kara and Kelly :-) #4096731Datha Y. Thompson March 26, 2007 0
CONGRATULATIONS SUSAN!!!!! WoooHoooo!!!! Beautiful work as always :0) #4096797Christy Nichols March 26, 2007 0
Congratulations on this adorable win, Susan!! #4096954Susana Ms Heide March 26, 2007 0
Oh how cute! Many CONGRATULATIONS Susan on your WINNING image!!! #4097286Milan Banik March 26, 2007 0
Congratulations SUSAN #4097874Pam Y. Teague March 26, 2007 0
Congratulations Susan! This one was a winner. #4097966Colleen Farrell March 26, 2007 0
Congratulations on your well-deserved win, Susan! I think all your portraits of Jasper deserve gold! #4098788Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 26, 2007 0
A very cute winning image Susan, congratulations! #4099820Megan p March 26, 2007 0
AWESOME!! Congratulations!!! #4100197Robin R. March 27, 2007 0
Wonderful portrait. Congrats #4103693Susan Fox March 27, 2007 0
Thank you all for the kind comments :-) #4103835Terrill Province April 10, 2007 0
Captivating puppy portrait! Big Congratulations on this beautiful image ~ very well deserved. #4150415
Shelly A. Van Camp
April 14, 2007
Jagadeesh Andrew Owens April 18, 2007 0
I just saw this! A VERY belated congratulations to you and Jasper! #4182691Susan Fox April 18, 2007 0
Thanks Shelly and Andrew :-) #4183686Susan Fox April 19, 2007 0
Oops! Forgot to thank you Terrill :-) Thanks! #4184030
Shelly A. Van Camp
April 23, 2007
Philippe Vieux-Jeanton December 06, 2007 0
Winner, finalist, POTD. Congrats, your dog is more lucky than my dog! :))))))) #5176634
Mitch Spence
April 06, 2008
Sarah Baker April 08, 2008 0
I love this picture! Jasper looks so cute and innocent! #5759375Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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