Spotted Pot
Uploaded: September 07, 2006 08:23:26
Early in the morning outside our door in Taromina, Sicily while traveling in Feb. I added a spotlight to showcase this lovely pot. Canon 17-85.
Jessica Jenney September 07, 2006 0
Beautiful image and lighting, Penny! I love the color and texture! #517780
Jeff Robinson
September 07, 2006
Penny Steiner September 07, 2006 0
Thank you Jessica and Jeff for your nice comments on this image. It was one of my favorites and the spot just made it jump.Paul C. Gazzanigo September 09, 2006 0
very nice, Penny. #3285682Penny Steiner September 09, 2006 0
Thanks, Paul...I just looked at your gallery and it is very impressive:)Penny Steiner October 27, 2006 0
Thank you for choosing this image for finalist status and I appreciate your nice comments. I will have to print it and put it in my collect:)Penny #3505564
Cliff & Patti Smith
October 27, 2006
Rakesh Syal
October 27, 2006
Nadya Johnson October 27, 2006 0
Penny, this is marvelous!! Congratulations on your OUTSTANDING finalist! #3509696
Mitch Spence
October 27, 2006
Penny Steiner October 27, 2006 0
Thanks Pat,Rakesh,Nadya and Mitch for your congrats and nice words and good wishes for the spotted pot. Let's hope it turns into a pot of GOLD:) #3510912Milan Banik October 28, 2006 0
awesome finalist,She-She Killough October 28, 2006 0
Wonderful Light Penny! COngrats!!! Beautiful! #3515362Penny Steiner October 29, 2006 0
She-She and Milan...Thanks for taking the time to review the finalist photos...and your nice comments about the spotted pot.
Penny #3516233
Evy Johansen
October 29, 2006
Rakesh Syal
October 29, 2006
She-She Killough October 29, 2006 0
Again No surprise here!! Well Deserving First place!! Congrats Penny!! #3517343Murry Grigsby October 29, 2006 0
Congratulations on your lovely image and win Penny! #3517373Donna W. Neal October 29, 2006 0
Congratulations on this amazing winner Penny! Love it! #3517516Terri L. Scribner October 29, 2006 0
A beautiful winning image, Penny!! Big congrats!! #3517541Crossroad Photography October 29, 2006 0
Congratulations on your beautiful winning image, Penny! #3518058Deborah Sandidge October 29, 2006 0
Very creative use of the spotlight, just completes this already outstanding image Penny! Congratulations! #3518073
Arnie Horwitz
October 29, 2006
Penny Steiner October 29, 2006 0
Thank you everyone for your congratulations...what a nice way to wake up in the morning. It was a lovely place to shoot this image and an honor to choosen in such an array of wonderful photographers. #3518181Jessica Jenney October 29, 2006 0
Congratulations, Penny! I'm so glad this gorgeous image is a winner! #3518205Milan Banik October 29, 2006 0
LOVE TO SEE IT HERE .Congratulations ...MY FAVOURIE. #3518215Penny Steiner October 29, 2006 0
Thanks Jessica and Milan, This has been a fun morning and hearing from everyone has been so nice. I want to thank you both for your nice comments.Melissa G. Meiselman October 29, 2006 0
Absolutely stunning work and a most deserving winner, Penny!!! #3518678
William C. Raco
October 29, 2006
Bill #3518722
Kay E. Mahoney
October 29, 2006
Janine Russell
October 29, 2006
Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 29, 2006 0
Congratulations on your first place win!! Outstanding work Penny! #3519716
Claudine Grove
October 30, 2006
RC Fritz October 30, 2006 0
A beautiful winning image. Congratulations! #3520802Penny Steiner October 30, 2006 0
What a day...thanks Melissa, Kay, Janine, Donna, Claudine, and RC for your nice words on my winning image.Penny #3520842
Frank M. Melchior October 30, 2006 0
That spot came in handy, well done, great texture. #3521190Donna R. Moratelli October 30, 2006 0
Congratulations; Penny! #3521630Reggie Santos October 30, 2006 0
Congratulations Penny on your 1st place win..awesome photo!best regards,
reggie #3522058
Ronald Balthazor October 30, 2006 0
Excellent work, Penny. Congratulations. #3522183Mick Burkey October 30, 2006 0
Beautiful work. Penny! Congratulations on winning First Place. #3523835Penny Steiner October 30, 2006 0
Bill and Ron...It is always nice to get a note from both you. I hope you are doing well and thanks for your congrats on this special image.Penny Steiner October 30, 2006 0
Frank, Donnarae, Reggie, and Mick,Thank you for all your well wishes on this special honor.
Penny #3524372
Mary Clarke October 31, 2006 0
Congratulations on First Place Penny, super image with wonderful lighting. #3524887William88 October 31, 2006 0
Congratulations on your first place win!! #3525218
Cora Miller
October 31, 2006
Penny Steiner October 31, 2006 0
Mary, Cora, and William-Thanks for your cheers!!!! #3529359
Colleen Farrell November 01, 2006 0
Brilliant! Congratulations on a well-deserved win! #3529865Cathy M. Gromball November 01, 2006 0
Congratulations on your First Place win, Penny! Wonderful work!Cathy :) #3533141
Stanley J. Contrades November 03, 2006 0
BIG CONGRATULATIONS on your First Place win, Penny!! Beautifully done and excellent work!!Penny Steiner November 03, 2006 0
Thanks so much, Cathy and Colleen on your nice words on this winning image:)Penny Steiner November 03, 2006 0
Hi Stan: It is good hearing from you:)Murry Grigsby November 27, 2006 0
Now aren't you glad you spotted this spotted pot? :0) Congratulations on your wonderful image and win Penny! I love the design, lighting and tone!! #3636864Penny Steiner November 27, 2006 0
Hi Murry...Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Thanks for your sincere words on this image. It is so nice to have some down time to look over all the winning images. #3637007
Danilo Piccioni March 09, 2007 0
I am very happy now that even the photograph is in the right spotlight as it deserves!Penny Steiner March 09, 2007 0
Thanks Danilo for your inspiration and your nice words.Penny #4038810
Milan Banik March 10, 2007 0
lovely shot to visit again #4040005Hurk (Steve) Hurkett April 06, 2007 0
What a terrific capture, Penny ... WOW ... Congrats on your 1st Place Winner .... steve #4135606Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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