Brown Eyed Girl

© Jill Flynn

Brown Eyed Girl

Uploaded: September 26, 2006 06:49:26


Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic September 26, 2006 0

Terrific image Jill!!!
Fantastic composition!!!
Brilliant eyes!!!
WINNER!!! #529315

Tammy Scott September 26, 2006 0

Beautiful portrait and great effect #3362363

Suzanne Langston September 26, 2006 0

Great concept. This really stands out! #3362638

Sharon King September 26, 2006 0

I love this shot! Great effects and composition. #3362642

Shirley L. Carpenter September 26, 2006 0

Love this Jill!! Excellent composition!! #3363842

Timothy Guay September 26, 2006 0

Beautiful shot!
Timothy #3365564

Terry L. Ellis level-classic September 27, 2006 0

Very imaginative and creative work, Jill! So visually appealing and beautifully done! What wonderful brown eyes! #3366970

Graeme yew Chow September 27, 2006 0

Great portrait and like the special b/w image, Jill. #3370005

Terrill Province September 27, 2006 0

FANTASTIC! Original and striking ~ always compelling work. #3374629

Pamela Shane September 27, 2006 0

WOW!!!! I absolutely love this image Jill - fabulous work as always. LOVE
those eyes. Has to be a winner. :) #3374863

Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 28, 2006 0

Very beautiful markings and image Jill! #3377146

Bobbie Davis September 28, 2006 0

I love your animal shots! #3378473

Pat Gamwell September 29, 2006 0

You are such a master with this technique, Jill! This is nothing short of perfection! I do believe I'm in love with this adorable creature! #3382408

Mary Timman October 02, 2006 0

Very unique and stunning image. Those eyes are beautiful. #3395567

Sam Britt October 02, 2006 0

Great composition and effects. Beautiful brown eyes!
Sam #3395585

Larissa M. October 11, 2006 0

Just beautiful, Jill!! I love your gallery!

; )
~Lue... #3434651

Cathy Stancil October 11, 2006 0

Just beautiful, Jill !!! #3435899

Cliff & Patti Smith level-classic October 13, 2006 0

Great portrait and wonderful effects Jill! #3443996

Jim Kinnunen level-classic October 15, 2006 0

A wonderful portrait of this great looking dog (with great looking eyes) and of course...great lighting, Jill!!!! #3453529

William C. Raco level-classic October 21, 2006 0

This is such a wonderful photo, Jill
Outstanding light and composition
Beautiful work!

Bill #3480406

Sylvia Rossler October 26, 2006 0

Big congrats on you wonderful finalist Jill :o) #3501629

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic October 26, 2006 0

I am happy to be the first one to say it is a WINNER Jill!!!
Congratulations!!! #3501861

Karen Bacon October 26, 2006 0

Congratulations on this wonderful finalist Jill! #3502097

Mata Patan October 26, 2006 0

Without reading your name I knew it was yours!
Your style! #3502120

Kaye Burazin October 26, 2006 0

What a beauty for sure Jill. Congrats and good luck in the next round. #3502505

Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 26, 2006 0

Congratulations again Jill!!!!! This is just fabulous!!!

Beckie says 'AWE'!!!!! #3503215

Nobu Nagase October 27, 2006 0

Congratulations, Jill!!! #3503778

Sara Jensen October 27, 2006 0

Fantastic job. I love this. You really accentuated the markings with the high key.

Sara #3503892

Kenneth Mucke October 27, 2006 0

Awesome finlaist #3504001

Robert R. Goodman October 27, 2006 0

Congratulations Jill!!!!!! #3504289

Sam Britt October 27, 2006 0

Congratulations on your finalist, Jill! #3504358

Tonya R. Boles October 27, 2006 0

Congrats Jill. #3504388

Jim Kinnunen level-classic October 27, 2006 0

Awesome image, Jill....may it go very far!!!!:) #3505147

Graeme yew Chow October 27, 2006 0

Congratulation ! Jill. This is oustanding image. #3506327

Sharon King October 27, 2006 0

I'm so glad to see this one again! I think it's terrific! Congratulations JIll! #3507957

Donna W. Neal October 27, 2006 0

Excellent! Congratulations on a well deserved finalist Jill #3508596

Cathy M. Gromball October 27, 2006 0

Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Jill!

Cathy :) #3508839

Mick Burkey October 27, 2006 0

Congrats on the finals, Jill. Very cute image. #3509358

Rakesh Syal level-classic October 27, 2006 0

CONGRATULATIONS!! A stunning finalist!! I am so glad for you, Jill! #3510378

Deborah Sandidge October 27, 2006 0

Her eyes just shine, beautiful pooch Jill, congratulations! #3510398

Jill Odice level-classic October 28, 2006 0

What a wonderful shot Jill! Best of luck in the next round :-) #3511828

Jill Flynn October 28, 2006 0

Thank you so much everyone for taking the time to comment! #3512166

Lorraine A. Cook October 28, 2006 0

Congrats on this beautiful finalist, Jill! Good Luck in the next round, my friend#3512236

Terry R. Hatfield October 28, 2006 0

Hi Jill! No Mistaking Who Made This Image:-) Congrats To You And Good Luck in The Next Round Its Awesome! #3513717

Noel Baebler October 28, 2006 0

HUZZAH, Jill! #3514954

Sharon Day October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations, Jill!!! Good luck next round! #3516154

Darryl Wilkinson October 29, 2006 0

WTG, Jill!! Congratulations on another win! #3516434

Evy Johansen level-classic October 29, 2006 0

Wow.... Big congratulations on another awesome win, Jill!! #3516466

Laurence Saliba level-classic October 29, 2006 0

Big Congrats on your win Jill!!! #3516723

Sylvia Rossler October 29, 2006 0

Big congrats on another wonderful winner Jill :o) #3516726

Su Sana E. P level-classic October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations on this beautiful Win, Jill!! Double Winner!! Wow!! #3516865

Deb Holmes-Hatfield October 29, 2006 0

Another big congrats to you Jill, great work! #3517084

Vicki Hunt October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations!!! #3517185

Rakesh Syal level-classic October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations, Jill, on this well deserved win!


William C. Raco level-classic October 29, 2006 0

Wonderful photo, Jill!
Congratulations on the win

Bill #3517389

DiAnna F. Paulk October 29, 2006 0

I want to try this on my b&w cat! However, his eyes are greenish gold. Love it! Congratulations again, Jill! #3517455

Noel Baebler October 29, 2006 0

Ru-u-u-u-u-u-F!!! #3517921

Paula Dwyer October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations Jill!!!! :) #3517981

Crossroad Photography October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations on your wonderful winning image, Jill! #3518076

Deborah Sandidge October 29, 2006 0

Big congrats again, Jill - the effects you've given your image truly bring out his eyes! #3518176

Sam Britt October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations, Jill!! #3518226

Kaye Burazin October 29, 2006 0

WTG Jill and well deserved. Congrats! #3518241

Jim Kinnunen level-classic October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations again, Jill!!! This is a beautifully done portrait of a wonderful looking dog!!!:) #3518354

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations on your second place winner. #3518950

Emile Abbott level-classic October 29, 2006 0

Congratulation on a winner, Jill. #3519050

Lorraine A. Cook October 29, 2006 0

Congratulations on this stunning second place winner, Jill!<:)) #3519239

Laura Clay-Ballard October 29, 2006 0

wow! congrats! love it. #3519310

Karen Slagle October 29, 2006 0

And another huge congrats on this winner..... #3519371

Tammy Scott October 29, 2006 0

Another wonderful puppy shot - congratulations #3519530

Janine Russell level-classic October 29, 2006 0

Jill, congratulations on your Second Place Win! #3519663

Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 29, 2006 0

Right on Jill, this is a classic! I couldn't be happier for you!! Congratulations on your second place win!! #3519810

Graeme yew Chow October 29, 2006 0

Jill, big congrats on this second place win. Absolutely fantastic to see this again. Hope you get a nice trip to China. IT wll be pretty very cold especially in Beijing as the wind is strong. #3519848

Karen Bacon October 29, 2006 0

Bravo Jill!!Congratulations again! #3519891

Sharon Day October 30, 2006 0

BIG Congratulations again on your win, Jill!!! Great month!

Kristi A. Howson October 30, 2006 0

Beautiful capture and love your use of the negative/high key space. #3520643

Kristi A. Howson October 30, 2006 0

and of course.. Congratulations on this fantastic winner Jill!!! #3520649

Joannie Bertucci level-classic October 30, 2006 0

Jill, congratulations on your Brown Eyed Girl~ #3521067

Nobu Nagase October 31, 2006 0

Congratulations on this great winner, Jill! #3525597

Sherry Stricklin Boles level-classic October 31, 2006 0

Congratulations on your win, Jill...A wonderful image! #3525789

Cora Miller level-classic October 31, 2006 0

Congratulations again, Jill! Very effective processing work on this. Your pet portraits are always a work of art. #3525822

Terry L. Ellis level-classic November 02, 2006 0

Jill, congratulations on your second Second Place Win!! Stunning work! #3538265

Sherri Conley November 03, 2006 0

Jill, this portrait is absolutely amazing. Congratulations on this well deserved win! #3538595

Anne D. Eigen November 03, 2006 0

Absolutely awesome image, Jill! Congratulations on this well-deserved win!!! #3541622

Stanley J. Contrades November 03, 2006 0

Excellent outcome on your work and CONGRATULATIONS on your win, Jill!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #3542003

Pat Gamwell November 05, 2006 0

OUTSTANDING work, Jill! BIG CONGRATS! #3547203

Cathy M. Gromball November 08, 2006 0

Congratulations on your Second Place win, Jill! Wonderful!

Cathy :) #3562064

Gregory Allen Collins November 14, 2006 0

Really great image Jill! All of your animal photographs are excellent. #3583546

Laura N November 16, 2006 0

Congrats! I love this photo, and it reminds me of my dog who has a patch on his eye also :) #3592210

Nemil B. Chabebe November 22, 2006 0

Congratulations on this winner! it is great, love the way the image blends with the background and the tones are just awesome. Great gallery as well. #3613467

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic November 23, 2006 0

Wonderful picture and comgrats! #3617397

Joan Powell November 23, 2006 0

Wonderful shot and effect . #3619403

Murry Grigsby November 27, 2006 0

Congrats again on another fine win Jill!! #3636986

Emile Abbott level-classic November 30, 2006 0

Congrats, Jill on super 2nd place win. #3651337

Hurk (Steve) Hurkett February 09, 2007 0

Hi Jill ... now, this is one cute pup .. Congrats on your award ... steve #3927268

Kathy L. Clark April 21, 2011 0

so cool #9361537

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