Nature's Pearls

© Lorraine T. Lynch

Nature's Pearls

Uploaded: September 30, 2006 15:21:54


Jenny Bosmans October 26, 2006 0

BIG Congratulations on this beautiful Finalist, Lorraine! How come everyone missed this, I wonder! :) #546571

Lynne Morris October 26, 2006 0

YOu must have sneaked this one in without us noticing Lorraine, many congratulations on your finalist :) #3501653

Karen E. Michaels level-deluxe October 26, 2006 0

Well done Lorraine! Peace, karen #3501925

Melissa G. Meiselman October 26, 2006 0

Stunning finalist, Lorraine. Big congratulations!!! #3501936

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic October 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on your beautiful finalist. Good luck in the next round. #3502353

Tarun Bose October 26, 2006 0

Big congrats Lorraine for finalist. #3503238

Laura Clay-Ballard October 27, 2006 0

beautiful beauty berry shot! congrats! #3504309

Tamera S. Phillips October 27, 2006 0

Well deserved finalist Lorraine! Congrats. #3505112

Sam Britt October 27, 2006 0

Congratulations on this outstanding finalist, Lorraine! #3505445

Janine Russell level-classic October 27, 2006 0

Lorraine, very nice colors and detail; congratulations on your finalist. #3506107

Lorraine T. Lynch October 27, 2006 0

Thank you SO much everyone for your kinds words and congrats...I truly appreciate it! Good Luck to all the finalists! :) #3507542

Paula Dwyer October 27, 2006 0

Congratulations Lorraine!!! :) #3507735

Lorraine T. Lynch October 27, 2006 0

Thanks Paula! Love your Halloween shots in your gallery! #3507753

Evy Johansen level-classic October 27, 2006 0

Lorraine, Big congratulations on your beautiful finalist - and good luck! #3508035

Cathy M. Gromball October 27, 2006 0

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Lorraine!

Cathy :) #3508644

Donna W. Neal October 27, 2006 0

Congratulations on a well deserved finalist Lorraine #3508990

Lorraine T. Lynch October 28, 2006 0

Thanks! Evy, Cathy and Donna! #3514673

Colleen Farrell October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist. I love the color and composition, and I really love the natural quality, with one little "pearl" missing. :D #3515602

Cindy Hamilton October 29, 2006 0

This is simply gorgeous. Great focus and color! Congrats!!! #3515621

Evy Johansen level-classic October 29, 2006 0

Big congratulations on your beautiful win, Lorraine! #3516479

Lynne Morris October 29, 2006 0

COngratulations on this beautiful winner Lorraine! #3516533

Judyann Plante October 29, 2006 0

Gorgeous image, Lorraine! Congratulations on this fantastic win!!!

Judyann ><> #3516887

Rakesh Syal level-classic October 29, 2006 0

Lorraine! Congratulations on this fantastic win!!! #3517228

Murry Grigsby October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations on your lovely image and win Lorraine! #3517439

Paula Dwyer October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations Lorraine!!!! :) #3518005

Sharon King October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations Lorraine on this Beautiful winner!! #3518899

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations on your second place winner. #3518980

Tarun Bose October 29, 2006 0

Very very good congrats for your second place winner shot. Well done Lorraine. #3519387

Janine Russell level-classic October 29, 2006 0

Lorraine, congratulations on your Second Place Win! #3519707

Sam Britt October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations on your second place win, Lorraine! #3519911

Lorraine T. Lynch October 30, 2006 0

Thank you Better Photo Judges and thank you everyone for your kind comments, congrats and support! I truly appreciate it very much! #3521958

Barbara Bergeron October 30, 2006 0

Congrats on your Second Place win. Way to go Sis! #3522712

Lorraine T. Lynch October 30, 2006 0

THANKS Barb! #3524415

Cathy M. Gromball November 09, 2006 0

Congratulations on your Second Place win, Lorraine! Beautiful!

Cathy :) #3563638

Lorraine T. Lynch November 10, 2006 0

Thanks Cathy! #3567956

Septa Iskandar November 18, 2006 0

Simple but wonderful...!!! #3599778

Lorraine T. Lynch November 18, 2006 0

Thanks Septa! #3601909

Murry Grigsby November 27, 2006 0

Congrats on your beautiful floral image and win Lorraine!! #3637003

Lorraine T. Lynch November 28, 2006 0

Hi Murry! and thank you so much! Hope all is well with you and your family! Happy Holidays! #3641727

Patrick R. McMullen June 22, 2007 0

Beautiful and colorful! Congratulations on this one Lorraine!
Pat #4425082

Lorraine T. Lynch June 22, 2007 0

Thank you Patrick! :) #4425158

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