Chapel Door

© Jill Battaglia

Chapel Door

Uploaded: February 02, 2003 14:23:37


Polaroid Sx70 manipulation, not digital work.


Charles Goldstein February 02, 2003 0

Your work always attracts my eye. I admire your photos. How do you get the different frames around your photos, if you don't mind me asking? #21032

Sharon E. Lowe level-addict May 27, 2019 0

Jill - Another beauty! What a great door and the Polaroid manipulation is perfect! #48444

Murry Grigsby May 27, 2019 0

I agree, Jill, your work is always very creative. This one has a classic feel and that door really pops. Wonderful job. #48458

Roberta R. Hedman May 27, 2019 0

I don't know if I would pass through this door - chapel or not. You have done an excellent job. Bobbi #48468

ilana peled May 27, 2019 0

Hi Jill
It`s like a door to wonderland.
You expect any moment Alice and the rabbit will emerge through this door.
Wonderful! #48478

Cathy M. Gromball May 27, 2019 0

Wonderful shot, Jill! I love the composition, lighting, colors, detail and texture!

Cathy :) #48484

Jill Battaglia May 27, 2019 0

Thankyou! :-) Charles, to "frame" them I open a slightly larger new canvas and then drag my photo on top. Then I erase the edges a bit, add the text, and flatten. I use photoshop to do this. Quite easy really! I'm glad you like it. #48562

Kathleen Clemons May 27, 2019 0

Congratulations, Jill! Just wonderful! #61947

Sharon E. Lowe level-addict May 27, 2019 0

Jill - congrats and good luck!! #62210

Murry Grigsby May 27, 2019 0

Congrats, Jill!! #62216

Lem Metro May 27, 2019 0

I'm ignorant of the preocess used, Jill, but just love the results. congratulations on a well deserved finalist honor. #62708

Dolores Neilson May 27, 2019 0

Many congrats, Jill! Simply fantastic! #63019

Joannie Bertucci level-classic May 27, 2019 0

Well Jill, I always knew you were an award winner photographer!
We all miss your work on WebA, but like they say on to bigger and better things!
Congratulations Jill, you so deserve this!
Joannie Bertucci #64250

Cathy M. Gromball May 27, 2019 0

Congratulations on your Second Place win, Jill!

Cathy :) #64305

Cees F. De With May 27, 2019 0

Hi Jill, big hugs and congratulations on your second place. Great shot! Greetzz Cees #64322

Kathleen Clemons May 27, 2019 0

Congratulations, Jill!! #64344

Sharon E. Lowe level-addict May 27, 2019 0

Congrats Jill!!!! #64417

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic May 27, 2019 0

Congrats, Jill..We all are running out of words here at the bottom of the page. LOL #64424

Jill Battaglia May 27, 2019 0

Thankyou all so much!! :-) This has definitely made my day!! Joanie, so delighted to hear from you! It's been quite a while. I appreciate all of you taking the time to comment. :-) -Jill #64445

Judith G. Secco May 27, 2019 0

Wonderful effects Jill. Congratulations.
Judy #64446

Terry Gee May 27, 2019 0

Congrats Jill on your win with this great photo! #64469

Jeff Galbraith May 27, 2019 0

Congratulations Jill,
You sure have the knack for turning photos into fine art--wonderful work. #64480

Murry Grigsby May 27, 2019 0

Congrats, Jill!! #64509

Ellen Peach level-classic May 27, 2019 0

Excellent work, Jill...congratulations! #64631

Shelley Sanders May 27, 2019 0

I want to second Jeff G's comment, congrats on your win! #64668

Kerry Drager May 27, 2019 0

Wonderful, Jill ... and congrats! Kerry #64717

Jill Battaglia May 27, 2019 0

Thanks again! I greatly appreciate it! :-) #64737

Darren K. Fisher May 27, 2019 0

Lovely image Jill Congrats!!! #64793

Bernard B. Travers May 27, 2019 0

Congratulations, Jill. #64795

Gary H. Minish level-classic May 27, 2019 0

Great work, Jill! Congratulations on your 2nd place win! #65577

June Marie Sobrito May 27, 2019 0

COngratulations on this win...fabulous work! #66159

Edwin S. Loyola May 27, 2019 0

hi jill, congrats!!!!when I saw this pix...this is the one who will get the grand prize...anyway...congrats for making it to the 2nd prize award...its still the best for me....have a good day. #66366

Jill Battaglia May 27, 2019 0

Thanks Edwin, June, Gary, Bernard, and Darren! Your comments make me smile! :-) #66376

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