
© ilana peled


Uploaded: February 01, 2003 11:39:09


I don`t know how you call these colorful things that are going around with the wind`s force.


Joy Brown February 01, 2003 0

I'd call it beautiful, Ilana! Great image. #20910

Damian P. Gadal May 27, 2019 0

Beautiful work - nice and colourful! #48092

Lianne E. Cook May 27, 2019 0

utterly Delightful!!
they're whirligig's :o) #48093

Carol Engstrom level-classic May 27, 2019 0

Whatever they are, they make a beauiful and delightful picture! #48238

ilana peled May 27, 2019 0

Thanks to Joy, Damian, Lianne & Carol

But I still don`t know how it`s called.. #48391

Cathy M. Gromball May 27, 2019 0

Congratulations on your Second Place win, Ilana! Excellent shot!

Cathy :) #64290

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic May 27, 2019 0

Congrats, Ilana!! #64403

ilana peled May 27, 2019 0

Thanks Cathy & Carolyn,
At least now I know it`s called "weathercock". #64431

Bernard B. Travers May 27, 2019 0

Congratulations, Llana. #64787

Carol Engstrom level-classic May 27, 2019 0

Congratulations, Ilana!! #64791

Damian P. Gadal May 27, 2019 0

Congrats on this beautiful abstract Ilana!!! #64832

ilana peled May 27, 2019 0

Thanks Bernard, Carol and Damian. #65022

Gary H. Minish level-classic May 27, 2019 0

Congratulations on your win with this one, Ilana! #65551

ilana peled May 27, 2019 0

Thanks, Gary. #65703

Joan Bellinger May 27, 2019 0

Ilana, aren't those pinwheels, the plastic children's toys? #65847

ilana peled May 27, 2019 0

I suppose they are, Joan.
It`s colored plastic that whirles with the wind. #66027

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