where is it?
Uploaded: February 06, 2003 13:11:31
picture taken in Sydney Darling Harbour
Jimmy Wen February 06, 2003 0
apologize for the wrong typping. the title should be 'where is it'. #21492Murry Grigsby May 27, 2019 0
Jimmy, I would have named it "surfs Up". The shadow looks like a surfer holding his board upright. Nice colors and composition. #49719Jimmy Wen May 27, 2019 0
very good suggestion Murry, thankyou for the commemt. #49722
Mette Vendelboe Allison
May 27, 2019
Damian P. Gadal May 27, 2019 0
Good work jimmy! #49794Bernard B. Travers May 27, 2019 0
Another of your typically mystifying photographs. You are a true artist. #49797Patricia Marroquin May 27, 2019 0
Add my compliments to these. Very nice, Jimmy. And it really does look like a surfboard. :-) #49857
Gary H. Minish
May 27, 2019
Mette Vendelboe Allison
May 27, 2019
Bernard B. Travers May 27, 2019 0
Great job, Jimmy. Congrats. #62183Murry Grigsby May 27, 2019 0
Congrats again, Jimmy!! #62222Cathy M. Gromball May 27, 2019 0
Congratulations on your First Place win, Jimmy! Excellent shot!Cathy :) #64246
Carolyn M. Fletcher
May 27, 2019
Kathleen Clemons May 27, 2019 0
Congratulations, Jimmy!!! #64349Murry Grigsby May 27, 2019 0
Congrats again on a fine photo, Jimmy. #64477
Guy D. Biechele
May 27, 2019
Stephanie Adams May 27, 2019 0
Congrats Jimmy!! #64596Dolores Neilson May 27, 2019 0
Many congratulations, Jimmy!! #64653Kerry Drager May 27, 2019 0
A wonderful shot, Jimmy ... and a big congrats on your first-place finish! Kerry #64692Shelley Sanders May 27, 2019 0
Congrats on your win! You see the "unseen" that most of us miss! #64735Bernard B. Travers May 27, 2019 0
Congratulations, Jimmy. #64762
Gerda Grice
May 27, 2019
bob garas May 27, 2019 0
jimmey... a well deserved win. great job #65216Monika Sapek May 27, 2019 0
Many congratulations, Jimmy! Excellent photo!
Gary H. Minish
May 27, 2019
Philip Pankov September 25, 2005 0
Very nice colors and composition, great light!Regards,
Philip Pankov
Pictures of Ireland - Fine Art Photographs of Ireland
Jimmy Wen September 27, 2005 0
Thank-you for the comment Philip, it's a lucky snap, wasn't it? #1889280Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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