Uploaded: September 12, 2006 09:34:57
Gail Vitikacs
September 12, 2006
Donna W. Neal September 12, 2006 0
Fantastic shot Kerry! #3298598
Sibylle Basel
September 12, 2006
Nina Shields September 12, 2006 0
Kerry, this is awesome; these guys can be tough to photograph due to their coloring; your lighting and detailing are superb; reminds me of a guy I dated in High School! :) #3299328Kerby Pfrangle September 12, 2006 0
Detail and clarity are outstanding. Beautiful shot Kerry. #3299400
Kay E. Mahoney
September 12, 2006
Janine Russell
September 13, 2006
Janine Russell
October 27, 2006
Donna W. Neal October 27, 2006 0
Congratulations on a well deserved finalist Kerry #3507878She-She Killough October 29, 2006 0
Kerry I see ANOTHER winner!! WTG GUY!!Jill Flynn October 29, 2006 0
Very emotive and beautiful Kerry. Congratulations on your win! #3518448Milan Banik October 29, 2006 0
Congratulations on this expressive winning work. #3518505
Kay E. Mahoney
October 29, 2006
Linda D. Lester
October 29, 2006
Janine Russell
October 29, 2006
Cathy M. Gromball November 01, 2006 0
Congratulations on your Second Place win, Kerry! Wonderful photo!Cathy :) #3533487
Rosemary Buffoni November 07, 2006 0
This image is awesome. I have been browsing your gallery and love your work!Ariel Lepor November 13, 2006 0
lol #3582059
Lisa J. Boulden
January 11, 2008
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