The Red Baron? 'AGE'
Uploaded: February 19, 2003 21:29:17
My son is crazy about flying airplanes, so he dressed up for me to do this photo shoot(A name change for Murry) Shot with a Canon EOS 1v and a Canon 28-80mm lens
Murry Grigsby February 19, 2003 0
Neat photo, Stephanie. Can snoopy and the Red Baron be far away? #23351Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
LOL, great idea!! :O) I do have more plans for this costume, so stay tuned!Thanks for the comment, have a nice day Murray. #56253
Joy Brown May 27, 2019 0
Great shot, Stephanie! #56260Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
Thanks sooo very much, Joy! I appreciate it :O) #56261Kathleen Clemons May 27, 2019 0
Love it, Stephanie! #56357Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
:O) Thanks, Kathleen! I am glad. #56404Murry Grigsby May 27, 2019 0
Congrats, Stephanie!! I knew this one would make it. #62448Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
:O) Thanks so much for the support, Murry. It means a lot! #62508Damian P. Gadal May 27, 2019 0
Wonderful - I missed this one too the first time around...Congrats! #62520
Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
Hi Damian! Thanks so much! #62524Dolores Neilson May 27, 2019 0
I think this is terrific, Steph! So cute, your son is! Congrats! #62701Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
Hi Dolores, and thanks so much. He is a very serious little guy and takes his modeling very seriously as well LOL Glad you like it! #62777Gene Gitman May 27, 2019 0
Stephanie, you are on fire... Great shot. #63041Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
What a great compliment! Thanks so very much, Gene :O) #63139Monika Sapek May 27, 2019 0
Wonderful photo, Stephanie! Many congratulations!Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
Wow Monika, thanks so much! You do such lovely portraits of your own children, I truly appreciate the coment on mine! #63498Cathy M. Gromball May 27, 2019 0
Congratulations on your Second Place win, Stephanie! Wonderful, and comical portrait! He's so cute!Cathy :) #64277
Evy Johansen
May 27, 2019
clifton Mair May 27, 2019 0
Congrats Stephanie! Your photography is flying as well :) #64312Kathleen Clemons May 27, 2019 0
Congratulations, Stephanie!!!! #64345
Carolyn M. Fletcher
May 27, 2019
Jeff Galbraith May 27, 2019 0
Congratulations Stephanie,Murry Grigsby May 27, 2019 0
Congrats, Shephanie, on this wonderful photo. #64503
Guy D. Biechele
May 27, 2019
Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
Oh my goodness!! Thank you all so much. How wonderful and I truly thank you all for the congrats! What an honor!! Thank you!Stephanie #64594
Ellen Peach
May 27, 2019
Shelley Sanders May 27, 2019 0
So cute, congrats on your win Stephanie! #64658Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
Thank you both very, very much :O) It was fun to do. Have a great weekend. #64671Damian P. Gadal May 27, 2019 0
Congrats Again Stephanie!Great work! #64676
Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
Thank you so much, Damian! I truley appreciate it. #64683Kerry Drager May 27, 2019 0
Terrific subject, terrific photo ... congrats, Stephanie! Kerry #64722Jean-Francois Schmutz May 27, 2019 0
A big bravo for this funny picture and your win, Stephanie !JF #64748
Piper Lehman May 27, 2019 0
Congrats, Steph! What a cute shot. Is this one of our future fighter pilots? My son went through the same 'phase'. I was so relieved when he 'grew out of it'. Kind of scary, though, now, at 17, he wants Paul and I to sign that form that gives him permission to join the military early. HELP! We told him he could wait until AFTER he graduates from college!ANyway, really great shot. Well deserved win. #64814
Peggy Wolff May 27, 2019 0
Congrats Stephanie, I was thrilled when I saw that this won! I love the shot! #64858Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
Kerry, what an honor to recieve a congrats from you! Thank you so much!!JF, I truly appreciate it! Congrats to you again as well!
Piper, this is the one. He is in love with the air force! He has always had a fascination with flying and when he was real little would 'fly' everywhere like a bird. Then he realized about planes and wanted to fly the space shuttle and take me to Jupiter LOL Now, we just took a day trip to March air feild museum where he got special treatment by the workers because he is so cute in his pilot hat and goggles (yes, he wore them LOL)and he followed the pilots in army greens all around the museum. So now he wants to be in the air force LOL
Good luck with your son. It is a scary realization when they are old enough to make their own choices. I have a wase to go yet :O) Thanks! #64859
Piper Lehman May 27, 2019 0
Steph, when he gets older (a LOT older - Ha) his dad should take him to one of the flight simulator deals. Paul took Nick a few years ago to one in Fort Worth. Everything is real except the jet, of course. But it "feels" real since you're looking at a screen and the 'jet' you sit in moves around like a real one. THey make you go through "basic training" and learn how to do an emergency jump. It's run by former pilots who talk to the 'students' just as they would in the real thing. It's a trip. I have a picture somewhere around here of Nick in the whole getup, hanging from a parachute thing. I'll have to look for it. I'm sure your hubby would love it too. Paul sure did. #64880Joy Brown May 27, 2019 0
Congratulations, Stephanie, on winning with this awesome photo! #64882Piper Lehman May 27, 2019 0
Steph, I sent you a link via email, but here's the link for anyone else who might be interested. #64884Dolores Neilson May 27, 2019 0
I'm so happy for you and your miniature Red Baron here! Many congratulations to you for this terrific win! #64891Bernard B. Travers May 27, 2019 0
Congratulations, Stephanie. #64913Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
Margaret, I am sorry I missed thanking you before, I didn't see the post until just now! So sorry, but many many thanks to you and your support! I really do appreciate it :O)Piper, thanks! I bet they would like it. We are going to open cockpit day next month and will look forward to what you just told us about!
Joy, thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Dolores, you are wonderful for supporting me :O) I always love to read your kind words to everyone.
Bernard, thanks a lot!!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!! Thanks again soooo much! #65016
Gary H. Minish
May 27, 2019
Gene Gitman May 27, 2019 0
I knew when I saw this photo that it was a winner. Congrats, I cant wait to see more of your work! #65694Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
Gary, thank you very, very much. I am glad you like it :O)Gene, thank you for your support! I appreciate it very much!
You both have a great day! #65721
Many Feathers May 27, 2019 0
Hello Stephanie!Wonderful to see you up there in the winners again.... and with a GREAT shot!
April's coming up pretty soon. Holland, right? You are getting better and better all the time :-)
MF #66660
Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
Hi MF! It is always so good to hear from you, and thank you too. I appreciate it!Yep, Holland is just around the corner :O) I have mixed feelings of excitment and nervousness LOL More excited than anything.
Keep in touch! Thanks again.
Stephanie #66727
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