Walking in the rain
Uploaded: September 07, 2006 17:59:40
Through the windshield of my car.
1/250 f:7.1 with 28-105 mm Canon
Exif: FNumber: 7.1, ExposureBiasValue: 0/1, ExposureTime: 0.004, Flash: flash did not fire, ISO: 400, WhiteBalance: manual white balance
Jeff Robinson
September 07, 2006
Amy JACKSON September 07, 2006 0
Wonderful image, Mario!! Great capture!! #3279826Suzanne M. Wagner September 07, 2006 0
I LOVE it!!!! Different #3279866Mário Ferreira September 07, 2006 0
Tks Jeff, Amy, Suzanne #3279898
Terry L. Ellis
September 07, 2006
Robin R. September 07, 2006 0
Cool image. #3279915Cristi Bastian September 07, 2006 0
Mario, I absolutely LOVE this! I think this belongs in the WINNER's circle for sure!! #3280112Mário Ferreira September 07, 2006 0
Tks Terry, Robin and Cristi.Tks Cristi to your support and incredibly strong comment!!! #3280152
Ronald Balthazor September 08, 2006 0
Excellent image, Mario. Great impact. #3281300Barbara Waldoch September 08, 2006 0
Beautiful effects, Mario! #3281660Mário Ferreira September 08, 2006 0
Tks Ronald, Barbara #3281900Mário Ferreira September 08, 2006 0
Capturing the rain in multiple aspects is fascinating #3283557Lorri Shane September 11, 2006 0
Mari0--this is wonderful! I love the abstract feel to it with the "splashes" of color. Very well done! Lorri #3296414Mário Ferreira September 12, 2006 0
Tks Lorri #3298371Robert Baer September 25, 2006 0
Ilove this image. really nice job. justin baer #3358193Mário Ferreira October 18, 2006 0
Tks Justin #3466323Cheryl E. Molennor October 23, 2006 0
This is great Mario! #3488929Cheryl E. Molennor October 27, 2006 0
I knew I liked it for a reason! Congratulations Mario on this great abstract finalist! #3504446Mário Ferreira October 27, 2006 0
Tks Cheryl, good prevision your. #3507899Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 28, 2006 0
Clever image!! Congratulations!!! #3511213Mário Ferreira October 28, 2006 0
Tks Donna #3511292RC Fritz October 28, 2006 0
Excellent. Very creative. Congrats! #3511297
Janine Russell
October 28, 2006
Mário Ferreira October 28, 2006 0
Tks Janine #3513096She-She Killough October 29, 2006 0
SO Glad for you Mario! I LOVE this image! Congratulations on your 2nd place win!! Fantastic!! #3517593Michael S. Baker October 29, 2006 0
Beautiful capture, Mario. Big congrats on your win!!Milan Banik October 29, 2006 0
Congratulations #3518522
Kay E. Mahoney
October 29, 2006
Penny Steiner October 29, 2006 0
Love this capture. Congratulations on your win. #3519494
Janine Russell
October 29, 2006
Cheryl E. Molennor October 30, 2006 0
Big congratulations Mario! #3519943Michael McCook October 30, 2006 0
Great image Mario! Congratulations on a well deserved win. #3522330Mário Ferreira October 30, 2006 0
Tks She-She, Michael, Milan, Kay, Penny, Janine, Cheryl.Tks to all that have encouraged me.
Mick Burkey October 30, 2006 0
Very creative and imaginative POV, Mario. Big Congratulations on your win! #3523951RC Fritz October 31, 2006 0
Big congrats Mario!! #3524916
Cora Miller
October 31, 2006
Mário Ferreira October 31, 2006 0
Tks Mick, RC and Cora #3526236
Janine Russell
November 01, 2006
Sandy Driscoll
November 01, 2006
Michael Skelton . November 01, 2006 0
great shot , congradulations #3532691Mário Ferreira November 01, 2006 0
Tks Janine, Sandy and Mike for comments.Tks Janine for pointing the feature to me.
Realy i'm very happy about the featuring in PhotoFlash.
Tks all for your so lovely comments.
I will try hard next deserve your words; the wonderful comunity here is realy fantastic:
Tks Jim Miotke for this wonderful place to all us. #3533650
Cathy M. Gromball November 02, 2006 0
Congratulations on your Second Place win, Mário! Excellent work!Cathy :) #3537119
Mário Ferreira November 02, 2006 0
Tks Cathy #3537533Vicki Hunt November 04, 2006 0
Congrats on your win and Photo Flash! I really love this image! #3544815Mário Ferreira November 04, 2006 0
Tks Vicki.Arlene Krassner November 10, 2006 0
Mario this is a fabulous photo. This is what I enjoy viewing. #3567683Stan Kwasniowski November 15, 2006 0
Mario, excellent #3589841Cindy K. Bracken November 15, 2006 0
Wonderful POTD, Mario!Cindy K. Bracken November 15, 2006 0
Wonderful POTD, Mario!Darryl Wilkinson November 15, 2006 0
Beautiful abstract, winner and POTD, Mario. CONGRATULATIONS!!! #3589866Joy Rector November 15, 2006 0
congrats on the POTD #3589876Donna La Mattino Pagakis November 15, 2006 0
Congratulations on your potd and win!! Nice work! #3589902
Jim Peak
My Courses November 15, 2006
John Bair November 15, 2006 0
I was emailed this as the daily photo and was just stopped in my tracks when I saw this. This is beautiful. Very nice work! #3590058Mary Edwards November 15, 2006 0
Tremendous Mario! I could tell immediately it was taken in Eurpoe. It looks like an impressionistic painting! I can imagine it blown up on my living room wall. Good going! #3590100
Janine Russell
November 15, 2006
Sharrie Thomas November 15, 2006 0
Very cool!! Love it. #3590219RC Fritz November 15, 2006 0
Congratulations on your POTD! #3590284Mary N C. Taitt November 15, 2006 0
SUPER! Very artistic! Congreatulations on your two awards! I love this! Mary :-D #3590314Cesar J. La Rosa November 15, 2006 0
WONDERFUL abstract, Mario!!! Beautiful colors and excellent composition. Congratulations on this very well-deserved Winner and POTD. It was great to see this awesome photograph when I opened my email today. Parabens, Mário!!! #3590325Mary Clarke November 15, 2006 0
Congratulations on POTD Mario, great image #3590882Jenny D November 15, 2006 0
Congratulations on this AWESOME POTD!! #3591301
Su Sana E. P
November 16, 2006
Clare Wise de Wet November 16, 2006 0
What a wonderfully imaginative photograph. It really made me smile when I opened it to have a look this morning! Thank you. #3592171
Sherry Karr Adkins
November 16, 2006
Tori A. Woods November 16, 2006 0
from your car in the rain....what an awesome photograph Mario.......congrats on your win and potd........Tori #3593677Mário Ferreira November 20, 2006 0
Tks Arlene, Stan, Cindy, Darril, Joy, Donna, Jim , John, Mary, Janine, Sharry, RC, Mary N , Cesar, Mary C, JD, Susana, Clare,Sherry and Tori. #3607775Terrill Province November 21, 2006 0
Precisely why I love a rainy day! Great shot ~ CONGRATULATIONS on a well deserved win. #3611797Mário Ferreira November 21, 2006 0
Tks Terril #3611902Sarah J. Milburn November 23, 2006 0
What an interesting idea for a shot - and it works so well, really abstract and interesting - well done! #3617430Mário Ferreira December 16, 2006 0
Tks Sarah #3708890Lisa M. Rodriguez January 04, 2008 0
So Beautiful........... #5288787Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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